
Lord Of A World: I Have A Group Chat As My Cheat!!

Alaric embarks on a journey to the realm of Lords, where everyone possesses the potential to ascend to godhood. However, this lofty goal proves challenging for Alaric, a mere traveler in this unfamiliar world. Unlike the native, who possess innate talents after awakening, Alaric lacks such abilities. Despite this, he manages to awaken as a Lord, albeit without any inherent talents. But determined to pursue his dream of becoming great at the risk of his life, Alaric's fortunes take a turn when his long-awaited cheat finally manifests! ...... For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

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101 Chs

Chapter 100: Promoted To Silver And Completed The Assessment! 

Immortal level...


And it's an artifact!

Rule-like effects?

The name is enough to make Alaric extremely surprised~.

He knew that the so-called artifact was a powerful piece of equipment with divine power or the power of rules.

The quality of the artifacts is also the same as that of ordinary equipment, but the lowest level is also the epic artifact.

Then there are legendary artifacts, immortal artifacts, and the most powerful mythical artifacts.

And the Horn of the End in front of us is already an immortal artifact with the second highest quality among the strongest!

And its effect is also quite awesome!

Independent maps, independent regions, or independent targets, etc.

In other words, if you select a range, you can directly destroy all enemies within the range.

Ignore everything!

Just like in the process just now, the opponents were all level 60 enemies.

And Gabriel, who activated the Horn of Ending, was only level 1.

Of course, she is already level 47 now after all that killing. 

Because she alone has the experience of 100,000 void monsters, coupled with the low-level experience compensation mechanism, it is easier for her to upgrade.

"To activate it once, you need at least one thousand faith powers and it needs to cool down for at least three days."

"And the consumption and cooling are both increased according to the effective range."

Alaric took a look. This time, it probably consumed about 3,000 faith, and the cooling time was seven days.

"By the way, how do you get the power of faith? Do you still have it?"

"Are you going to recruit any more followers?"

Alaric asked.

Fortunately, Gabriel shrugged lazily and said:

"The angel tribe itself will generate the power of faith. As long as more angel units are trained to join the territory, it can be accumulated continuously~"

"According to the angel race in this world, two-winged angels can generate a little power of faith in one day.

"I...No more, I just used up all my power of faith."

"Ahh~ I'm so tired. I'm going to bed. Call me after dinner tonight~"

As she spoke, Gabriel opened her mouth wide and yawned, looking shaky. It was probably that activating this magical weapon took a lot of energy from her.

He just ordered a soldier to take her to the Lord's Mansion to find an unused room to stay in.

This is the first heroic unit to live in his territory for a long time~

The first three, Shinobu and Shuna, all have their own worlds, and even Artoria will go back to the dark space to wait for the next summons after the summoning time reaches the upper limit.

On the contrary, Gabriel, an inert angel summoned not from a regular altar but from a special building in the Angel Reincarnation Pool, has no cooling down for summoning and exists permanently.

"Are you OK?"

"The enemy actually appeared directly above the center this time?"

"Is this solved? What's going on?"

At this time, other heroes arrived belatedly.

Shinobu and others also asked with concerned expressions.

"Yeah~ it's solved. I didn't prepare well this time and made you worry."

Alaric touched their heads and comforted them.

As for the storm dragon Veldora, seeing that there was no threat, he returned to ring space.

There are still a lot of unfinished comic books there. He wants to go back and continue to read them all! 

[Name]:Alaric lvl 71

[Level]: Silver Lord (3 stars)





[Element]: 457-Thunder/Ice/Fire


[Gold Coin]:223w [Tl/n: unit w= 0,000. So 223w= 2,230,000.]

[Energy Stone]: Ordinary energy stone*94w, advanced energy stone*122

[Equipment]: Nichirin sword, Sunshine Longbow, Zombies Must Die, Power Gem

[Skills]: Soul destruction, spiritual vision, conqueror haki, breath of the sun, geass reversal of time, immortal skill, rapid recovery, space jump, battlefield commander, five elements of devil magic, shape-changing skill, teleportation, void swallowing fire. 

[Talent]: Stealth outside the boundary, size change anywhere. 

[Soldier Blueprint]: Elite Great Oni Swordsman, Elite Oni Fire User, Flower Demon Slayer Soldiers, Raiden General Team, Winged Angel

[Hero Altar]: Shuna, Shinobu, Artoria, Gabriel

[Heroes for Hire]: Daki/Gyutaro, Erina

[Pet]:Storm Dragon Veldora

After taking some time off, Alaric had time to look at his interface.

Various attributes have been improved again. In this world of lords, all attributes are close to 500 points.

It has already reached the level of bosses of the same level in most maps.

Moreover, he has mastered so many special skills and talents, various equipment from various worlds, etc.

With the common sense of this world of lords, it is impossible to understand his current true strength.

Just as he was sighing, another prompt sounded slowly -

[Tip: New lord Alaric has become the first lord to be promoted to Silver Star this year! An epic treasure chest is hereby awarded!]

[Tip: You have exceeded the maximum limit for newbie lords, you can choose to directly break through the newbie assessment!]

[If you choose to directly break through the restrictions of the newcomer assessment, you can directly obtain the final reward of this assessment, and by default it will be the record-breaking reward for first place!]

[At the same time, you will unlock all the functions of the official lord and connect the channels of all great lords at the same time. ]

[Warning: If you do this, you will lose the protection of newcomers, and you may face the invasion of powerful lords!]

[Territory passage will not drive away other lords. You must build your own territory to defend against enemy invasion! ]

[However, you will still participate in every small assessment during the thirty days of the newcomer assessment and receive assessment rewards. Reminder, there are still two seven-day assessments left, one after two days and one after nine days. ]

[Do you want to break through the new user restrictions? And lift the new user protection? ]


An additional option appeared in front of Alaric.

He couldn't help but feel extremely surprised.

"turn out to be…"

"The limit for a new lord is bronze level."

"But I broke through to the silver level on the 19th day!"

"If I don't break through, I won't be able to continue to upgrade my level. I can only continue to develop after the novice stage and become an official lord."

"But...sooner or later I will have to break through."

"It's just a few days away!"

Alaric thought for a while and made a decision quickly.

What's more, if he breaks through now, he can directly get the first place reward, and there are even additional record-breaking rewards!