
Lookism After all im the Strongest

My name is John Black, and I'm 25 years old. A pretty good name, right? Well, I had a pretty bad day. After all, I got fired from work because I didn't participate much. The reason is I was sick, but my manager is a bastard who likes to bully his subordinates. As I was transitioning into town at the crosswalk, I heard someone honking on my left. When I looked to the side, I saw a very scared face outside the truck windows. Then, I realized I was going to die, so I stopped, even though I tried to run. But it was already three meters away from me, so I accepted it. -------------------------------------------------- and if you are looking for mc who fall in love with single flirt or because he sees beautiful girl this is not for you NO HAREM/NO ROMANCE Lookism,Jujutsu Kaisen,Images are not mine

mantaege · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 16# Fight with a Tom Lee

when he heard it he was quite shocked because His partner Charles Choi was defeated by a White Snow Death the rising star

so he want him to challenge him himself

so he goes to charles choi to tell him his identity

after he meet Charles Choi in the Hospital he ask "so who is he,his identity and where he live"

charles choi telled him "he lives here in South Korea Seoul,but be careful he was stronger then i expected but be careful his martial art.. hurt more then my previous boss Gapryong kim the move s he does can kill you in one move but i can feel he didnt used it full potential...

Tom lee taken the advice so he goes to meet him

after few hours....

he is infront of his door his apartment he is here to fight him 

gojo satoru is eating his food in peace while his superhuman senses are warning him but dont know why but then he hear a knock on his door behind him so he opened it but who would though that by the time he opened the door by fast speed he was punched to his face and was slammed to wall and the wall cracked

he coughed a blood from his mouth and mutter "fuckin hell cant you do better greeting Tom Lee."

he look infront of him says "Tom Lee", a hulking figure with bulging muscles, exuded an aura of raw power. His reputation as a brawler preceded him, having defeated opponents with sheer force and an uncanny ability to endure punishment. On the other side is Gojo Satoru, a lean and agile martial artist, known for his speed and the lethal precision of his Renewal Taekwondo.

"hahahaha sorry sorry i just wanted already fight you so go all out!" he says and smiled again

"as you wish"

Tom Lee wasted no time, charging towards Gojo Satoru with a thunderous roar. The ground seemed to tremble under the weight of his footsteps. Gojo, however, remained calm, his eyes focused and unwavering.

As Tom swung a massive haymaker, Gojo gracefully dodged the attack with a combination of acrobatic spins and swift footwork.in amazement at the dexterity displayed by the Taekwondo master. Tom, momentarily off balance, tried to grapple Gojo, but the agile martial artist slipped out of his grasp.

Seizing the opportunity, Gojo Satoru unleashed a barrage of kicks, aiming for Tom's legs and midsection. The powerful kicks reverberated through the house showcasing the precision and speed that defined Renewal Taekwondo. Tom, however, weathered the storm, his resilience evident in the face of Gojo's relentless assault.

With a sudden burst of energy, Tom retaliated with a sweeping punch, aiming for Gojo's head. The force behind the blow could have easily knocked out a lesser opponent, but Gojo Satoru, with lightning-fast reflexes, ducked and weaved, avoiding the brunt of the attack.

The ebb and flow of the fight continued, each fighter testing the other's limits. Gojo, recognizing Tom's strength, decided to employ a strategy – he would use Tom's power against him. As Tom lunged forward with another powerful strike, Gojo skillfully redirected the force, causing Tom to stumble and lose his balance.

Seizing the moment, Gojo executed a breathtaking aerial kick, striking Tom with precision at a vulnerable point. The impact echoed through the house as Tom Lee crashed to the wall.

after that Tom Lee recovered by fast speed and is impressed by Gojo's agility, smirked and said, "Hoo, you are indeed strong, but I haven't used my full power yet."

In response, Gojo grinned confidently, "Likewise, Let's see what you've got."

the intensity soared. Tom's attacks became more relentless, each strike carrying the weight of his immense strength. Gojo, in turn, showcased his mastery of Renewal Taekwondo, countering with precise and agile movements.

Tom, with a burst of energy, unleashed a devastating combination of punches and kicks, forcing Gojo on the defensive.

"Impressive," Gojo acknowledged, deflecting the blows. "But don't underestimate me."

As the battle raged on, Gojo's eyes glinted with determination. He decided it was time to reveal a fraction of his hidden strength. Engaging his Renewal Taekwondo, he unleashed a series of rapid and powerful kicks, catching Tom off guard.

Tom, gritting his teeth, acknowledged, "You've got some tricks up your sleeve."

With a sudden burst of energy, Tom countered, utilizing his own unique martial arts techniques. The two martial artists reached a momentary stalemate, each respecting the other's skills.

Fatigue began to set in as the fight continued. Both Fighters, drenched in sweat, circled each other, searching for an opening

"You're still holding back," Tom remarked, wiping sweat from his brow. "Show me your true strength."

Gojo nodded, acknowledging the challenge. "Alright, let's end this."

With a powerful Renewal Taekwondo technique, Gojo landed a decisive blow, sending Tom Lee sprawling to the ground. As the dust settled, Tom, battered but not broken, chuckled and say

"Hoo, you truly are strong. A worthy opponent.". and fall asleep....