
Lookism: No Limits

Born without talent, only to wake up as a talented one.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 34

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When Olly Wang jumped from the Hostel building, it was a shock for everyone. Even though the Hostel had its problems with him, none of them wanted him dead.

They still had hope of saving him.

But it was a pity that Olly Wang didn't want that salvation.


After the ambulance took Olly's lifeless body away, and the police captured some of the gang, the members of the original Hostel were all gathered in front of the building they had once used.

A shadow of the place it had once been, now consumed by the flames, leaving only its structure to be remembered.

Eli and Warren looked at that building with sadness on their faces.

Things would change a lot from then on. Would they go back to the way things were before? No... That was no longer possible.

But they could be better, learn from past mistakes... At least, that's what they wanted.

Maybe if it had been like this before, Olly would be alive and happy.

With a collective sigh from the group, they turned to leave, after all, they still had to attend Olly's farewell.

"Wait... Where's that guy?" Warren suddenly stopped and looked around for someone.

"Are you talking about Lohan?" Eli asked, which made Warren nod in agreement.

"Oh! I tried to help him clean his wounds, but he just decided to leave." Sally commented, which made the members look at each other curiously.

"I think it's for the best, I think he wants to rest after everything." Derrick said, most of them agreeing with his words.

"Still... I'll thank him when we meet." Eli cracked a small smile, his eyes turning away.


Far away, a bruised Lohan Park walked towards his house with uneven steps.

Holding a bag full of money in one hand, it was one of the few things he had managed to recover before the fire in the building took everything. Fortunately, there was enough money in it for him not to worry about working for a good few months.

With the bruises on his body still irritating him, he muttered in annoyance as he struggled to walk straight.

Fortunately, as he struggled to avoid simply giving in, he received help from someone he had been looking for for some time.

"You don't look well, sir! Please, let's go to the hospital!"

Helping him to his feet, a small Eli Jang walked beside him with a worried face.

Lohan smiled at this. The boy had changed a lot, from being a cold, unfriendly child to what he really should be.

A child full of hope, who seeks happiness above all else.

Seeing this change made Lohan feel that all the beating had been worth it.

After all, he had been able to change the boy's fate.

It was a shame that he hadn't been able to do this for the other children. He had at least hoped that they would be treated well.

"Don't worry about it, kid." Ruffling his hair, Lohan continued steadily on his way. "Let's go to our house. I just need to get some rest."

Eli, seeing the man mention "our house," couldn't help but sigh in melancholy. It made him remember how he had betrayed him, but still, Lohan had fought to save him.

Even after clearly telling the Hostel Uncles to teach him a lesson, Lohan hadn't abandoned him.


Stopping suddenly, the little boy made Lohan turn to look at him.

"Why?" Feeling tears gathering in the corner of his eyes, he asked with sadness, but mostly fear, in his voice. "Why help me? Why treat me like this?"


A powerful question came out of his mouth, a question that made the wounded Lohan blink a few times before he finally answered.

"But even in this rotten world, there are still people who help others without expecting anything in return."

A phrase, a sentence that he had said to the boy the day they had met. Something that little Eli Jang remembered well, after all, it had been one of the phrases imprinted on his mind, said by one of the few people who had offered to help him and treat him well.

"You remember that, don't you?" Crouching down to be at the boy's height, Lohan cracked a smile as he messed up his hair once more. "You're a strong boy, having dealt with all this without giving in proves that. But you don't have to deal with it alone anymore, okay?"

With tears starting to run down his face, the little boy put his hand to his face to wipe them away, a small smile full of happiness on his lips.

"Besides, what kind of person would I be if I ignored a child looking for food in the trash?"

Standing up, Lohan held the boy's hand, his warm smile never fading.

"Now, let's go home. I feel like I'm going to faint at any moment."


By the end of it all, the routine had returned to normal. For Lohan, who had spent two months focused on training, returning to an ordinary life had been quite calming.

With the money stolen from the Hostel, he had not only renovated his entire apartment, but also bought crucial equipment for his next attempt to make money.


Having bought a decent laptop and a tablet, he was about to start his plan that he had been thinking about for a few months.

Make lives by drawing!

It wouldn't be as flashy as ordinary lives, but it would be a great way to train his drawing skills while earning some money.

But there was just one problem...

"I have no idea how to start a live, let alone how to capture the laptop screen."

When it came to fighting, Lohan was easily a genius, but when it came to technology, he wasn't the best source of information, after all, he had dedicated his entire previous life to combat. A cell phone was enough for him, so he wasn't the best with a computer.

"Here, let me help you!"

Fortunately, he had a child addicted to this kind of thing to help him.

"I've already set everything up, you just need to start live and start drawing." Little Eli grinned as he pressed a few keys on the keyboard and moved the mouse through the screen capture software. "That's it!"

"What? Have you started yet?" Lohan asked curiously, his eyes moving across the laptop screen.

"Yes, the live has already started." Eli nodded in agreement.

Lohan scratched his chin, his eyes narrowing as a few messages started coming through the chat window.

Jerk19: Where are the pussycats?

Dumbass13: I wonder the same thing.

StrongFatty: Stop being weird! He's just a new streamer.

PotHead: And? Where are the kittens?

"What are these idiots saying?" Lohan raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh, I forgot, the microphone is on!" Eli had taken too long to tell him.

Dumbass13: Are you calling us idiots?

Jerk19: I'm sad, I'm leaving.

"Ugh... Weirdos." Shrugging off the comments, Lohan picked up his tablet. "Those idiots aside, my name is Lohan, and I'm a new streamer designer!"