
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs


Daniel browsed the digital menu after scanning the QR code with his phone. It was a café that served both food and coffee, so they had quite a large selection of meals available.

'They all look quite yummy… Ah wait, the price! It's 25 thousand won just for a sandwich!? What kind of crazy sandwiches are they serving here? Does it cure cancer!?' He recoiled at the price of the food indicated in the menu. His allowance for the entire day wasn't enough for one meal here.

'I think I'll just get a coffee… what's an espresso? It's the cheapest thing here. Oh Brooke mentioned their cold coffee was good. Not sure why their coffee is better when it's cold, but sure. EH, it's 10 thousand won just for a cup of cold coffee? Does their coffee cure leukemia!?'

His fingers were shaking as he added the cold-brew coffee to the cart and made the order. 'This coffee better be the most delicious coffee ever, even if it's cold!'

Brooke had also been looking at the menu and hummed to herself, "What are you getting, oppa? I don't know what to choose."

"Oh, I'm just getting a cup of coffee. This place is a little expensive."

It was a complete lie, by the way. Only his original body had eaten breakfast, since he had to be more conservative with spending money for the time being now that he had to feed two bodies. He had been hoping to fill up his hungry tummy during lunch, but it looked like he had to hold out until dinner.

Brooke chuckled slightly, "I suppose it is a little pricey, but I think most trendy cafes in Seoul cost about the same. Won't you be hungry, oppa?"

Daniel smiled reassuringly, "A little bit. But I didn't bring out that much with me, so it's fine. Besides, I heard drinking coffee decreases your appetite."

"Oh… should we go somewhere else then?" Brooke asked, actually looking forward to not having to deal with the handsy waitress who was obviously trying to flirt with Daniel.

"No, I don't mind. I wanted to try their coffee anyways, since you hyped it up so much."

"Ah, I know. How about we share something? They have this sausage platter that I have always wanted to try but it looks too much for me to finish. It's this one, look." Brooke suggested, showing Daniel her phone.

It was a big plate of sausages imported from different countries, and it was 42 thousand won.

'Expensive! Why are hotdogs so expensive!? Isn't that strange, or am I the weird one?' Daniel's jaw dropped looking at the price, but he didn't want to turn down Sophie's suggestion so he just reluctantly nodded.

"Looks good. Let's share it then."

"Okie!" Brooke replied brightly.

After putting in the order, the two of them just started talking.

"So where did you go with Sophie yesterday? She refuses to tell us anything!" Brooke complained a little to Daniel, leaning in and trying to pick up any clues from his facial expressions.

The boy in question had a pretty bad poker face, so he just awkwardly looked away while blushing, "W-we were just hanging out… talking."

Brooke narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Uhhuh. And what did you guys talk about?"

Scratching his cheek, Daniel tried his best not to think about the 'conversation' he had with Sophie last night. It was a conversation between their bodies. "This and that…"

'…They were definitely making out. Is that a hickey on his neck? That Sophie! She's too sly!' Brooke thought to herself, noticing a faint red mark on the right side of Daniel's neck. She knew that in their group of friends, Sophie, Hana and Olivia all had more experience than her in the dating department since she basically had zero experience.

Which was why she didn't know how Sophie, or other girls, could be so bold as to kiss a guy, especially one as handsome as Daniel. She certainly didn't have the confidence to confidently kiss him…

Thinking about it made her feel sad, so Brooke quickly changed the topic.

"So what made you transfer to Jae Won High School? Did your parents have to move here for work? Which school were you from? Which province were you from? Were you from Seoul originally?"

Brooke's rapid fire questions stunned Daniel for a moment, reminding him of her texts that were similarly rapid-fire.

Seeing him pause silently, Brooke caught herself and blushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I tend to be like that sometimes…"

Daniel smiled to put her at ease, "Hey, don't worry about it. It's more comfortable than we if were sitting silently. And sometimes I get that way too. "

She felt like his smile and his reassuring words were like receiving a hyper beam from a pokemon… super effective. 'Are handsome people usually so nice? No, Daniel oppa is just an anomaly!'

(When you find someone attractive, every positive thing they do gets magnified and you tend to receive it more positively. What Daniel is doing or saying is not particularly kind or charming, but it seems especially kind and charming because Brooke is attracted to him.)

"To answer your question, or questions, rather…" Daniel teased making Brooke feel embarrassed but from his teasing smile she knew he was just joking, "I have always been in Seoul. I moved from a neighbouring district. My previous school… well, let's just say I had some difficulties which is why I had to transfer schools."

Daniel would never share that he had to transfer because he was getting bullied. It was embarrassing. It was so embarrassing that he felt that if he told Brooke about it, she might just leave out of disdain. He didn't want to lie either, so he just gave a vague reason.

Brooke felt like she had just asked about a sensitive topic, and knew how to be tactful, not pressing him for answers.