
Lookism : Inevitable

Follow Kai as he leaves the darkness of his home and joins the world again, ready to make friends and push through trials of blood, sweat, and tears in his path to grow stronger for himself and those he cares for. *P.S. I am terrible at writing summaries, so please just give it a shot and read the story before you judge based on the description. *P.S. Artwork is not mine. If the creator wants it taken down, I will.

BlazingImmortal · Anime und Comics
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The Calm Before The Storm

Elsewhere Gun Park stood at a food stall still soaked from the rain with the car he rode in parked silently behind him, Next to him stood a man of comparable height with partly dyed blonde hair wearing a similar pair of glasses as Gun himself.

"Do you have any idea how much this car costs? What the hell are you gonna do about the wet seats, Huh?" The blonde Next to Gun said with his face screwed up in annoyance as he playfully punched Gun in the shoulder who looked to be getting more and more passed off as the blonde kept talking.

"We're behind schedule as is, hah is this a game to you? First Jake now Johan, If you're going to be like this just unite the four crews yourself" The blonde chastised seemingly oblivious to the constantly growing anger of his 'friend' Next to him who looked like he would love nothing more than to drive his fist straight through the blonde's face.

As the two continued to glare at each the worker behind the food stall seemed to lose hold of the bucket of sauce spilling it over onto the bench top most of which splashed onto Gun further increasing his anger to the boiling point at which he snapped and focused his anger on the food stall worker.

"Talk about perfect timing, You're so dead" Gun stated as he took his glasses off and glared at the tall bull like worker who seemed to be a teenager but no one would be able to say for certain all the while the blonde seemed to find the situation hilarious and couldn't stop laughing.

"Hmm the fuck did you just say? Oi you sure about this? You a gangster?" The bullish teenager said as he glared right back not seeming to notice the immense danger he had landed himself in.

"Seonong! What's going on!? why are you fighting?" A darker skinned man with a yellow suit with a white shirt underneath adorned with a yellow tie, black pants and a white bandanna with black spots was running up to them looking panicked while carrying a sack of rice presumably the owner of the food stall.

'What's up with Gun? Why does he look so serious?' Goo thought to himself as he watched them man place the rice sack on the ground noticing that Gun was no longer angry but looked to be more serious than he has seem him in quite a while.

'Woah he's "from Thailand, I thought this place was run by a native?" Goo said aloud mid thought as he stared questioningly at the clearly Thai man running a traditional Japanese food stall.

"Oi skinny step aside this is a grown up matter" Seonong the bullish looking teenager said as he looked at Gun and Goo blatantly ignoring his employer's protests as he hyped himself up in front of the two intimidating figures in front of him.

"What? You crooked bastards need to learn some manners" Goo said as he cracked his Knuckle's ready to beat the manners into the middle aged looking teenager in front of himself as he gave a menacing smile radiating danger that could be felt by everyone there.

Goo's actions halted though when he noticed that his partner in action had produced a note pad from seemingly out of nowhere and was bowing respectfully towards the Thai man holding the pen and pad out to him causing Goo to adopt an astonished face completely dumbfounded at Gun's actions to the point that his mouth fell open in shock.

"I'm a huge fan, it's an honour to meet you in person. You're 65th title match was a life changer for me, with the flying knee kick finisher" Gun said respectfully not noticing the shock on the Thai man's face at being recognised or the other two confused people behind him completely misunderstanding the situation dies to being unable to hear the two.

"I'm still waiting for your come back to the ring" Gun finished as the Thai man took the pad and pen from him signing his name incorrectly by accident as Gun quickly added "it's such a shame that you left without a student"

"No... Thank you for remembering me" the now named Brekdak said flattered as he handed the pad now signed with the pen back to Gun "And... I have a Student" he said with a gentle smile on his face.

"I see, In that case... I'd very much like to meet him someday" Gun said as he entered their car with Goo preparing to drive away only as they started pulling away, Goo suddenly spoke up in a curious tone.

"Back at the river bank, What put you in such a good mood?" Goo asked casually only a little curious as they had gotten a little ways down the street "Hmm just saw some talented guys back there..." Gun said equally as casually to which Goo nodded slightly understanding Gun's penchant for leaving talented adversaries to grow.

"Ah... I also saw Kai Yang..." Gun said still as casual as could be however the second Goo heard the name he slammed the breaks with no regard to their safety knowing full well that something like this couldn't hurt them.

"You saw who?" Goo asked anger clear on his face and growl ripping from his throught as an oppressive aura spread of him that would have made a lesser fighter cower in fear however Gun being as powerful as he was stayed completely unaffected.

"I saw Kai although he seems to only be as strong as he was back then which is a bit disappointing but wasn't using his actual style so I don't know" Gun said a contemplative look on his face as thought back to his previous exchange with Kai Yang.

"Because of that brat... I lost a month's worth of pay because we decided to give up on that kid's school" Goo said while he ground his teeth in frustration as he thought back to that annoying time "never mind his psycho of a boyfriend who came after us" he stated growing more and more frustrated as he waved around his hands to emphasise.

"He seemed to be angry about something in regards to that" Gun stated as he began to think about any rumours or information he could remember from that period of time.

"What does he have to be angry about, I spent a month recovering from that fight, the bastard broke my arm, Shattered six of my ribs and left my internal organs in disarray" Goo rambled his annoyance clearly showing as he started driving again.

"He's lucky I didn't kill his boyfriend for making me angry, so what's his problem?" Goo asked rhetorically as he continued to frown as Gun also frowned although his was due to thinking about the past rumours he heard surrounding that guy.

"I heard a rumour back then that he was put in a coma after setting off that annoying geezer seems like the rumours are true" Gun stated as he seemed contemplative towards the situation seemingly putting together some facts eventually coming to the conclusion that Kai had not known the full truth of what happened back then.

"What how is that our fault, he shouldn't have messed with that creepy old man, especially not while he was recovering" Goo said as he focused on the road too annoyed with that past incident to want to keep thinking about it.

"Anyways it's a shame that such a talented fighter from our generation ended just like that" Gun stated in a rare state of respectful mourning not because he knew the guy simply at the loss of such a talented guy.

"Yeah that bastard with his sharp piercing punches was quite talented wasn't he" Goo said as he too payed his respect to a fallen rival in silence despite his loathing of the guy it was off putting to lose one of the few prominent fighters of their generation.

"Although it seems as if someone purposely hid that crappy old man's involvement, Seems like they didn't want to set the brats annoyingly protective family" Gun said as final thought as Goo nodded in acknowledgement of Gun's thought as they both turned silent as the care drove off into the night.

Meanwhile Elsewhere at a Juvenile Detention Centre a meeting was taking place that would serve to spell trouble for the J High group who remained unaware that they had set off a chain of events that could no longer slowed or stopped as Jin Jang former second in command of the God Dog's had followed a tall muscular guy in a suit with four scratches on his face, three of them intersecting.

Following the teenager who could easily be mistaken for a foreign Mercenary, Jin Jang and another former executive of God Dog, Hope Park who upon arriving at the visitor booths hung back and waited till the tall Mercenary had finished his greeting to the leader of Big Deal, Jake Kim who had short black hair with a scar over his lip and tattoos going from his chest down to his wrists.

Without saying a word the tall intimidating teenager dropped to his knees and bowed to the Head of Big Deal his fists planted firmly on the ground not daring to look directly at Jake not out of fear but shame.

"You Don't need to do that here Jerry Kwon" Jake stated as he looked at his right hand man seemingly used to his antics if his nonchalant attitude was anything to go off.

"I could never look you in the eye" Jerry said as he continued to look directly at the floor not noticing that his actions were beginning to make Jin Jang and Hope Park over confident in themselves subtly looking down on big deal and especially Jerry Kwon.

"I expected so much more from the number two, But it looks like you just Big Deal's Mutt" Jin Jang stated letting his sense if superiority take over him as both he and Hope walked forward to speak to Jake with Jin Jang even going as far as to sit on Jerry's back who remained bowing respectfully towards Jake.

"So you're Jin Jang, I heard you were coming" Jake stated simply not at all worried for Jerry's safety knowing full well how capable his right hand man is despite his lacking mental capabilities.

"I've heard alot about you, Jake Kim" Jin Jan said in a haughty tone attempting to show that he was superior as he continued not noticing the subtle shift in the atmosphere as he continued to be disrespectful to Jake.

"I know that Big Deal's got money issues right? I'll make you an offer, I'm pretty good at that. Why don't we split fifty-fifty?" Jin Jang asked while Jake remained silent which gave Jin Jang the idea that he was thinking the offer over so he continued.

"It's gotta suck to have such a worthless right hand man, you'll need one hundred grand to maintain Big Deal after all. You being sent to Juvie is one thing, but you got Completely crushed by Gun Too" as soon as the words had left Jin Jang's mouth faster than he could react both Him and Hope were being held in the air with their heads firmly clasped by one of Jerry's hands each his naturally hulking body and incredible strength allowing him to effortlessly hold them mid-air.

The leader of Big Deal watch silently completely relaxed as both Jin Jang and Hope Park clawed hopelessly at Jerry's arm's who looked to be completely unfazed by their futile attempts or growing panic.

"Your right, It's true that he beat me. But give it a rest, Will you?" Jake said not willing to listen to the condescending tone from Jin Jang any longer then he turned to His number two "Jerry" he said as he gestured to let them down to which Jerry complied immediately.

As Jerry put the down he spoke to the two ex God Dog Executive's "When you speak to the boss... You show some respect" He said as the other two quickly kneeled and bowed after seeing a dark look from Jerry.

"Our Jerry over here may not know how to make money, But he's as good a fighter as me" Jake addressed Jin Jang as he turned to Jerry and started a conversation ignoring the other two who were currently pledging their subservience to Big Deal.

"I apologise boss, these maggots got out of line. I should have disciplined them before coming here" Jerry said respectfully towards Jake as he returned to bowing to him despite their close relationship Jerry would always remain entirely respectful to Jake.

"It's alright although now that we've absorbed the God Dog's we may have to pay 200 grand however maintaining Big Deal is more important" Jake said as he closed his eyes as if to reminisce on the events that led him here calmly he explained his orders to Jerry.

"Has anything of Note happened since you last visited?" Jake asked slightly curious as to what was happening while he was trapped in this detention centre.

"Nothing too important however those two do have interesting news, In their clash with both Burn Knuckles and J High there was someone Gun Acknowledged" Jerry informed as he thought back to his own astonishment to the news he was told shortly before this appointment with Jake.

Jake looked slightly stunned if not surprised as he took in that tid bit "will they be a problem?" He asked with a curious tone cautious of this new variable that could potentially offset his plan's.

"Shouldn't be, He seems to hold a grudge against Gun if what they say is true" Jerry stated seriously understanding Jake's worry but not thinking much of the apparently new adversarie known as Kai Yang.

"Is there a chance he knows where Gun would be?" Jake asked towards the two who were still shaking will bowing on the ground.

"Unlikely, He looked surprised to see Gun in Seoul" Jin Jang said quickly not wanting to bring Jerry down on them should he view his stalling as disrespect to his crew head.

"Then don't worry about him, Once I'm out, I'll find and kill Gun with my own hands!" Jake stated, his face changed to one of pure rage as he placed his hand on the glass upon standing up, the intensity and pressure of his malice cowed the two ex God Dog Executive's who trembled even more able to feel the hatred flowing off Big Deal's Head like waves.

In other places similar events were taking place, once such place being in a warehouse situated in Gangdong a place known for it's incredibly high crime rates and vast amount of run away teenagers due to a particularly violent and chaotic Crew known only as Hostel A.

Sitting on top of a few stacked wooden pellets sat a pale teenager with dreadlocks wearing a brown bandanna and a brown fur lined coat his skin adorned with an assortment of seemingly random tattoos the most notable being the compass on his cheek under his left eye this teenagers name was Olly Wang otherwise known as the Big Daddy of Hostel A.

Olly Wang was talking to two other teenagers who stood before him of Chinese decent who looked particularly rough with scraggy clothes and scars on their faces one having short hair while the other had long hair their names being Justin Peng (short hair) and Chuck Kwak (long hair).

As the three were talking about operations in Gangdong a ding was heard from Chuck's phone and when he pulled it out to check what was however the second he read the report he had been sent his eyes widened slightly in shock confusing the other two.

"What's up Chuck?" Olly asked with a slight laugh until he suddenly turned serious, his rapid change of expression did not seem off to the other two as they were used to this behaviour from their crew head already.

"It seems God Dog has fallen and Johan has been disqualified, he is currently missing" Chuck said causing the other two's shock to grow even more however Olly Wang quickly schooled his expression after he thought everything over.

"Hmm realistically it was only a matter, Johan had no loyal subjects under him he was bound to fail at some point" Olly analysed as he stroked his chin in thought looking off into space the other two wondered what he was thinking about.

"There's also news that a guy with white hair was praised by that black eyed demon" Chuck said as he slightly shivered at the thought of the person responsible for the four major crews.

"Hmm... White hair, praised by Gun" Olly tilted his head in many different directions as he pulled faces as if he was trying to remember if he had heard of anyone like this before.

"Should Me and Chuck go set him straight it shouldn't take long with us together" Justin asked wanting to include himself in the conversation and prove they are useful to Olly by taking pre-emptive measures against this new variable.

"Nah if it's who I think it is, from what I've heard you two wouldn't stand a chance" Olly said as he stood up and walked toward the exit with a maniacal smile on his face as he left the warehouse ignoring the shocked looks from his executives.

At another place in Seoul a meeting was taking place in a building you would expect from a legitimate business company which in truth was owned by the most business like of the four major crews lead by an enigmatic teenager who despite not having any combat capabilities has plenty of strong, loyal subordinates who provide all the muscle he needs in any given situation.

As the Chairman of Workers Eugene a teenager of somewhat small stature sat in the seat of the at the highest position he wore glasses and had black straight hair he gave of an air of oppression only those in positions of power possessed as casually chatted to another teenager.

This other being a giant, muscular, black teenager with a large black afro whose imposing figure alone would worry any fighter with any sense of self preservation this teenager's name is Mandeok Bang the Vice Chairman of Workers as the two were talking a guy of similar stature to Eugene sat playing with building blocks his features covered by a plain cap on his head.

Despite the childish actions of this teenager he was not be underestimated as he quickly raised his head towards the door only for a man in a suit burst through the door the door with what looked like a report in his hands the other two in the room only turning to face the new comer after he had burst through the door into the room.

The other teenager returned to playing with the blocks upon realising the new comer was not a threat to any of them, the man quickly walked over to Eugene and handed him the folder in his hands.

Eugene upon skimming over it's content's couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in genuine surprise "Seems it won't be that long before we have to move up plan's to take over the other Crew's" he said aloud as he placed the folder down on the desk drawing Mandeok's curious gaze on himself.

"Why, What's happened?" Mandeok asked as he gave Eugen his full undivided attention waiting to filled in on the current situation which Eugene quickly satisfied his curiosity.

"It seems Johan has been disqualified, with Jake in Juvenile Detention and Olly's refusal to leave Hostel's current territory it seems it won't be long before we take full control" Eugene stated with a cunning smile gracing his lips his words shocking Mandeok slightly due to the content casually stated.

"Also it seems Kai Yang has come to Seoul" Eugene casually stated as an old memory came to the forefront as Eugene sat in car staring at a scene that can oly be described as chaotic with a white haired student faced awatly from him with a simple grey jacket with only one word printed in black bold letters on the back, 'Nexus' it read.

This student stood nearly entirely unscathed despite the blood dripping off his fists and staining his clothes clearly none of it being his own among a crowd of a few hundred other students who laid battered and broken on the ground all seemingly from other schools in the area, the young white haired man turned his head slightly his features shadowed due to the time of day the only clear detail being his glowing white Iris's his entire figure giving off an intense pressure.

Eugen quickly shook his head slightly to offset the image in his head as a slight chill swept up his frame at the memory causing Mandeok to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Isn't he someone you wanted to recruit a couple years ago what happened with that" he asked with curiosity not having ever met Kai Yang nor heard much about him so not entirely convinced of his capabilities.

"It wouldn't have gone anywhere on top of his fighting talent he's no slouch in business areas either back then he was making even more than us so it would have been pointless, even now while not having as many connections he would probably match our money" Eugene revealed with a hint of respect that surprised the other two in the room especially Mandeok.

"Should we deal with him before he becomes a problem?" Mandeok asked a hint of weariness creeped in due to the high praise from someone like Eugene.

"No it's not worth it, he currently attends J High School it would not be wise to needlessly making that den of sleeping monsters our enemy for someone who has no interest in working with Gun" Eugene stated to which Mandeok nodded at understanding what kind of place that School was where monsters gathered.

"Anyway with My Gun and Good he shouldn't be a problem" Eugene said as he smiled gently at the two others in the room until he stood and turned to look out the window of the high rise building with his hands crossed behind his back 'Soon everything will be ready and nothing will stand in my way' He thought as he stared off into the distance.

Unaware of the growing tension in Seoul due to recent events and his arrival Kai continued to attend school not paying much attention to those around him due to being deep in thought slightly worrying his friends who care about him suddenly though Kai stopped in the middle a school corridor 'that settles it I'll hunt those bastards down' he thought as he clenched his fists and continued down the hallway to his class.