
Lookism:My New Home

(PS: THE MC IS OP FROM THE START) I was reincarnated into Lookism by my own selfish desire. Desperate trying to change its ending, I looked for simulator games that were about Lookism and I found one. One that I could pick the time and place where I would first start and where I can pick my strength. So with me designing my character and putting all his ability’s to the max while adding the ability that I perfect every combat and defensive style…. I didn’t realize I was designing the new me. But did I go overboard? Nahhhhhhhhhh Disclaimer: The age between first generation and 2nd generation is about 1-7 years wide. Meaning THAT when James lee took down the first generation kings he was 17-19 meanwhile Goo and gun was 15 or 14 as well as Daniel maybe 11-13 THE TIME AND YEARS ARE NEVER DISCLOSED SO DONT EXPECT EXACT DETAILS BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST. Like I said. This book that im writing is nowhere near good as I’m a newbie at writing DISCLAIMER: THE TIMELINE FOR LOOKISM IS REALLY NOT EXPLAINED and im only gonna add 3 manhawas. LOOKISM, MANAGER KIM, (lil bit)QUESTIUSM, and viral hit. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN LOOKISM OR ANY PTJ UNIVERSE. RESPECT TO THE AUTHOR WHO WROTE A GREAT STROY EVEN THOUGHT ITS COMPLICATED PPS:PS:I’m not an award experience writer, I AM a noob, novice, beginner, green horn at writing but I will try my best for grammar. Like I said, not experienced writer. I AM writing as I go by. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME BUT TO THEIR RESPECTIVE ILLUSTRATORS

FatherGun · Anime und Comics
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(AN: I have changed his age from 17 to 16 so when Lookism starts he's only 1 year older than goo and 1 year younger than James. Remeber this is The PTJ universe, it's still NON-FICITON.)

"Hey, look even though I defeated the kings, I didn't stop them of what they were doing. In fact, I could've gotten all their land but there was no reason to. Yeah, look I gotta go."

"Aww, is the legendary devil going to hang up little old me even though I got new information~"

Ian massaged the bridges of his nose as he could hear the other person of the phone laughing.

"Anyways, looks like your "arch enemy" has finally ended the territory war. After you defeated them and when you didn't want their land they were at first quiet but started to become rowdy but that's when he defeated them and took away one of their body parts"

"That's Lee for you"

"Werid fetish if I do say so myself anyways, hours passed and most of them are staying put in their territory doing business. And guess what?"

"What?" Ian said unamused as he rolled out of bed and got in the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Rumors~ of both you and James Lee, have already spread again~" the voice sounded feminine on the other side of the phone as it teased Ian.

"So…Ian-" The phone line was disconnected as Ian stepped into the shower with cold water running down his face and all over his body.

Thanks to Ian money, he and Mia lived in a pretty expensive suite in a remarkable apartment. It was spacious that it had 2 floors with massive space and a swimming pool outside in the balcony.

After yesterday events, Ian was showering comfortably as tiny bruise marks were shown on his arm and on his leg.

Finally finishing after 20 minutes, he walked into his room with a towel covering his lower body as his back faced a mirror.

The back of Ian was ripped as a large tattoo of ouroboros covered his entire back with thorns and black roses around it. He started whistle a catchy tune as he started to change into his school uniform.

Ian had it remodeled as the school didn't have any in his size. A simple dark red business coat with the school emblem, an under white shirt along with grey pants.

The smell of breakfast entered through his door and into his nose as he stepped out of room fully clothed and saw his sister happily making food.

Mia sun, her once black hair was dyed blonde as her grey eyes like Ian were eye catching. She was considered to be the most beautiful 12 year old by her classmates.

But even then, she knew where she got her looks because from what she could remeber, Ian always said their mother was already old with wrinkles and having grey hair. Their dad was a filthy old man with a uneven shaved face, long hair and an washable body.

Luckily they still saved a portrait of their mother of when she was young before they escaped their old home. And she was a beauty wondering how she got caught up with their dead beat dad.

Anyways, Mia smiled and greeted her brother as she placed food on the table. Her short hair that reached to her neck was already softly combed while her Smooth light skin was wearing her school uniform.

"Oppa, be honset with me. Are you a gangster?"

Ian looked at her confused as he sat down. "No, where did you hear that?"

"Well" Mia sat down as she set 2 glasses of water down "My friends and I yesterday have had the best first day. We got anything we wanted for free. And get this, once I saw a kid bullying another one, I told him to stop and he did"

She said excitedly as Ian chuckled. Ian swallowed his food as he said "Well, I'm not a gangster, I'm just someone that is known by people."

"Is that so? Ra suk wouldn't say anything But, yesterday I asked one the boys and they said they wanted to be part of your group! I was told you are basically the boss of all Seoul 25 school districts. Each district has a leader or strong person in which ther leader reports to you, is what I was told" she ate while intently looking at Ian

"I'm pretty sure I don't rule all of Seoul, not anymore though it's to much and that was 1 year ago"

"Ah ha!, I knew it. Middle school is way different than last year. Also-"

"Look, you don't have to worry about anything, no one messes with your big brother especially they won't mess with you"

Ian cut her mid sentence as he let out a refreshing sound as he chugged a whole glass of water, Mia looked confused

"They won't mess with me?"

"Yeah, cuz if they did. I'll kill them" Ian said with a smile on his face. Mia was concerned as his brother usually didn't act like this.

He was always calm and goofy but she never saw him speak about killing.

"Anyways, everyone knows your off limits so don't make it harder on your classmates, you can mess with them but they can't with you."

Mia nodded as it got quiet with the sound of only metal hitting glass. She always knew her brother was protective of her, but she didn't think he would actually kill someone for her.

Although she can see where he's coming from. He did spend his whole life taking care of her and always put her first. So if spending that much time on her, and she unexpectedly got in an accident, she could see how he would react.

"Don't think about it too much, just keep on studying, find a nice job and a nice partner."

"I'm not a little kid, i do what I want to do" She rolled her eyes as Ian smirked.

She's a rebellious little sister, sometimes great and other times annoying.

"Come on let's go" Ian said finishing up as Mia put the last bit of egg in her mouth and chugged some water.

They exited the apartment building and entered the garage, which was exclusively for the residents.

The walk to the car truly highlighted the height difference between the two.

"You know you're not allowed to drive," Mia stated.

"As long as I'm not pulled over, besides I look older than a high school student." he responded as he pulled out and onto the highway.

Their first stop was Mia's middle school, where he dropped her off and watched her head towards the gate where a group of people had gathered.

Ian drove away as Mia caught a glimpse of him leaving. The morning's conversation shed some light on who her big brother truly was, although not entirely. With time, she would come to understand him better.

But for now, she was just a 12-year-old girl going to school.


Mia entering her school was normal considered to Ian entering his school. He entered the front gate with people greeting him with the same looks for past years. Respect and fear.

People stopped their conversation with their buddies and greeted him, teachers along the way respectfully bid him morning. No one bothered him about wearing shades into school.

He could've been considered the top role model of this school if it wasn't for the fact that he's a person who many call a "gangster"

"Hey!" A hand was about to come over Ian shoulder but before it could, the person that did that was suddenly on the ground.

"Kim, you should stop, your reputation of being this school best boxer is going to be damaged when you keep attacking me"

"Attacking? No no, our leader has it wrong, I admire your strength, so much that I like loosing only to you" Kim JiHo,a tall male with good looking looks and beautiful green eyes with tattoos on his arm with black hair was a pervert, not a pervert for girls but a pervert for fighting.

He likes loosing to the strong and feels disgust with anything weaker then him. It was to the point he would randomly fight someone from their appearance and if he found out they were weak, well they were bound for Hell.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Ian looked in front of him to see 5 more people with different builds and appearance.

"And why are you guys standing like that, it's fucking cringe" The 5 people in front of him all had their hands inside their pockets as one was squatting down.

"Ah fuck off, it's cool. I wanted you to show my cool posture on our first day back" The person on the ground said as he slicked back his dark red hair and got up.

Cho DaeHyun, through his outside looks one could speculate that he was sick as his clothes looked bigger on him with tooth pick like limbs and dark bags under his eye but that could not be the more opposite

"Heh, I told you it looked fucking cringe" Ma HyeonU, dark blue hair with black pupils, a well built figure and tattoos over his upper body that were covered with their school uniform.

His smirk was covered by a black face mask as his silver earrings went well with his clear skin.

"Yo boss, I told these guys that we should've waited for you in the school parking lot" An DoYoon, compared to the other 4 people he was near with, he was the most normal looking one out of the group with black hair and glasses as his tall frame was 2 inches short of Ian.

Although the school uniforms covered everyone's limb except for the head, it couldn't exactly hide someone's build but it did for DoYoon as he looked normal.

But if someone unexpectedly tore off his clothing, it could be said his sleeper build was more ripped than Ian.

"I ain't gonna fucking wait in the sun" Pae Jeong, the person who looked the most out of place of this group of 5 was because of his massive build along with his tallness, more than anything he looked like a 30 year old. His short black hair along with black eye pupils did help make him look younger.

"I don't care at all I'm only here for our leader" No.3 Yang Jin ,the 3rd strongest out of Ian "small group" a perfect young looking man. Looks, grades, body and martial arts, it was perfect as his silver dyed hair along with his ember like eyes was an eye catcher.

These people were subordinates of Ian while Yang Jin was part of Ian small group.

All that was missing was their Number 2 ranking person which made Ian Number 1 considering he was the strongest in their small group which only included 4 people, technically 5.

(AN: it won't be until another 3 or2 years for the 4 crews to exist)

Last year, Ian Sun was the first person to have all of Seoul's districts under his rule in just one month. However, for unknown reasons, Ian disbanded this arrangement and instructed each district to continue with their daily lives.

There was only one condition: each district had to send at least one representative - someone they considered to be the strongest or the ruler of all the high schools in their region - to meet Ian on an annual basis for evaluation.

The students in Seoul were well aware of this requirement. Considering that Seoul had 25 districts, it was quite impressive that each leader successfully controlled their respective district, given the difficulty of unifying or determining the strongest.

However, it was not obligatory for the leaders or the strongest individuals to meet Ian. The high schools under their control were confused as to why they had to meet this one person, until they discovered that the person in question was Ian Sun himself.

Anyway, the deadline for the meeting has already passed, and all 25 individuals have met Ian and pledged their loyalty to him. Ian had a rough and violent way of determining their standing.

As for the small group Ian is in charge of, it was a group of people that stayed with Ian after he no longer wanted control of all Seoul. They were with him through middle school and now through high school, and Ian called them the Sun crew even though only 5 people were in it.

This group was especially known to have powerful fighters capable of taking on and ruling over one district with only 5 members. This was possible because Ian personally trained them.

They were also well-known in South Korea, with each member being easily recognizable due to the districts warning about the crew and the individuals in it.

Since Ian didn't have a system to gauge their level or power, he had no idea that that No.4 Ra suk was level 4, with No.3 and No.2 being level 6.0-6.1, short of Gun level 6.4.

And they were all freshmen!

(AN:Take my word, power scaling is hard)

"Heyy~ Ian, like the rumors?" A feminine voice was heard behind Ian. He turned around to see a beautiful girl with a tan skin color and dyed blonde hair with black eyes. No.???

FUNFACT: Gun comes out of prison 1 year later and is 18 when Daniel comes to j-highschool.