
Lookism: New Beginning

Reincarnated as Daniel Park. World: Lookism, Viral-Hit

Lardeen · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2:

The next day I woke up as fat Daniel. After a quick shower, I ate a light breakfast. I barely managed to make it, the fridge was almost empty. The money problem started to bother me more and more. I glanced at my phone screen to check how people were receiving my new channel.

The number of subscribers, over 200 thousand people and hundreds of comments appeared before my eyes. I read a few of them, most of them were praising, but there were also some who thought it was a fake profile. They thought the photos were edited to make me look better in them.

I ignored it for now, not caring too much about the sarcastic comments. I intended to record a short video later that should partially dispel any doubts. I decided to look for a job, I couldn't start earning money on WeTube without the right equipment. I didn't know which Daniel to go job hunting with.

However, the thought of working in a night market made me squirm inside. I hated working at night, I had no intention of working such a shift, I'll start hunting, my second self - I briefly summed it up. I'll work out at night with a fat body, keeping a strict diet and it should work out.

I swapped bodies and repeated my daily ritual.

Having learned from yesterday's situation, I bought the cheapest black sunglasses I could afford earlier. They allowed me to partially cover my face.

Walking along the sidewalk, I watched the shop windows looking for some ads. Suddenly, my phone rang in my pocket, an unfamiliar number appeared on the screen. I decided to answer it, curious who could be calling me. I heard a male voice in the receiver.

"Hello, have I reached Daniel Park?" asked a confident voice.

"Yes. Who's asking?" I replied, surprised.

"My name is Baek Seongjun. We're calling with an offer of cooperation on WeTube.

We see great potential in you for joint cooperation at XJ. Therefore, I would like to meet with you in private." the voice continued.

I realized who was actually calling me. For a moment I didn't know how to answer, I didn't expect such a quick contact from them.

"Hello? Are you on the phone?" Seongjun asked.

"I would be happy to meet to discuss the possibility of cooperation," I replied, not minding meeting a former yakuza.

"Great, so when can we meet? Of course you don't have to worry about transport. We guarantee that there will be a car waiting for you." assured the voice coming from the receiver.

"We can meet tomorrow, have the car by 11 a.m."

I gave him an address a few kilometers from my place of residence so that he wouldn't be able to use it against me in the future.

Was this meeting wise? Of course not.

I knew I was getting into trouble, but my curiosity was too great for my common sense to prevail.

"Okay, thanks for talking to me, see you tomorrow," replied a satisfied Seongjun.

"Goodbye," I said shortly ending the conversation.

I still had a month before I would start the new school year at a new school. I had to improve my financial situation first. Even working with XJ didn't seem that bad to me.

I gave up on the idea of ​​looking for a job, it wasn't worth wasting my time anymore. I returned home early in the evening to switch bodies.

Losing weight won't happen on its own, I thought as I ran down the alley at night. Watching the starry sky during breaks to catch my breath. Despite the night, there were still a lot of people. Society lived in a nocturnal mode.

Most people ignored me, sometimes some grimaced and looked at me with disgust. It was a completely different behavior than when I was in another body. This country does not like obese people very much. I thought with a sarcasm.

The endurance of this body was tragic 2 kilometers, it made me run like times twenty. Hunger itself did not make it easier for me, loudly opposing the diet.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to keep running ahead. After a while, seeing the familiar area that was my falling apart house.

The next day I woke up early in the morning as handsome Daniel. I put on the oversized clothes of fat Daniel. I headed to the agreed place, waiting for the car. Before 11 o'clock a black limousine with dark windows appeared, parking in front of me. After a while the driver got out, holding a photo in his hand and looking at it. He directed his gaze at me.

"Mr. Daniel Park? I thought the photo was fake," the surprised man replied, lightly scratching his head.

"Yes, it's me," I replied shortly, still not used to other people's reactions to my appearance.

"Come inside, your boss can't wait," the driver replied, opening the passenger door from the back, pointing his hand inside with a gesture for me to get in.

Inside, I was greeted by leather upholstery and chilled drinks. I decided to sit comfortably and enjoy the ride. Time passed quite bearably, the traffic jams on the street weren't too long and the air conditioning was pleasantly cooling my body. Two hours passed, we parked in front of a tall skyscraper with the XJ Company sign above it. The large number of glass walls gave it a modern character. Artificial waterfalls soothed the ear, small white stones and marble slabs made a phenomenal impression.

It's a pity that this is the location of a psychopathic murderer. I thought to myself while admiring the building. I was led by an employee who directed me to Seongjun's office.