
Lord of Fire

It all happened so fast. One typical late evening while working late, Victor was met by a tragic accident. Expecting death, he was surprised to find himself in the body of a certain fire nation prince. While trying to find his feet he quickly gets caught up in a conflict that threatens to destroy not only his new life but his entire world. [A/N: Mind the grammar as english is not my first language. Also the mc is a bit stupid and naive at the beginning. He gets smarter as it goes on I promise.] [Disclaimer: I do not claim to ownership of any of the characters and plots and events parodied in the story. All the characters and all related information regarding the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra and any related works belong to their respected owners. This is simply a parody of a great adventurer on a different take. All the rights of the original plots and characters and any elements related to such media belong to their respective owners.]

thesaiyanprince99 · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

27. The Mysterious Gift


"Stronger than the Avatar?" Victor asked with confusion. "Even if I somehow master firebending to an insane level I am pretty sure he can just match me! Infact he can probably far surpass me in the Avatar State. If I use lightning well than so can he!"

Try as he might he just could not think of a way in which he can get the upper hand against the Avatar unless he did the same thing that Azula did at the end of season 2. There is no human who can go toe-to-toe against the Avatar State. The level of power is simply too great. The Avatar had 10 000 years to master every bending ability to absolutely God level. Not to mention all the extra physical attributes he received just from the spirit, Raava, including the almost seemingly endless reserves of chi.

Looking back at it now, he wondered what Vumala was thinking to say to become stronger than the Avatar. Unless Victor himself had help from a spirit of a similar level of Raava, there was no way he could win face to face. The only possible way would possibly be a sneak attack but then again he was ordered not to kill Aang.

"You seem to have forgotten the exact words that Vumala said to you!" Paul defied. "You were given a special gift! Vumala must have given you something that enables you to overcome the sheer gap in strength between any individual bender and the Avatar."

"Well of course he mentioned a gift but a larger pool of chi doesn't really close the gap all that much now does it?" Victor asked.

"Did you actually check the actually limits of your chi?" David asked with a knowing look.

"Have you even tried thinking of digging deeper and deeper until you can't deep any longer!" Masuku added. "Think of your favorite anime. How do Goku and the rest of the Z-fighters keep on drawing more levels of power?"

"I have only been in this world for like a fortnight," Victor defended himself. "I have not exactly been pushed so far that I need to dig deeper."

"Well than how about now?" David asked. "The only reason we are here is because you are near death yet again. Isn't this the time when they start to dig deep and pull out more energy? When their lives are at an end."

Suddenly the reality of the situation hit Victor once again. He had forgotten that he was badly injured in the fight.

Seeing as Victor finally realized his predicament they were satisfied.

"Like the guy from Black Clover told Asta, it's time to breakthrough and push beyond your limits." Paul said.

"Don't you know his name?" David asked.

"Well I haven't watched Anime in quite some time except of course to keep up with DBS manga and One Piece." Victor answered.

"Anyway you get my point right," Paul made sure.

"Its time to go beyond and Plus Ultra!" Masuku added.

Victor smiled at the enouragement from his friends. He was now prepared to dig deeper. So he closed his eyes.

"Concentrate on the sound of my voice," David spoke. "You need to look deep within yourself. The amount of chi you have accesed now is comparable to a house pool compared to the ocean that awaits you. Feel it coursing through your whole body. Follow it down to your stomach, to it's origin. 

Feel all the frustrations that have come your way. All the shit you had to got through on earth. All the urges and desires you have been holding back. Fire is the element of power. The unstoppable will to accomplish your goals. The element of life. Feel the power of the sun bathing your body in it's mightyness. Feel the warmth worm it's way around your body.

Feel the seed of your power. Crack it open and bask in the magnificence of the gift you have been given!"


"Do you think he's dead?" Manori asked as she limbed over to look at the liveless blood covered body of Zuko.

Jet kneeled down and reached his hand to the neck of Zuko. With his fingers he felt the sickly weak pulse of blood that continued to weakly pump.

"Just barely alive it seems," he answered.

He proceeded to stand back up and holster the two sword like weapons on his back. They looked like dual swords but they weren't really build for cutting or slicing. Towards the end they had a sort of bend that looked almost like a hook. At the holsters they had sharp blades which were the ones that cut across the chest of Zuko.

"Do we live him to die or finish the job," the tallest of the bunch asked.

His name, Pipsqueak, was an irony to his enormous size and physique. He was by far the tallest, biggest and heaviest of the bunch.

"Well our fight obviously caused some ruckus so there is no doubt that there are earth kingdom forces coming this way now," Jet answered. "We need to disappear into the wilderness before they come."

"What about Tudi?" Manori referred to the young woman who was hit by the lightning and smoldering on the ground.

Without answering, Jet simply gave Pipsqueak a glance. Pipsqueak immediately headed for the body that was still smoking. He picked her up and threw her over the shoulder. He proceeded to turn back to Jet and nod. As if to say I can carry her back. Jet nodded back in understanding before turning back to the pair of unconscious bodies that lay a ways away.

"Who are they?" He asked.

"I am not really sure about the boy with the tattoos but the girl was kissing the Fire Nation Prince when I arrived." Manori answered.

"His girl huh?" Jet thought out loud. "No wonder he was straying away from her when he still fought us so valiantly."

He proceeded to turn his attention to the young Avatar that lay next to Katara. He examined the tattoos of the boy cautiously.

"Airbender tattoos," a voice suddenly said from beside him.

Jet looked up to see one of his crew standing and eyeying at Aang. His name was Karu, one of the lesser violent of the group. He was quite the intellectual and rarely travelled with the other fighters.

"I have seen those kind of tattoos in old scrolls," he continued. "There is no mistaking it. That boy is an Airbender and him being with the Prince of the Fire Nation can only mean one other thing. He is the Avat-!"

"Aaa!!" A screech like voice suddenly interrupted Karu. It was Manori who suddenly screamed like a banshee.

They all looked to the direction she was looking. Zuko was laying on the ground in his bloodied state when suddenly a black flame started oozing out of his body. The black flame was followed by red flames. Then green, white, orange flames. The different colourful flames suddenly surged in a brilliant aura. They twirled and shook every which way by the wind. Fluttering to the wind. Suddenly like a zombie, Zuko sat up. He scanned his surroundings while still surrounded by the brilliant aura. He noticed Jet standing right on top of Katara. A vicious scowl went across his face as he surged with hatred. He got up to one knee and than another. Up to one feet and than another until he finally stood tall.

Only than did he notice the brilliant aura surrounding him. He investigated his hands and arms. It was like he was on fire but he wasn't getting burned. Suddenly the many colours of the aura all morphed into one singular light white-ish blue colour.

He suddenly punched forth his right hand and the aura followed his arm and hands to fly out in the direction of Jet. It was so fast Jet barely had time to dodge but he still managed somehow.

Three of the freedom fighters charged at him at an insane speed with their own weapons. He didn't bother to block or dodge and instead raised his hands to the sky to create blue fire walls around himself. The three were quickly stopped in their tracks and had to back off from the sheer verocity of the heat emanating from the flames.

The heat of the surrounding areas suddenly shot up so much that they could now barely breath. Manori who was still barely able to stand started to slowly back off.

The three fighters decided to imitate her and started backing off further. They barely got 10 meters away when the fire walls suddenly twirled into three massive balls. The three balls were hurled straight for the three at an insane speed. They could barely react let alone dodge and caught fire right then and there.

"Long shot!" Jet screamed for his friend with the bow and arrows.

Before his words could drop to the ground there came an arrow headed straight for the head of Zuko. However, Zuko effortlessly dodged the attack by simply taking a half step to the side. In that very moment he punched out another fire ball headed straight for the archer.

Suddenly Jet jumped infront of Long Shot and used his unique weapons to disperse the fire ball. It still came in at an incredible speed which meant it had a great force with it that it sent Jet into Long Shot and they both hurled into a large tree trunk.

[A/N: Read 10 to 20 chapters ahead on my patreon available now. 
