
Lord Of Ancient Magic

Eran was an ordinary man living in the modern earth, one day he transported to another world and noticed that he had given a good system and power. It seems that every kind of ancient knowldege can be used as magic and the knowledge that he have from earth counts as Ancient Knowledge and Magic.

Krizantem · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Battle - Chapter 9

The Dark Abomination had four arms; two of these arms were human arms, and the other two arms were bear arms.

An abomination is not a single individual type of creature.

Arimo started talking after looking at Abomination.

His eyes showed clear disgust and a little bit of anxiety.

"Abomination at the level of Adept Level, they must use many corpses to create this creature. It was not in the report that they knew some things about alchemy magic."

These words gave knowledge to Eran. He understood that this creature in front of him was not

Not a summoned creature, but one created through the use of alchemy and dark magic.

Without wasting any seconds, Arimo and Lia started moving. At the same time,

Natevir pointed at Alimer with his right pointer finger and whispered.

"Dark Energy Spear"

A black spear manifested and shot towards Alimer. Alimer cast a defensive spell.

"Black Cloud Shield"

A puff of black smoke emanated from the non-existence and then hardened.


The spear hit the solidified black smoke and vanished without damaging the Black Cloud Shield.

Alimer whispered after feeling the spear of the enemy mage.

"I can only block five or six of these. He is not weak, most likely peak novice-level"

The Black Cloud Shield was the primary spell of the Black Cloud Organization used against magical spells.

At that time, Arimo and the disgusting woman cast a spell on each other.

Arimo puked on the ground and whispered.

"Pain Curse"

The disgusting woman laughed a little and cast a counter-spell.

"Dark Protection"

From the hands of Arimo, black smoke manifested and formed a skull shape before targeting Disgusting Woman, but the spell of Disgusting Woman formed before,

She grabbed the Black Smoke Skull.

A dark-energy sphere radiated from her body and the "Pain Curse" spell that Arimo had cast vanished after contacting the dark-energy sphere.

Arimo gave out a cold breath and thought.

"Black Cloud is essentially a mage organization that uses dark spells to fight enemies. Because of this fact, the spell of mine is not effective against her. "

Lia was fighting against Big Man, as was expected. The Big Man was a warrior-mage or a close-combat mage.

Close-Combat Mages did not cast long-range spells or any ranged spells.

They usually cast buff spells to enhance or modify their bodies, and using their improved physical capabilities, they crush their enemies with unrelenting force.

The Big Man yelled two times before rushing towards Lia.

"Dark Arms !!"

"Dark Rhino Enchantment"

With his whisper, at first, his arms turned completely black, and then from his head, a dark-colored rhino horn purged out, and his nose and head enlarged to a point that made him a weird and disgusting piece of monster.

She smiled and cast two spells. She was not scared of close-combat mages. It could be said that she was the bane of close-combat mages.

"Black Cloud Poison Aura"

"Red Flower Magic"

A black cloud formed quickly around her body. The grass beneath her started to die within seconds after the black cloud poison aura formed around her body.

Then, within her hands, a red-colored light started shining, and then, within seconds,

Within seconds later, the manifestation of a red-colored flower showed itself.

The beam of red-lights started shooting towards the Big Man. ,

The power of red-light beams was not strong enough to finish Big Man. He was still running towards Lia. Lia started moving to try to put a distance between herself and the big man.