
Lord of Deception: Three Paths to Immortality

“Who is the real winner in history?” “Is it the strongest?” “No” “Is it those who managed to etch their name into history?” “No” “There is only one answer it is those who managed to survive, what is the use of strength if old age can kill you?What is the use of fame if you are dead?” “Then is there anyone who managed to survive through everything hurled towards them?” “Fate has decreed that all living beings would eventually die, but there is only one man who managed to fool his own fate and survive.”

ZaHagag · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Dreams and Reality

In a dimly lit room, flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the walls, illuminating the intricate lines of a pentagram drawn on the floor. Standing at its centre, a black figure stood, his hand wielding a knife that appeared to have withered over time.

"The stars have fallen and the prophecy is nigh; I will fulfil my part of the deal," his voice echoed in the silence. With a steady hand, he sliced his forearm, crimson droplets falling onto the ancient sigils below.

"May the hands of fate smile upon you this time." The pentagram suddenly glowed with an eerie red light. In the next moment, the shape disappeared, and all that was left was the black figure standing in an empty room.


Ever since I could remember my dreams always had the same ending, I once dreamt of a mountain only to see it erode and crumble into the passage of time.

I once dreamt of a fox, I witnessed it surviving through trickery and deceit but in the end it suffered the same fate as the mountain; death.

In another dream I witnessed a lion, he was unlike any other he was blessed with immense powers but he suffered from pride. One day a pack of wolves attacked the lion and instead of retreating his pride held him down, causing him to get eaten alive.

In my last dream that I can remember I saw a human, he was the same as every other human except for the fact that he was blind. He used to walk around the village with a stick and the children of the village used to make fun of him.

Until one day a miracle had occurred and the man was able to see, but he had decided to keep it a secret. The first day passed and the man was still ecstatic, he appreciated the world and its beauty.

The second day came to pass and the man witnessed a crime unfold before his eyes, yet the world acted blind and he decided to act the same. He slept that day with a heavy burden on his heart.

On the third day the village was attacked; burning houses and crying children holding onto their parent's corpses could be seen everywhere. The man managed to survive the attack by mere luck, "Ever since I gained sight bad things started to occur." he added with a sad tone.

A week passed and the man stood amidst the village but no sign of life could be seen in the surroundings. he just kept muttering "It's all my fault, I am sorry, I am sorry, I really am."

The man picked up a small knife from the ground and stabbed his eyes, "I never knew the blessing of ignorance, I'd rather be blind to the atrocities of the world than be forced to witness it." He added as his eyes bled and started walking with his trustworthy stick again until death claimed him.

In all the dreams that I've had although the way of living differed the conclusion was the same death.


The sound of rain quietly rained down upon Grimwood Town.

The sky was dark, and the moon cast its reflection upon the streets. A slight breeze blew with the rain.

The town was bustling with life, and lamps illuminated the streets. Posters of a group of criminals remained hung around the town.

A young man with raven hair awoke to find himself in an unfamiliar room. Confusion clouded his mind as he tried recalling his memories. Without uttering a word, the young man kept observing his surroundings, his eyes were dull but deep inside the desire to survive was evident.

Drawing back the curtain, he was met with the sight of a bustling street that contained the atmosphere of an old industrial street. Black smoke was floating in the air, and the style of the people resembled that from the 20th century.

"What is going on? Did I get kidnapped?" he murmured, recalling the bright light that suddenly covered his vision before he arrived here.

Desperate for answers, he called out, "Is there anyone here?" but received only silence in return. With a sigh, he resigned himself to the unknown.

He tried to leave, but the door was locked. He started rummaging through the room with the intention of finding something of use.

As he reached the bed and started searching underneath it, his hands came upon a book. Just as he was about to open it, the door creaked open.

A tall figure draped in a black coat—a man who exuded an air of comfort, "Are you feeling better now, Alfie?" the man inquired, concern etched in his features.

'Alfie? Is he talking to me?' A flicker of recognition sparked within him as he shook his head, playing along.

"I am not feeling well," he replied, masking his uncertainty. His mind raced, hoping to uncover the events that transpired and brought him here.

"I had received a notice that you suddenly passed out; I had to carry you from the factory back to our apartment. Let's visit the doctor just in case." The tall figure said it with concern etched on his face.

Navigating their way through the streets, Alfie came to the conclusion that he was either in the past or in a different world altogether.

Everything about the people, from the way they were dressed to the currency of the market, is different from what he is familiar with.

As they walked towards the clinic, Alfie felt uncertainty bubbling inside him. Next to him, the tall figure's steady presence provided a sense of reassurance as they embarked on their journey together.

As they stepped into the clinic, Alfie feigned a weak posture, trying to appear convincingly unwell. The scent of herbs and medicinal products enveloped them as they approached the reception desk, where Clarence, a gentle-looking elderly man, greeted them with a warm smile.

"Kevin, what brings you here today?" Clarence asked, peering at Alfie with concern.

"This is my brother Alfie; he passed out during work time; he isn't feeling well," Kevin replied, casting a worried glance at his supposed sick brother. "I thought we'd better have him checked out, just in case."

Clarence nodded understandingly, motioning for Alfie to take a seat on one of the examination chairs. Alfie complied, keeping up the pretence of discomfort as Clarence began his examination.

With each question about his supposed symptoms, Alfie improvised vague answers, careful not to give himself away. He couldn't rely on memories he didn't possess, so he played the part of the sick patient, hoping to avoid arousing suspicion.

After a thorough examination, Clarence delivered his diagnosis. "It looks like a mild case of food poisoning," he concluded, offering Alfie a reassuring smile. "A simple ioperamide should set you right in no time."

Alfie breathed a silent sigh of relief, thankful that he had managed to deceive Clarence. As they prepared to leave, he couldn't help but sigh at the challenges that his new identity might present.

After the examination, Clarence turned to Kevin. "The medicine will cost 50 bronze coins," he stated, his tone professional yet empathetic.

Kevin reached into his pocket and pulled out the necessary coins, handing them over to Clarence with a nod of gratitude.

"Thank you, sir," Kevin said, acknowledging Clarence's assistance.

As they exited Clarence's clinic, Alfie's mind buzzed with anticipation. He knew he needed to maintain the facade of his new identity, even if it meant delving deeper into this unfamiliar world. With his brother by his side, he seized the opportunity to subtly gather more information.

"Hey, Kevin," Alfie began, adopting a casual tone, "do you know anything about the library around here?"

Kevin glanced at him, surprised by the sudden inquiry. "The library?" he echoed, eyebrows raised. "What's got you interested in that?"

Alfie shrugged nonchalantly, masking his true intentions. "Just curious, you know? I thought it would be good to have more knowledge about history and maybe uncover some mysteries."

Kevin regarded him with a mixture of amusement and suspicion. "You've always had a knack for uncovering secrets, haven't you?" he remarked with a chuckle. "Well, the library is just down the road from here. The entrance fee is about 2 silvers for a day, if I remember correctly."

Alfie nodded, inwardly pleased with the information. "Thanks, Kevin," he said, flashing a grateful smile. "I might check it out later."


Author's Word

This is my first novel, so forgive me if there are any plot holes or grammatical errors you find