
Migration ( 18 )

After greeting and introducing himself to D'andre, Dragun rushed to check on the two.

He listened to the words coming out of their mouths, even though they were undecipherable.

While understanding their words was impossible, their actions served as clear evidence that they were being controlled by dark creatures.

Dragun turned to Rowan and nodded at him, as if confirming something.

Rowan nodded back.

Dragun didn't want to share the dark fate of these two with the people in the room. If the women, especially Melissa, learned about it, she might have the sudden urge to end it all.

To prevent this, Dragun and Rowan decided to keep their discussions among themselves.

"What is wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?" Melissa asked Dragun.

The other women looked at him with eager eyes, waiting for his next words, which would decide their reaction.