
loot hoarder

Alex lives an uninspiring life, as a high school student. The stories he heard from his late grandmother about his parents demise in a dimension war, felt like nothing more than tales. According to her, a relentless conflict raged between monstrous beings and humans withing that dimension. A war that somehow led to the banishment of his family. However, Alex dismissed it all as nonsense. Yet everything changed in an instant when he stumbled upon a gleaming, ancient artifact concealed in the depths of his basement. Little did he know, the artifact would transport him onto that fabled dimension. The gravity of his grandmother's tales now loomed before him, casting ominous shadow upon his, and his familys past, as he uncovers devestating secrets.

DaoistC3r0bc · Aktion
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6 Chs

scorching desert

Normally, Alex would have put everything back in place

and forget about it entirely.

But not because he feared, but because Alex simply didnt believe any of that,

and would consider that a waste of time.

But the real reaon that made him proceed was,

his parents conversation, where they had said to keep it away from him.

It triggered something in him, in fact it angred him, while unlikely, they might have talked about

something else entirely, but still, it didnt matter to Alex.

As Alex fixated his gaze upon the sinister eye.

An unsettling transformation gripped the world around him.

Reality itself seemed to warp and distort, swirling in a disorienting vortex

of shadows and inaudible whispers.

The air thickened.

The unkown eye, as the journal called it, felt as if its

gaze pierced through his very being, And Alexs eyes began to burn, really burn.

'This must be the price the journal talked about ealier'

it felt as if molten fire is being poured on him.

Agonizing pain surged through his eyes.

Yet Alex resisted the urge to avert his gaze.

Seconds passed, that felt like eternity for Alex.

'ho god...'

His mind pleading him to look away.

And then, abruptly, the scene transformed.

Alex was no longer locked in a battle of wills with that damned eye.

instead he looked directly at the blinding sun.


Alex immediately closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes again, and scanned his sorrounding.

'What is this....'

Before him, streched a vast expanse of scorching desert.

its landscape extending as far as the eye could see.

with small hills of golden sand, that radiated waves of heat.

He stood there, clad in an old, scathed, medieval soldier uniform.

But what really grabbed his attention, were the figures standing around him.

Around thirty soldiers, wearing the same uniform just like him, formed a ring, encircling the area.

Their worn fabric, and faded colors, suggested, they had just fought a battle.

Each soldier stood tall, their eyes fixed on the horizon, with an unwavering determination.

Their presence, giving a sense of shared purpose, as if they are all united by a common destiny.

Still confused and not wanting to stand out, Alex also looked at the horizon.

A hushed voice broke the silence, it seemed to be the commander of the army,

wearing the same uniform, but his manner, giving a sense of authority.

"Brothers, let us take a moment of silence for our fallen comrades,

those who have laid their lives in pursuit of good".

A sigh escaped the lips of the soldier to the left of Alex.

Even though it was risky, Alex decided to ask.

"Are you allright?"

The soldiers gaze met Alexs, his face exhusted.

"This.. this is the fifth time today we have gone through this ritual, it feels like a never

ending cycle, an empty endeavor that saps our strength, and tests our spirits."

The words hung heavily in the air, sending a chill down Alex's spine.

'what... what do you mean the fifth time'