
Lord Of Ancient Magic

Eran was an ordinary man living in the modern earth, one day he transported to another world and noticed that he had given a good system and power. It seems that every kind of ancient knowldege can be used as magic and the knowledge that he have from earth counts as Ancient Knowledge and Magic.

Krizantem · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Guests - Chapter 17

One Day Later-

Because of that, the tea had a fruit taste. Eran was in his home, sitting on his wooden chair, drinking some tea made from leaves from Narnas Fruit Tree.

He thought about the things Netavir, the dark mage, told himself.

There are many things he did not do, such as mages, magic, and who knows what else.

Before he understood, the use of spells and searching for knowledge increased his INT. This means increasing the arsenal of things that he can do and improvise.


"Race – Human"

"Level – Expert-Beginner"

"STR" = 1.4 (Physical Power)

"Agility" = 1.6 (Movement Speed – Reaction Speed etc.)

"Endurance" = 1.3 (Physical Durability-Endurance)

"INT" = (Magical Power - Wisdom-) 6.1


"Magical Ability (Ancient and Knowledge) – Level ??"

Eran opens his status and notices that there is one new thing that he started seeing.

It is the level section. Before he knew these things, his status did not show any kind of level.

But right now, it does show that he is at the level of an expert, which is surprising for him, considering that he has not done many things.

The system answered his doubts.

The magic-user uses god-level knowledge. The knowledge comes from different realities, universes, and dimensions. The use of magic increases the power of the user at a fast and stable rate.

Eran nodded. At that time, he felt something. He placed his cup on the table, stopped drinking, and left his home.

He noticed at the border of Narnas Forest that there were four people. Within seconds, he noticed that the two people on the front were stronger beings. One of them was a female and the other one was a male.

They were both middle-aged but still looked beautiful and handsome.

They were walking towards him.

Eran took a deep breath and started whispering. He did not know the intention of these mages, as he could feel that they were in fact mages, so it was best that he prepared for the worst.

"Magical Defense - Latn-Magnetic Class"

"Magnetic-Magnetism is a class of physical attributes that are mediated by magnetic fields. Electric currents and the magnetic moments of elementary particles give rise to a magnetic field, which acts on other currents and magnetic moments.

Five times save spell - "Lightning" - "Lightning Chain" (In Latin)"

Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge during which two electrically charged regions, both in the atmosphere or with one on the ground, temporarily equalize themselves, causing the instantaneous release of an average of one gigajoule of energy.

Eran took a deep breath as he thought about this knowledge. Funnily enough, because of his transportation, the knowledge of the earth filled his mind and he could recite it without any problem.

As her words ended, a sound of electrical currents manifested and his body was protected by some sort of magnetic shield.

With the Save Spell, he discovered that he could save a spell and not cast it directly for later use. With this save-spell, he will not need to think about the knowledge of the thing he wants to do when casting a spell.

Or, every time he wants to do a meaningful spell, he will need to whisper or think about the knowledge of the spell and imagine it.

It is not the best thing to do when in a battle between mages.