
Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction

A world thats rushing towards a dark ending. An slave traveler that yearns for his freedom. A fire that will consume anyone who stays behind. Will he be able to break the chains that bound him and reach the peak or will he just die like a sheep waiting to be slaughter. Wach him rise from the bottom and tries to discover why he came here. To save the world or rush it to that dark ending. This is a story of a traveler _________________________________________ Notes-Welcome to all new readers. This story was first published in the Novels section and only recently I have moved it to the fanfic part, in case you are wondering why there are two stories with the same name, that is why. I want to say that I am not a professional and that English is not my mother tongue so I hope you can forgive me for any spelling mistakes.

TheWitnes · Bücher und Literatur
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352 Chs

Chapter 141: Gathering

Fors sighed as she adjusted the mask on her face.

'Goodbye my sleeping days...' she thought sadly as she put on her robe and raised the hood.

She looked out of the corner of her eye as Xio looked at her, she was with her arms crossed and her expression was serious.

Her friend was already wearing her own robe and her mouth mask around her neck.

She had a light layer of makeup on to make her look older than she was.

"Remember what Holmes said." Xio reminded and Fors nodded.

The man's words still rang loud in their heads.

"We will only go for the Stomach pouch of a Spirit Eater, next week we will use another channel to get the Deep Sea Marlin's blood." Xio continued and Fors could only sigh.

She was a little anxious for today, she was afraid that she would be discovered and hunted down as Holmes had told them.

Xio looked at the clock hanging on the wall and seeing the time, she turned to look at Fors.

"We have to go."

At her friend's words, Fors let out a shaky breath and drew a triangular emblem on her chest while making a quick prayer.

'Please give me your protection...'


Stepping into the familiar great room, the anxiety Fors felt rose several notches.

The fact that Mr. A was watching everything from his seat didn't help calm her down...

To calm down, she entered Cogitation, and after a few moments, her breathing and heart calmed down.

Opening her eyes and looking to her side, she saw Xio, she was calm and collected.

'The benefits of having trained as a Noble...'

Fors couldn't help feeling envious of her friend because of how easily she was able to control herself.

"Let's go to the blackboard..." the blonde whispered and Fors nodded slightly.

They both headed towards the multiple blackboards that were taped to the wall, next to each blackboard was a worker with their arms behind their backs.

They both walked to a random blackboard, grabbed a piece of chalk that was there and wrote their need in one of the free rows on Hermes.

Fors looked at the rest of the orders while Xio finished writing.

*Looking for the potion formula of Melee Scholar. [Room 15]

*Looking for the potion formula of Conspirator.

*Looking for the Black Hunting Spider's composite eye.

*Looking for the potion formula of Apprentice. [Room 9]

*Seeking information on members of the Abraham family. The reward depends on the information. [Room 5]


'Abraham? That is the family that suffers the curse of the Blood Moon, who is looking for them and why?'

She remember very well what the red-haired Adryan had told them regarding the curse and how this family suffered from it.

Also remembering the words of James Holmes made Fors come to a realization.

'Is the Abraham family being hunted? Why would someone do that? That makes no sense!'

'If only Adryan was still alive Xio could get more information from him...' she wailed internally.

In the newspaper a few weeks ago there was an article about an explosion and disappearance of a red-haired man named Adryan Kenway.

The photo of the man finished confirming that it was him...

'It's certain that the officials found him or provoked someone he shouldn't have. If it's because of his personality, it must be the latter...'

Also considering that they had not been arrested the second option was the most likely...

With that side cut off, only James Holmes remained, and if their interaction with him was any indicator...

Even if they spent all their money, they couldn't get anything from the madman!

And if she went to room 5 and asked?

'I don't want to die!' Fors thought scared as she unconsciously touched the stone on her bracelet.

She was also tempted to accept selling the Apprentice formula but her intuition warned her that it was a bad idea.

'I'm sure it's a trap to lure the clueless Apprentices and members of the Abraham family...'

She was sure that Xio thought the same, which is why she hadn't suggested selling the formula...


Finding a place to sit, Fors and Xio calmly waited for a worker to tell them that someone possessed what they were looking for.

She watched on the other side as a worker approached a person dressed in a robe and mask and whispered something to them.

The person got up and followed the worker, from the movement of their hips, Fors assumed that it was a woman.

'Lucky...' she thought enviously as she continued to wait for someone to approach them.


The worker opened the door to room number 3 and let the masked woman in.

She calmly entered and saw how in the simple room with only some sofas in front of a table there was a hooded man.

"The formula or the Black Hunting Spider's composite eye?" she asked serenely.

"Eye of the spider" the man answered shortly.

The woman nodded gently.

"How much?"

"2600 pounds" the man said seriously.

Beneath her mask, the woman frowned slightly.

"It's too much, lower it to 2000 pounds"

The man clicked his tongue with force and said annoyed.

"Are you crazy woman? Do you know how hard it is to kill that thing? 2.400 is the lowest I'll go"

"2.100" the woman said nonchalantly and the man grunted.

"You're crazy if you think I'll go that low! 2.200 pounds, last offer, take it or fuck off!"

The woman smiled under her mask and took from her tunic two thick bands of money that she tossed to the man who caught it with no problem.

"Bitch..." the man muttered annoyed and quickly began to count the money.

Confirming that it was complete, he put the money in one pocket and took out a medium-sized container from another, and threw it at the woman who caught it without problem.

"Take it and get out."

The woman ignored the order and opened the container, breaking the wall of spirituality around her.

The woman's reddish-orange eyes narrowed slightly.

After a few moments, she nodded and closing the container she reapplied the wall of spirituality.

"It's been a pleasure doing business with you~" the woman said gracefully and the man grunted.

"Fuck off!"

The woman smiled under her mask and left the room, leaving the grumpy man to himself.

She didn't return to her seat but went to the whiteboard and using an eraser she erased *Looking for the potion formula of Conspirator* and the * Looking for the Black Hunting Spider's composite eye*

With that done, she returned to her seat and waited for the meeting to end.

Fors looked at this a little curious.

Before she could think about how curious the woman was, a worker approached her.


The woman walked away from the place where the meeting was taking place and making sure she wasn't being followed she entered the sewers when she found an opportunity.

She had no problems moving through the sewers, after about 15 minutes she saw how in the distance there was a source of light.

Getting closer she saw how a red-haired man was leaning against the wall, next to him there was a ball of fire floating illuminating him.

The woman walked until she was a few steps away from him, she took off her mask and lowered her hood, showing her beautiful face to the man.

Then she gave a military salute with a serious face.

"Sir! The Black Hunting Spider's composite eye has been obtained"

Adryan smiled at that as he nodded.

"Good job soldier!" the redhead said satisfied as he pushed away from the wall.

The woman nodded in acceptance of her lord's praise.

"How much did it cost?"

"All sir!" the woman said seriously and Adryan just sighed internally.

'My pockets are dry and I still need the Sphinx's brain, the supplementary ingredients, and the complete formula...' He made a mental calculation and could only lament.

'I hope Dead Shot is loaded...'

'Considering that they traffic arms and people I'm sure they have a lot of money...'

Now he was much more determined for the attack on the weekend.

All the preparations were ready now, all that remained was to wait for tomorrow.

He nodded to the soldier in front of him.

"You can rest soldier!"

The woman nodded and took from her robes the container that she handed to Adryan.

Then she closed her eyes and dissolved into golden dust that floated up to Adryan's forearm…

Adjusting back to Soldier Bird's appearance, Adryan returned his attention to the container in his hands.

He opened it by breaking the wall of spirituality.

It was an eye whose sclera was deep purple, its iris was brilliant red, and the pupil was huge, ghostly white, and sharp.

The eye was very large, about the size of a tennis ball.

The eye still had the nerves that were pink and blood red, they were about 5 centimeters long.

Adryan felt the slight urge to bite into this eye like an apple, he could even feel that his mouth was getting a little dry...

He quickly closed the container with a loud *Clack* and let out a sigh.

"One down One to go..."