
Lord of Mysteries : Shadow of Order

Lord of Mysteries Rawls Adrian, consumed by the enigmatic mist, found himself transported to March 1349 (three months before Klein Moretti's arrival). As a "lawyer," Rawls embarked on his extraordinary journey. "Those who steal a mere trinket shall face retribution, but those who plunder a nation shall earn themselves the title of marquis." .................................................................................. This is taken from another website and translated this does not belong to me I am only doing this out of hobby so don’t expect much Cover is made from Ai Raul's=Rolls Sephirah Castle=Origin Castle ke=Klein

LordofDreams1243 · Bücher und Literatur
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Adrian Law Firm, Rawls's Office, on the third floor.

Rawls lay on the couch, resting on his side with one foot propped up on the armrest. The courtroom scenes kept flashing through his mind. Despite maintaining a composed demeanor in front of Locke Grant, Rawls knew deep down that he had come dangerously close to losing today. If he hadn't already attained the rank of Sequence Nine as a "lawyer," he would have certainly faced defeat in today's case.

His original plan was to manipulate Raul Hendler's emotions through strategic words, just as he had explained to Locke. By inciting emotional turmoil, he could exploit the vulnerabilities of the opposing "lawyers" who were skilled at finding loopholes. This approach had proven successful in the cases he handled during the past two weeks.

Unfortunately, Rawls had just started making progress in manipulating Hendler's emotions. He needed just a few more words to achieve his goal when Burton Chester abruptly interrupted, preventing him from redirecting the focus of questioning. Now, he found himself compelled to interrogate his own client, Wood Johnson.

Neither his predecessor nor Rawls himself enjoyed interrogating their clients. After all, some clients could be rather challenging to handle. If they uttered a wrong sentence in court, it would jeopardize Rawls's position.

Furthermore, due to the legal regulations of the Kingdom of Loen, Rawls, as a barrister, was required to maintain an objective stance. He could only gather information through a solicitor and was not allowed direct contact with the client. Even if contact was necessary, it had to be supervised by a solicitor, allowing only a few minutes of communication before the hearing. This limited time was insufficient for Rawls to establish a meaningful connection with his client. Instead, he relied on "emotional guidance" techniques to sway the opposing party, a method for which his predecessor had gained much praise.

However, today was an exception, and Rawls had to question his client. Fortunately, Mr. Johnson proved to be "cunning" enough. Rawls understood that Johnson's appearance of honesty and kindness in court, victimized by an abusive master, was merely a façade.

The "lawyer" potion not only bestowed upon Rawls extraordinary skills in eloquence and persuasion but also had the ability to subtly distort or guide the target's thoughts. It made people feel at ease and inclined to believe him. Additionally, the potion granted Rawls a remarkable insight into human nature. Although not as mystical as the "spectator" ability, which allowed the user to uncover people's true thoughts, it still provided enough perception to detect emotional fluctuations and assess whether someone was lying based on their expressions.

The individuals serving on the jury were far from competent; they were a group of individuals with no financial acumen or critical thinking skills. Despite Wood Johnson's impressive acting abilities, they could easily deceive the jury but not Rawls himself after consuming the potion.

However, the near fiasco today was a result of Burton Chester's disruptive interruption during Rawls's emotional guidance.

Based on my observations, Burton Chester appeared to be an ordinary person. The reason he could interrupt my "guidance" was likely due to his extensive experience as a barrister. The legal profession has always demanded a wealth of experience, and given that Attorney Burton had practiced for over twenty years, it was reasonable to assume he possessed such expertise.

Rawls's cautiousness wasn't due to excessive suspicion but rather a reflection of the chaotic nature of the world. As a time traveler, Rawls sought to learn from the yet-to-arrive protagonist, Klein, and refrain from acting recklessly.

Yes, time travel was already a common occurrence in this day and age. Having read numerous time travel novels, Rawls swiftly accepted the reality of his journey. After all, in his previous life, he had enough to eat, and his family never went hungry. Travelling to another world might offer the opportunity for him to reach the pinnacle of his life.

However, as Rawls gradually assimilated his predecessor's memories and gained a preliminary understanding of the details of this new world, he immediately felt regret. He had entered the realm of "Lord of Mysteries," the renowned masterpiece of the talented author, Cuttlefish. Rawls had naturally read the novel and had even fantasized about consuming magical potions. As long as they didn't pertain to the forbidden "witch," "Abyss," or the sinister "devil" paths, Rawls was open to exploring the "Mother" and "Moon" paths. After all, he didn't want to venture too far. He understood the principle that the stronger one became, the more deranged they tended to be.

However, crossing into this particular world was never something Rawls had anticipated. In other worlds, travelers, especially those familiar with the plot, were considered extremely fortunate. It meant that the secrets of the entire world lay bare before them, waiting to be explored. But in this world, knowledge was akin to poison. The more hidden knowledge one possessed, the more perilous it became. The more one knew, the quicker their demise.

Even now, Rawls harbored a lingering fear. Upon discovering the intricacies and conspiracies of this world, his mind was bombarded with secrets that could easily drive him insane or transform him into a monstrous being. However, after a few days of apprehension, Rawls realized that nothing had befallen him. He understood that there must be something within him that shielded his innermost secrets.

After half a month of traversing, Rawls had yet to discover any extraordinary qualities within himself, so he pushed the thought aside. He was now walking barefoot without fear of stepping on thorns, free to do as he pleased. While no progress had been made in unraveling this mystery, he had managed to uncover some of his predecessor's secrets.

Rawls Adrian, currently 23 years old, had graduated from Tingen's Lincoln Law School. His father, Mason Adrian, had passed away two years ago due to a heart attack, leaving behind a substantial inheritance for his successor. This included deposits totaling seven thousand pounds, three Backlund properties, one Tingen property, a holiday villa in Dixi Bay, and Mason's lifelong endeavor—the Adrian Law Firm.

The predecessor had also worked diligently. Graduating with honors from Law School five years earlier, he swiftly rose to become a prominent barrister, winning numerous lawsuits and bringing acclaim to the firm.

However, these were merely the surface-level aspects of Rawls's predecessor. If not for the troubles inherited from his predecessor, Rawls would have joyfully taken over the "legacy" left behind. But due to these unresolved issues, he found himself compelled to continue his career as a lawyer.

The predecessor was no ordinary person; they were extraordinary, having consumed the Sequence Nine "lawyer" potion. This is why they were able to graduate from Law School five years ahead of schedule. Typically, it takes an average person seven years of study at Law School, followed by a year as a trainee lawyer, to successfully graduate. By using their connections and contributing a substantial amount of money to the Law Society through Mason, they managed to bypass these requirements.

However, the real challenge lies in the source of the potion.