
Lookism:My New Home

(PS: THE MC IS OP FROM THE START) I was reincarnated into Lookism by my own selfish desire. Desperate trying to change its ending, I looked for simulator games that were about Lookism and I found one. One that I could pick the time and place where I would first start and where I can pick my strength. So with me designing my character and putting all his ability’s to the max while adding the ability that I perfect every combat and defensive style…. I didn’t realize I was designing the new me. But did I go overboard? Nahhhhhhhhhh Disclaimer: The age between first generation and 2nd generation is about 1-7 years wide. Meaning THAT when James lee took down the first generation kings he was 17-19 meanwhile Goo and gun was 15 or 14 as well as Daniel maybe 11-13 THE TIME AND YEARS ARE NEVER DISCLOSED SO DONT EXPECT EXACT DETAILS BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST. Like I said. This book that im writing is nowhere near good as I’m a newbie at writing DISCLAIMER: THE TIMELINE FOR LOOKISM IS REALLY NOT EXPLAINED and im only gonna add 3 manhawas. LOOKISM, MANAGER KIM, (lil bit)QUESTIUSM, and viral hit. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN LOOKISM OR ANY PTJ UNIVERSE. RESPECT TO THE AUTHOR WHO WROTE A GREAT STROY EVEN THOUGHT ITS COMPLICATED PPS:PS:I’m not an award experience writer, I AM a noob, novice, beginner, green horn at writing but I will try my best for grammar. Like I said, not experienced writer. I AM writing as I go by. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME BUT TO THEIR RESPECTIVE ILLUSTRATORS

FatherGun · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

5) School [2]

(AN: I went back to chapter 4 and found out I did the ranking thing wrong. Ian is No.1 and No.2 is still mysterious. Anyways I fixed it with members being known and I put their appearances in the auxiliary chapter)

"Heyy~ Ian, like the rumors?" A feminine voice was heard behind Ian. He turned around to see a beautiful girl with a tan skin color and dyed blonde hair with black eyes. No.1.5 Min Ari. The 5th person in the group.

Her strength at best was a normal high school girl but her true ability lied in her appearance, she was unimaginable beautiful.Her appearance definitely stood out as not many girls like her are at this school.

"I don't care. I just know Lee is going to want my eye." Ian stated as he entered the classroom and put down his bag behind his seat.

And unfortunately for the people in this class room, his seat was right in the middle on the last row so the students here were careful not wanting to make eye contact

Even though bullying wasn't a thing that Ian liked, that didn't mean he was kind to everyone.

"Bunch of gangsters shouldn't be here…" A student talking with their friend in the front of the class said in a whisper with the next second seeing the classroom lights above him.


"Oh, your new here aren't you?" Cho Daeyun other wise known as Cole Daeyun, was standing above the kid who whispered that.

"What did you say?" His smile was a false sense of warmth as his leg was already in kicking position.

"Cole, Stop it. We're not bully's" Ian said from the back of the classroom with a bored expression. The atmosphere in this classroom was heavy for the normal students here as they didn't want to be involved.

"Come on boss, it's just rough play" He turned his head with that fake smile and then turned back to face the student "right?"

"Yeah yeah, actually-" The door to the classroom slid open as a middle age men came in. The first thing he saw was a student on the ground with one of the trouble kids

"Cho Daeyun get back to your class. This isn't even your room, trying to mess with one of my students!"

"It was just a joke. Small ass kid couldn't take it." He scoffed as he put his foot down and walked away but not before waving goodbye to Ian.

"Ian, tell your friends to go unless you want to be in trouble for all of this!"

It was the morning and already the teacher was giving his throat a tough time.

Although he said that, he was still in the front of the classrooom not being able to go back there due their scary appearances.

"Yes sir"

With them leaving, Ari only blew him a kiss in which Ian ignored as the teacher kept an eye seeing them leave.

"Now then….." The voice was fading away to Ian as he took out his phone and looked at it as the student back In front of him was blocking the teachers sight of his desk.

Roll call was going on with Ian swiftly moving his head up once he knew his turn for his name to be called was coming.

"Here" His voice sounded euphonious even for a second as the girls couldn't get tired of his presence. Respect and fear wasn't the only looks people gave him, it was also jealousy and envy.

His looks were famous, k-pop or even higher tier along with his voice and body.

Looking down at his phone he smiled once he saw his shares were still on top. Back when Ian earn the $100 million from the tournament, he knew he had to take advantage as it was still early 2000s.

So he invested it in company's he knew are big and would make it big, for instance, Sapple, TamTung, kwitch and with having a lot of shares of Tai wai Tian group. It's a powerful group having influence over seas with multiple people all over the world vilying for it.

The only reason Ian has a lot of shares was because Zu promised him in exchange for 2 favors. 1 was already to help his son become the successor safely and the other had yet to be cashed in.

But his mood went down as a text message from a [BK] came as a notification.

'We need to talk? I have no reason.' He outread the messsage in his head and gave his response while putting his phone away and paying attention to the teacher.

He was still in school and to be honest he missed the days where he had no responsibility except for coming to school.

Well that was his life right now with just a little more responsibility.


Meanwhile, the person who sent Ian the message crushed his apple and threw it in the ground. But realizing what he just done, he got frustrated

"Ah fuck" He just mumbled as he sat on his motorcycle. 'Ian you fucker, it belonged to me'

[Flashback 1 day ago]

It was the day where Ian beat up Tom Lee and James Lee just defeated the last king on his list and the former king of Seoul before BK and Ian.

"Ji-chang, as always, you were the strongest of the kings. But your title, well it went into one person hand and then that person lost it to Ian Sun. Do you know how mad hearing that fucking name makes me?"

Ji-chang, a teenager that held a title called the "king of Seoul" but lost that title to a person called "Bad Kim" or BK for short.

DG had him by the hair as he was currently on the ground with bruises and a defeated body.

"Heh" Ji Chang snickered as he was spent trying to fight this monster, but still had energy to make him mad.

"Oh Lee, you are a monster, though your pity against me is admirable I do have one thing to say" He coughed a bit as he had a smile on what ever he was gonna talk about.

"You defeated us but we still upheld our own, but what we felt going aginst Ian won't ever be compared to you."

DG was vexed as his grip on Ji Chang hair became tighter and his other fist was already balled up.

"You went up against him right? Did you feel the despair? Did you feel like you gave it your all and put you life on the line just for him to slap it away with one hand?"

"You may have defeated me, but I at least had hope aginst defeating you, not unlike going aginst that Devil." He added his last word for today as he was knocked out.

Lee stood up as he grabbed his hair and started to ruffle it up looking like a mad man when he couldn't get over Ian.

"Woah, it looks like you really did a number on him."

James turned around and felt annoyed as he came, the only person beside Ian he considered to be as strong as him. Gapryong first son, Bad Kim.

Not his real name but his nickname considering he inherited the bad side of him.

"What do you want? I already heard Ian took your title" Lee taunted him

"….Wanna die?" The mysterious man known as Bad Kim, said that with him staring down Lee with a chilling glare

"I'm sorry? Am I supposed to be afraid?" Lee was already frustrated, and here came this guy who was annyoing and looking for god knows what.

"Sigh, I'm not here for that. Ian, he's-"

"Don't invole me in your house play, he's not our friend, not anymore once those freaks came for us and he betrayed you and me." Lee started to climb up a mountain of unconscious corpses as BK didn't like him one bit.

They weren't friends but they were a friend to Ian, a person they both considered a brother. But that brother beat him up and took the title of Seoul king and never cared to explain.

"Belive me, although I'm the cruel bastard he's someone that still needs a beating…. But not right now, I'm going to take care of some business before I leave Korea. Charles will tell you."

And with that, he left into the darkness of multiple tree shades.

James closed his eyes and thought about what happened last month when he tried to challenge Ian again.

The only thing that he could remember was his screams, Ian demonic chuckle and the sound of bones breaking. James lee traced a scar on his chest through his shirt.

A scar that reminded himself of losing and Ian made sure that he wouldn't forget. James could already see in his mind that monster laughing.

"Wait for me bastard, this isn't the end" In a low voice he added as his knuckles turned white but he quickly got off the corpses and began to leave due to hearing police sirens.

[Flash back end]

"And I'm going to get it back. Doesn't matter how long" BK said as he drove off onto the highway and started to go towards a school.

He needed to talk to Ian about something and the only way to get to him was through Mia, his sister was the only person who could get Ian even if he didn't want to talk to anyone.

Although sucidial, considering he's very protective of his sister.

'Crazy fucker' Was the only thought BK had when he was going to meet Mia.


(AN:I'll put one more chapter this Friday or Saturday and then that's when I'll have a schedule and as always thank you for your support)