
Chapter 9: Stone Tower...?

Walking through the forest, I began testing to see if this was truly the world of Minecraft...and to my surprise, it was.

I could punch a tree without feeling pain or damaging my physical health and once the tree was punched enough, it would begin falling and once it hit the ground, it seemed to poof and explode into floating logs of wood the size of my fist.

[Do you wish to gain the Lumberjack Occupation?]

[You have gained the occupational skill, Enhanced Stamina(1)!]

As more time went on, I began to notice that this world reminded me much of a distant memory of Minecraft where I played a Modpack called RLCraft.

I also found that if I put more than one of these blocks into one of my hands, it would disappear and leave one block, and etched onto the block would be a golden number.

Right now I had a little over 32 Oak Logs in my left hand and once I used my right hand and pinched the stack of blocks in my left hand, I could pull out one of the 32 Oak Logs from the stack.

Then, I peeled one of the logs and watched as it magically transformed into four blocks of oak planks which I then placed in a 2x2 pattern on the ground.

I then watched as the four blocks began to glow before they suddenly launched towards each other and began merging into a single block.

Within a second, a crafting table the size of a fist was floating on the ground before me.

Grabbing the crafting table, I held it in my right hand and began wondering how to place said crafting table so I could use it.

Then it came to me, tossing the block in my hand in front of me, I watched as it started rapidly growing until its size was up to my waist.

I found that it was mainly based on intent, if I wanted to just throw the block onto the ground then it would just float on the ground, but if I wanted to actually use the block and place it, all I needed to do was think of doing it and do it, and the block would expand to its full size.

I then started using the crafting table to create a wooden axe, and from there I chopped down a few more trees and used some of the wood to make a Wooden Pickaxe.

I then chopped up the crafting table before grabbing everything and putting the blocks into my bag.

I have also started teaching Vurn the 'Rules' of this world and how some of the things worked.

I even managed to level up my Teacher occupation two times and my Teaching skill three times.

With everything in my bag I had Vurn follow me through the forest as we looked around for anything unusual.

I found a few small caves that barely breached the earth and ended with a small tunnel that had dead ends, I entered these small caves and mined some coal and raw iron and even got another new occupation.

[Do you wish to gain the Miner Occupation?]

[You have gained the occupational skill, Ore Sense(1)!]

[A/N: As I have said...MC will definitely be OP compared to others unless they have Legendary Classes which I will go into later when he reaches Tier 1]

I also got some cobblestone and made a Furnace.

Soon enough I made myself iron tools, giving me yet ANOTHER occupational class.

[Do you wish to gain the Blacksmith Occupation?]

[You have gained the occupational skill, Heat Resistance(1)!]

Storing everything into my bag, I continued to travel with Vurn through the forest.

We eventually reached a clearing where we froze at the sight of a large structure that pierced into the sky.

It was a massive stone tower!

"Vurn...wait here, I will...scout out the first floor of the tower, I need you to get ready to run if the tower is dangerous, can you do that for me?" I asked Vurn.

Vurn nodded in return, understanding some of the words I spoke.

I should mention that I know two languages, English and Common.

Common is the language most people speak here in this world and I have been teaching Vurn both Common and English.

[A/N: Name suggestions for the world name?]

I have been teaching him English just in case I wanted to tell him something that I didn't want others to know about if they could hear our conversations.

Once I get him speaking broken English and Common I will start teaching him how to read and write English and Common.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at the Tower before me and grasped my steel sword which I bought from a Blacksmith for a silver coin.

[A/N: Note that the MC has been in this world for 16 years, he has forgotten much of his past life and won't remember much until he gets some kind of skill related to an intelligence-based class that could grant him a skill on Memory]