
Lord Of Ancient Magic

Eran was an ordinary man living in the modern earth, one day he transported to another world and noticed that he had given a good system and power. It seems that every kind of ancient knowldege can be used as magic and the knowledge that he have from earth counts as Ancient Knowledge and Magic.

Krizantem · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Knowledge Of Universe - Chapter 10

As the others were fighting, the Dark Abomination started running towards Eran.

Eran smiled and thought.

"Let's use this creature as an experimental subject."

He believes that this creature has enough vitality to stand against himself for a sufficient time. He wanted to try some ideas in his mind to see if they were working or not.

He first looked at the creature and thought.

"Curse – Slow (In Latin)"

As his words were finished, the Dark Abomination creature started slowing. It was still fast slowed because of the words of Eran.

Eran nodded and then pointed his finger at the creature and whispered.

"Lightning" (In Latin) "

A thin streak of lightning manifested and then shot towards the Dark Abomination.


The creature is knocked back on the ground, and on its chest there is a black-colored burn wound. The creature was still alive after taking the lightning to his chest.

Eran commented.

"It seems that an Adept-Level creature has some kind of strong defense, in comparison to mages at the level of Novice Level and not to mention ordinary humans and animals."

The Dark Abomination started getting up from the ground. At the same time, Disgusting Woman, The Big Man, and Natevir all noticed Dark Abomination had been damaged.

Even if they are under attack and in the battle, they still notice this. It means that their hopes are on the creature and it is important for them.

Eran then smiled and tilted his head to the right before attacking with another type of spell.

"Curse - Cyanide (HCN or CNCl), (In Latin)"

After Eran thought all about this, the Dark Abomination creature, who had already gotten up and ready to run and attack Eran, stopped weirdly, and then, in two seconds, it dropped to the ground.

This time it was not knocked back or something like that. It fell to the ground as if dead, with no life or magic on him.

It died after the spell was completed.

Eran used the knowledge of "cyanide" and cast a curse spell on the Dark Abomination.

Curse spells are different than usual spells in that most of them affect the target directly if the target has no magical defense or if the magical defense of the target is not enough for protection.

Eran used his knowledge of Cyanide and its poison abilities to cast a spell on "Dark Abomination", effectively killing the creature as its defensive power was not enough to stop him.

"No, the magical power of the creature and physical capabilities of it would be enough and it should not die from one curse from me as my magical ability is not that much."

The creature died not because of the pure power and magical force of Eran; it died because knowledge of Cyanide gave a lot of power to the curse spell cast on it.

The knowledge comes from Earth, which is a different universe and dimension altogether, considering the passive ability of Eran is to use ancient and important knowledge to cast spells.

There is no knowledge more important than knowledge derived from knowledge derived from knowledge derived from a different universe.

This is also the reason why a basic thing like saying the things he wants and casting them in "Latin" is important and works.

It is because "Latin" comes from Earth, an ancient language from a different universe and dimension. It is hard to find something more ancient and important as a piece of knowledge.