
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

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After replying the girls and sending them all a good night message, Daniel noticed that he received a response from one of the job posts he had applied to last night. He would be starting work as a gas station night shift attendant next Monday... It wasn't the most lucrative or prestigious job, but it was an honest living. And he was also excited to make his own money for the first time instead of always relying on his mother.

He then stayed up the rest of the night in his old body to watch more of ehrgkrTkdna's videos about fighting and self-defense. There were a ton of videos on his channel, and each one was more than an hour long, so he had a lot of content to go through.

Daniel wasn't just watching the videos mindlessly. He often paused the videos to emulate the moves that was shown. Although he was in his old, short body, he felt like the muscle memory was something that could be transferred… maybe.

The primary motivation for him practicing these techniques was his memory of being beaten up by Logan and the other bullies. Even though he now had a new, stronger, faster and more reactive body, it wouldn't mean anything if he didn't know how to defend himself.

Yes, self-defense was the key word here. Like the chicken-head man said from the very first video – he wasn't learning these techniques in order to pick fights with other people. He just wanted to know how to defend himself if it ever came to the point of throwing hands.

Daniel never wanted to experience the same helplessness he felt when he was in his old body. And if needed to stand up for himself and fight back, then so be it. Thus, knowing how to fight would only help him and not harm, if he was ever forced to throw hands.

The things he learned from the chicken-head man were pretty much the basics. How to throw a punch, how to read your opponent's body language, how to make use of the environment around you, etc. Basic things, but what was fascinating about these lessons was how the chicken-head man applied it to real world situations.

For example, you are at a bar and three drunk men try to pick a fight with you, assuming you are not able to run away for whatever reason – what do you do?

First, move constantly. Never let yourself be backed into a corner or with a wall behind you. If you have nowhere to retreat when your assailants are attacking you, then you can only become a punching bag while trying desperately to fend off six fists coming at you all at once. In a setting such as a bar, this can be difficult as there are other people or furniture in your way, but that can also be to your advantage.

Second, being in a bar, there would be plenty of furniture for you to use to disrupt their advance. Flip a table if you have to, but manipulate the 'battlefield' to your advantage and limit the space where they can move, so as to prevent them from attacking you all at once. Create choke points where you can deal with the assailants one by one.

Third, use anything within reach as weapons if necessary. In a bar, there should be plenty of glasses, bottles or ash trays which are all easy to throw and can hurt your assailant from afar. Keep your opponents at a distance in order to minimize the chances of them landing a lucky punch that can knock you out.

Fourth, if worse comes to worse, and they manage to close the distance to be within punching distance, strike first and strike hard. Drunk troublemakers are usually not trained martial artists, and they will not have the wherewithal to react to an accurately thrown punch while intoxicated. Hitting them lightly will only anger and empower them, so strike hard to discourage their rude behaviour.

Fifth, drunk troublemakers will usually throw wild haymakers in a bar fight, since they do not have the advantage of rational thought and experience in fighting. These wild swings are easy to see through if you remain calm and collected. If your back is against the wall, advance forward to close the distance and hit them with an uppercut. The uppercut is a punch that, if accurate, even if lightly thrown will easily bring down an inexperienced opponent.

If you are fighting an experienced martial artist, even if they are drunk, then learning self-defence from an internet video will not help you no matter what.

Sixth, use your attackers against each other. Redirect their lunges towards their friends, push them into each other, pulling one into another's attack. Use whatever means necessary to disrupt their attempt to gang up on you. If they are drunk, that also means they may not have the balance to stay upright if pushed and pulled into each other.

Seventh, whenever possible, create more space between you and your attackers when the opportunity presents itself. What you want to do is avoid being grappled by one assailant while the others gang up on you. If one of them has a bear hug on you, it is incredibly difficult to escape from it while being attacked from all directions if you are an amateur grappler.

Eighth and most important rule, if the opportunity presents itself, run. Even if you can win the street fight, you don't want to be around if more of their friends show up or even stick around to be detained by the authorities. Who knows if one of those thrown ash trays actually cracks one of their skulls and now you are charged with excessive self-defence.

Although self-defence is a legitimate and legal reason to fight back against an attacker, police almost always press charges on both sides regardless of how the fight started and how serious each person is hurt, urging them to settle and drop allegations. And as there are always too many petty altercations for police to handle, they try to conclude the case quickly between everyone involved by convincing them to settle. Which means the person who deals the most serious injuries will then need to pay for the hospital bills of the side that is more injured.^

(^ Cited from 'Korea's self-defense law - nothing but a name' from The Korea Times.)

This was only one of such examples the chicken-head man talked about in his videos. While most martial arts instructors would teach about fighting in a competitive setting, the chicken-head man applied his teachings to scenarios that could realistically happen in the real world, which Daniel very much appreciated.

Maybe learning how to fight in a bar was not particularly relevant for the 16 year old Daniel who was still too young to drink legally, it was still useful to know for the future in the unlikely event he would ever get into a bar fight.