
Lookism: No Limits

Born without talent, only to wake up as a talented one.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 14

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When Lohan was a fighter, he was not known for his strength, his technique or his talent, not least because the commentators themselves rated him as a mediocre fighter.

He was known for his charisma.

A wimp, who had fun fighting.

This caught people's attention, and caused some people to start admiring him. They could identify with Lohan.

And he knew this very well. He may not have had many fans, but for those who looked up to him, he always tried to put on a show in the ring to please them.

In several of his fights, even when he was down, he tried to entertain the audience in some way, be it by provoking his opponent in a silly way, or by putting himself in perfect situations to be knocked out.

He gained a certain fame because of this, a weak fighter who liked to entertain the spectators during the fight.

Lohan understood that in the ring, besides victory, it was necessary to entertain the audience. There were other ways to do it, like giving them a great fight, but Lohan's lack of talent prevented him from doing it.

In the ring, he was a playful, friendly and lively fighter.

But on the streets, there was no audience to entertain, no audience watching him so he could put on a show.

And Lohan, he understood this well.

In his old life, Lohan had realized that although he had no talent for fighting in the ring, fighting in the streets was something totally different. When he didn't have to follow rules, his level rose significantly.

And since when he had gotten his new body, there was nothing else that could stop him from becoming a real monster.



Ivan charged toward Lohan, a proud smile appearing on his lips as he swept the distance between them fast enough so that he could grab his waist.

Like a wrestler, Ivan was confident that if he grabbed anyone, his victory was certain. Besides, in his eyes, Lohan was just a wimp who knew a few things, so he didn't even worry about the idea that he might lose.

Ivan was proud, and considered wrestling the best style of all.

His confidence was tremendous.

And that was one of the main reasons Lohan was able to stop his onslaught.


Ivan's eyes widened as he felt his elbows being pulled up, preventing him from putting his arms around Lohan's body.

"You have a great explosive force. You even took me by surprise." Lohan complimented, a smile on his friendly face. "But I've faced some fighters of your type."

Putting his right foot back, Lohan let his smile disappear as he kept Ivan away from his waist.

"That's no big deal to me."


Ivan's head flew back as Lohan's knee struck him, blood leaking from his nostrils and soiling the entire floor.

"Ugh- You shit!" Ivan staggered as he held his nose, his eyes closing almost unconsciously due to the pain. "You broke it!"

"Come on! You're a fighter, it won't kill you!"

Ivan opened his eyes immediately when Lohan's voice sounded from close range, the fighter barely reacting when he had his shoulder grabbed and his foot pulled in a crawl.

'A fall?!'

Ivan barely had time to think when his body was pushed against the ground, his back hitting the ground hard enough to knock all the air out of his lungs.

'He's a grappler?!'

Ivan took a deep breath as he propped his elbow on the ground, his eyes turning to Lohan, who was breathing heavily due to the effort to bring him down.

'Damn, he's heavy.' Lohan regulated his breathing. Because of the previous confrontation against Vin Jin, he had already expended energy knocking him down, so his weak and bruised body was not coping well with such an effort in such a short time.

In addition, his bruised ribs were beginning to throb, which was not a good sign.

"You fucking gorilla!"

Hearing Vin Jin's screams, Lohan turned her attention to the bespectacled boy, only to see him being thrown through the arcade like a rag doll.

'This guy is no joke... Well, he surpasses Logan in physical strength, so it's not really a surprise.'


Turning his attention forward as he noticed his opponent's movement, his eyes widened as Ivan swept the distance between the two and successfully grasped his waist this time.

'What strength!' Lohan gritted his teeth as he threw his legs back in an attempt to prevent Ivan from knocking him down, this proving ineffective when the wrestler merely lifted him off the ground.

"Now I've got you, you idiot!" Ivan shouted victoriously and prepared to knock Lohan down with all his might.


But Lohan had no intention of being thrown down again.


Wrapping his arm around Ivan's neck, Lohan applied a guillotine, the pressure on his neck causing Ivan to choke and fall to his knees, this giving Lohan the freedom to rest his back on the ground and continue the finish.

"Fuck!" Ivan cursed as his attempts to shake off the technique failed, his teeth clenching as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

As the pressure on his neck only increased, Ivan felt more and more irritated. When he tried to get up, Lohan pushed his knee away. When he tried to pull his arm away from his neck, a punch to his rib came.

It was a checkmate. There was nothing else to do, and that made the wrestler furious. How could he, a wrestler, let himself be finished in such a way? Against someone who didn't have half his muscles!

In that situation, before his consciousness finally faded away, he could only curse his situation, while asking his brother to defeat Lohan.

'I... Hate...That...Shit...'


Feeling Ivan's body soften, Lohan sighed as she let go of him and tossed him to the side, getting up with a little difficulty as she squeezed his ribs.

"My ribs are going to hurt all night." He complained.

Turning to Vin Jin's fight, he raised his eyebrow when the lights suddenly turned off, his vision landing on Mary, who had just kicked the power breaker.

'I'm sure you didn't need that.' He rolled his eyes at the unnecessary destruction.

His attention returned to the fight between the two, Vin Jin, who had just been thrown into a toy machine, stood up with what could only be described as: Sloth.

"Just fight, you idiot!" Mary yelled at him, causing him to mutter in complaint and hold up his glasses.

"Holy shit... What the hell is going on? The revolt of the idiots?" Vin Jin removed his glasses, the darkness preventing everyone around from being able to see what he was hiding so much in his eyes. "How annoying... I'm going to beat all of you up, starting with you, you fucking gorilla."