
Lookism:My New Home

(PS: THE MC IS OP FROM THE START) I was reincarnated into Lookism by my own selfish desire. Desperate trying to change its ending, I looked for simulator games that were about Lookism and I found one. One that I could pick the time and place where I would first start and where I can pick my strength. So with me designing my character and putting all his ability’s to the max while adding the ability that I perfect every combat and defensive style…. I didn’t realize I was designing the new me. But did I go overboard? Nahhhhhhhhhh Disclaimer: The age between first generation and 2nd generation is about 1-7 years wide. Meaning THAT when James lee took down the first generation kings he was 17-19 meanwhile Goo and gun was 15 or 14 as well as Daniel maybe 11-13 THE TIME AND YEARS ARE NEVER DISCLOSED SO DONT EXPECT EXACT DETAILS BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST. Like I said. This book that im writing is nowhere near good as I’m a newbie at writing DISCLAIMER: THE TIMELINE FOR LOOKISM IS REALLY NOT EXPLAINED and im only gonna add 3 manhawas. LOOKISM, MANAGER KIM, (lil bit)QUESTIUSM, and viral hit. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN LOOKISM OR ANY PTJ UNIVERSE. RESPECT TO THE AUTHOR WHO WROTE A GREAT STROY EVEN THOUGHT ITS COMPLICATED PPS:PS:I’m not an award experience writer, I AM a noob, novice, beginner, green horn at writing but I will try my best for grammar. Like I said, not experienced writer. I AM writing as I go by. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME BUT TO THEIR RESPECTIVE ILLUSTRATORS

FatherGun · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

13.5) Charles

Johan saw the last of Ian that day as he collapsed on the ground. Luckily his dog was there with him for the full length he was out.

It wasn't long, the sun was still up so he could've guessed he was out for less than 2 hours. As he was getting up, he heard moans of pain and quickly ran over there even with his damaged body.

He saw his people on the ground with their bikes destroyed as well as blunt weapons on the ground destroyed.

Johan was somewhat touched by his members of God Dog, they probably came here to save him from that monster but ultimately, they failed as well.

Is was what Johan thought as he snickered while walking away with his dog. But it was a masssive misunderstanding he had as they weren't here to help him, but capture him and bring him to Jin Jang.

Thought their plan failed due to Ian intervening and beating them all with little to no difficulty.

'What a monster….' Was all Johan thought as he smiled only for a bit to go back to his usual cold self.


While Johan just got up, Ian was already far off as he stopped at a medium sized and well off building in a luxury area.

It had a huge logo plastered on the front of the building. HNH. It was Charles Choi, Elite, company that he managed to start up thanks to the money he's making off of the 4 crews.

It was a secret very phew people know, less than 10 probably but Charles knew Ian knew and that was a huge pain in his ass. Not only was Ian a powerhouse, he also had deep pockets thanks to his investment in huge company's while also owning a share in Tai Wan group.

A powerful group rivaling T and H group in China.

Ian was in front of the building as he was leaning against his bike while putting on his shades. He looked up and saw that Charles was making use of his money he acquired.

'Heh, it's been two years yet he hasn't came to see me. It makes my Heart ache' Ian jokelying thought once he was walking towards the entrance.

"Now, Toothpick or thingy…. Why is it so hard to decide"

"I'm sorry sir but you can't-" The security in front of the door was trying to warn Ian but before he could react, he was already facing the sky.

'Why is it so blue?'

With an elbow stirke towards his stomach, he went down faster and harder making him pass out. While the other security guard saw this, Ian flicked a toothpick towards the man's Adam apple as it tickled him but that was all it took for Ian to get up, and quickly knock him out by the jaw.

"Toothpick, I think that's my calling. Or maybe not I guess I'll find out…" Muttering that to himself, he walk inside as the front desk lady was already shaking while having a phone next to her ear.

"Hello-Um sir? What! Yes okay…" Her phone call was interrupted as her office phone rang from the head office. It was her boss letting her know not to call the police and just let the man come through peacefully.

"The top floor, our boss is waiting for you…Sir" She said as delicately as she could to not sound scared. She did technically see him knocking out the two security out in front.

Ian hummed in response and got in the elevator going to the top floor. "Elevator music. Charles, you have a whole floor that's your office? You seem to be doing well." his sleeves were still rolled up as he patiently waited.


"Charley~!" As soon as the doors open up, He stepped out and saw Charles back but only two steps in, he was already attacked.

"Ow, Charles your really making my heart ache." Ian said as he was grabbing Goo wrist while his other hand was holding back Gun fist.

"Ello! Wow! You guys seem stronger!"

Goo saluted him with a goofy grin as Gun was already estatic with his shades falling off. His tall frame towered over the two but that didn't mean anything as he was suddenly kicked in the head and behind his knees by the duo

Ian chuckled as he didn't belive he would ever be on the ground facing up. It kinda pissed him off as he swiftly got up and cracked his neck.

"Okay okay, nice moves you both got there. I was surprised but I thought we were friends!"

"We are but this is purely business.Hey gun, I don't remember the other time we had to work together."

"Your right, it was when we fought our monster teacher."

"It isn't going to be any different months ago. Why don't you move aside?" He smiled as he added "I'm only here to talk to Charles, not hurt him."

Charles from the other side was watching silently as he was wearing a business suit. He stared coldly at Ian, and continued to watch.

The words from Ian were entering one ear and exiting the other one as they both didn't listen and continued to attack.

Gun with the crazy smile was having fun while Goo was serious with an actual katana. It was reasonable to think Charles had Goo special weapon in his building which was his purpose to protect him.

"You know, I never imagined you two to protect Charles. Although it makes sense, he's paying you." Said Ian as he continued to dodge both of their attacks while throwing counters where he could.

Gun used his kyokashin straight punch but Ian got below it and elbowed his elbow making him exposed on his right side.

It was a perfect time for Ian to deliver painful blows but before he could, he backed away seeing the danger of that razor sharp blade coming towards him

"Wow, that was close!" The side of Ian shirt had a hole that was cut diagonally. "Your gonna kill me Goo Goo!"

The tone of Ian was still filled with playfulness as he didn't take the fight serious. New attacks were being striked but suddenly their power was redirected back towards themself. Ian took this opportunity to get into their blind spots and deliver powerful kicks.

'Does this make sense, we're attacking but we're the ones to get pushed back!?'

"You should know this Gun, the martial art that came from Japan and is a linage of your martial art and is able to redirect the assilant attack back to themself. Enshin Kaikan."

Ian eyes like Gun were already seen as his shades fell off. Gun snickered as he got up with Goo. "Oh wow, still as strong as ever Ian! But, you know that's not enough!"

Goo rushed towards Ian as he kept dodging that sharp edge of his katana but he didn't dodge for long as he grabbed Goo arms and put them under his arms as he delivered a body shot.

Goo was out of breath and started to catch his breathing as he looked up to Ian who was about to grab his head but he was suddenly up in the air as Gun was already in a stance.

"It's iconic Gun, for the one to be defeated to be beaten again." His incredible strength along with acrobatic style allowed him to ballance himself on gun head as he smashed him into the floor making Gun to have a expression of pain. Ian admitted he used a bit more force as he pushed Gun face and body into the floor making pass out, but that was because Goo was using a weapon while Gun didn't, so he had to take care of him quickly.

And like that, Goo was already back in the fight as he was even faster."…Goo, your really wanting to kill me. I thought we were friends! Friends!" Ian shirt was already filled with slash marks as he decided to just rip it off him.

Scars were seen as even a bullet scar was seen by Goo as they were somehow hard to see thanks to Ian's tattoos that covering his whole body.

"…" Instead of making a snarky response, Goo could confidently say this was his first time being deadly serious. That was because the vibe Ian gave off was different and he felt it as he took a stance.

He took a deep breath as he put his sword beside his hip and got down low, looking up at Ian, Goo held his breath.

"…Would you be alright. Goo." Ian didn't get a response as he sigh. He placed his hands on his hips as he looked down at the floor for a bit but then he faced back at Goo while a thin small amount of smoke came out from the sides of his mouth.

'…60%….they grown…even Tom Lee makes me go 74%…'

Without a word spoken, they both charged at eachother as Charles looked shocked. He saw Ian standing over Goo as he lost consciousness but he didn't look surprised because Goo lost, no, he looked surprised because he managed to leave a shallow scar on his chest.

Even Ian looked impressed as Gun could probably do the same, if he gave him that chance. Who knows, if Ian didn't use more force on Gun then Goo, they might've been able to make him step back a bit.

"Now Charles, it hurts when you make a threat to me 2 years ago but never full fil it." Ian said as he started to walk calmly towards him with his hands in his pocket.

"…." Charles didn't say anything as he didn't show any emotion to see his bodyguards defeated. Even his former comrades of his once group said it was impossible to win against that monster unless they put a bullet in him.

"It hurts my body. Would it hurt…if I had two body's~"

A loud bang rang out with Ian smirking. He caught Charles Choi specialty invisible attack. It was stated that only one person per generation had the ability to have it or to block it without even seeing it.

Ian was one of those people as he caught Charles attack that was aimed for his neck. By one inch was Ian taller than Choi as he was amused by the facial expression Choi was making.

It was an understatement to say Choi was angry. He was outraged mixed with frustration, annoyance, and irritation but most of all, he was angry.

'When! When! When! How does he know!'

"Come on Choi, you have to look good to see your daughter today." Ian fixed the crinkles in his suit as he fixed his collar.

"What are you talking about?" Choi said in unemotional tone to Ian as he chuckled. The roles were reverse now, as Ian stepped ahead and faced the window with his hands behind his back.

"Having two body's is amazing. It's scientifically a revolution if the country government gets their hands on it~"

Choi now knew Ian really did know about his daughter circumstances. And that was it all it took for them to fight.

The invisible attacks that choi was so proudly of were nothing serious as with one missing arm and with heart problems, he was not the same back in his prime, so taking him down was easier than taking down Gun and Goo.

But even though Choi had these problems, he was still fighting like in his usual days with some minor handicaps.

"Choi, your heart problems are gonna get worse."

"Shut up, your the one who is gonna give me a heart attack. How do you know?"

"It's simple, Jinyoung." Ian lied through his teeth as hasn't met with Jinyoung park yet. He only knew because he knew this world and it's secrets.

With that one word, Choi attacks became more violent and deadly but he was forced to calm down as Ian used his techniques against him which made him come back to his senses.

"Dad who-" A young "attractive" girl that would be consider by many appeared as the elevator doors opened up.

She had black hair with looks rivaling or even surpassing Mia sun with normal black eyes as she was suddenly startled by having a giant towering over her who was right in front of her.

"So your crystal!…..poke, Poke, poke, Po-" At first Ian was poking Crystal forehead, her leg, her arm, and her cheek but he was stopped before he could poke her belly.

Sure it was weird and probably illegal Ian touching her but he couldn't believe how human her second body was.

And he was stopped by the 3 people on the floor. Gun was holding him back, Goo had his katana under his throat while Choi stood in front of his finger with a cane.

"Hahah, oh man, this sure is interesting. Crystal how's it going?" Ian smiled as if nothing was wrong with Crystal wondering what was happening for her father to look this angry.

"Ian we may be friends but messing with our money crosses the line." Goo said seriously with a bloody nose as Gun started to feel his muscles while he was in his hold.

"I know I know. But." Ian used more strength and speed than normal as the three of them were up in the air thanks to Ian using Gun move but faster and stronger.

"If your gonna threaten to kill me, say it afterwards on my cold body." He smiled as Crystal looked surprised and worried as she was frightened a bit.

That creepy smile with those demonic looking eyes sent goosebumps up to her as she started to Stutter. The 3 of them were on the ground as they had their eyes closed thanks to Ian going for their nose, making them feel pain than when a normal person would hit it.

"What am I doing? Threatening a little girl who has" Putting up two fingers " One body of an adult. Life sure is weird."

"Anyways, it was nice seeing you Charles. Remember i would think twice before you think of trying to get rid of me." Said Ian as he put his hands in his pocket and entered the elevator.

The three started to get up as they all looked at Ian with frustration. They were all thinking the same thing. He's too strong. It's evident he will be a threat to Charles but what could they do.

They couldn't do anything to him officially or call him out because Ian knew of their dealing while they could fight to the death, but it was going to take more than just them to defeat him.

Goo on the other hand saw this opportunity to make him a secret friend. While Gun just wanted Ian and him to fight forever. Charles was really the only one out of the three to want to see him dead.

"People will have to get tired of seeing my face. Because I'm gonna be here for a long time." Smiling, the doors closed as Charles slammed his cane on the floor so hard that it went through.

"Ian. You really came to here secure your future from me huh." Choi said while gritting his teeth as Gun and Goo wiped themselves of blood and looked better than never.

"We have got to stop loosing Gun. Take it seriously next time."

"Ah shut up, he knocked me out before I could take it seriously. I think we need to revulate our standing with Ian, Choi. I don't know what he has against you but I would be careful."Gun said putting a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it up.

And with that, the duo left leaving Charles and his daughter being the only ones there.

"Dad…who was that, what did Gun mean when he has something on you-"

"Crystal…it's about time I tell you who that person is and my standing with him. Not because I want you to know but because you need to stay away from him. Along with your….two body's and how he knows it's secrets."

The last words spoken by him made Crystal shock as she couldn't imagine someone else than her father knowing about it. And it even shocked her more when she found out he knows the secrets behind it, something her father only knew a little about.