
Chapter 1: Beginning.

{25 stones = 1 extra chapter}

{I had this fanfiction in mind for too much time, so let's see where it will go. I hope to be able to break the lookism curse.}

{The updates will be irregolar.}


"Fuck I'm dying" i said with blood on my mouth.

Okay... let's see where everything started... Ah, yes, there!

When Goku unlocked the Ultra Instinct on Dragon Ball Super, ohh boy, if that moment was legendary, I think it was in 2017, right? I don't know; my memory isn't the best.

Anyway, after seeing that amazing transformation, I wanted to achieve it in real life.

But there was a problem...

It's real life.


That's what I said in those days. So I directed my hopes to the one and only...


And that's where I discovered the term "flow state." It was the closest thing to Ultra Instinct, so I wanted to achieve it.

But I was only a 13-year-old skinny Black kid, so I needed to train my body to reach Goku's physique.

How can I be a real Dragon Ball fan if I don't have a good body?

I thought it would have been easy. That's what I'd like to say...

It was extremely difficult. For three months, I didn't have many gains. What do you expect? I only did Taekwondo as a sport for about a year, and that was when I was 11.

So imagine after two years of only eating, shitting, going to school, and sleeping.

My stamina and physique were average.

So after three months, I searched for help on YouTube, and there was advice, yes, but also dietary advice.

You need to remember that I was only a kid without money, and the moment you talk about protein and things, you lose me.

So I did what a smart person would do.

I gave up.

Yes, I didn't have my current will at that time, so I gave up.

But an episode changed everything...

In 2018, I got into a fight with someone, a classmate of mine.

That motherfucker insulted my family, and let me tell you, no one likes that.

So we fought. And i won.







Sike! That guy clapped my ass so bad that I turned white.

That humiliation, I didn't like it, but he was a kickboxer, so it's not surprising.

But sincerely, I need to thank him for that. The beating instilled some sense in me, making me remember my dream of achieving the flow state.

So for the first time in my life, I wanted to achieve something so bad that the next day, I confronted that bastard again.

With the mentality to fight, trying to overcome everything.

But reality is cruel. He and his friends jumped me in the Jujutsu Kaisen style...


So I searched training methods on YouTube seriously, and I found it.

One Punch Man.

But it was too basic, so I added other sets for the whole body, every single muscle.

And trained to failure.

For one month straight. And the results were amazing.

That whole month was better than those sloppy three months, but I understood that I needed a good diet and rest.

So I implemented it.

Chicken and rice. And watermelon.

What? You thought I would do something complex?

Nah, I was still a kid, remember?

But I ate other things too. Like veggies, oh, I love veggies.

But the thing that helped me the most was the pandemic.

I thought a zombie apocalypse would break out hahah

But no, thank God.

Anyway, it was 2019, and one year of training.

The results were amazing for sure; my speed, strength, endurance, and stamina were exponentially higher.

So I fought that guy again.

And I lost.

Pathetic, right? But I only trained my physical body, no mind or technique.

Fun fact: I found out that guy was competing nationally for Italy, the country where I grew up.

So yeah, no wonder.

But that only fueled my thirst for strength. So I headed to YouTube and learned the basics of fighting.

First, I needed to become good at Taekwondo again.

Second, kickboxing.

So I trained while attending school, obviously.

While trying to achieve the flow state, I enrolled myself in an MMA course after we were free to go out because Covid was a menace. There, I would have been free to try what I wanted.

And oh boy, if that was a good decision.

Gaining combat experience was amazing, and I did that for three years.

In 2022, there, I discovered the Manhwas.

Precisely, Lookism.

A masterpiece; the first 150 chapters were really difficult, but after... Hehe, easy.

And there, I got so much inspiration for ways of fighting, and techniques like the spinning kick, good ahh move.

My favorite character was Zack he really reminded me of myself, but i was more handsome than him for sure.

With my azzure eyes and dreads? I won No diff.

incredible how from story about bullying it progress to something soo complex and that made me realize another thing.

Fighting in a ring and on the streets are two different things.

So I did just that.

I fought by traveling the whole Italy to illegal arenas.

Free for all.

Hehehe, that left me with so many scars on my body; it just made me cooler.

In the rings i saw everything, from murder to plain torture, a really strange experience, who thought a human could scream in that way?

At least i sharpened my awareness and mind there, it was real a dangerous place.

But the money flowed easily...

If you're strong.


I turned 20 years old, and I achieved it.

The flow state.

But it was a disappointment... It wasn't like I thought it would have been.

Probably because I got influenced by fiction.

But on that fateful day...

I was walking the streets when I came face to face with that bastard.

I forgot about him; after middle school, we didn't see each other again.

He was there, with that air of arrogance, looking at me with contempt like always.

He mocked me, reminding me of when I used to lose to him, but I wasn't the little kid of that time anymore. So I challenged him to a fight.

He accepted but with a condition, that he would choose the location.

I agreed, so the day arrived.

Monday, 25th March.

It was an abandoned house at night. Outside was raining.

We stood face to face, looking into each other's eyes.

*Drip* *Drip*

I was already in my stance.

"I see that you learned kickboxing," he said.

Good observation.

"Yeah, I wanted to beat you at what you're good at," I retorted.

"We both know that you can't beat me. Modu. Are you begging to be clapped again?" He mocked me.

"Fuck you, Luca!" I cursed him. This bastard is really good at getting on my nerves.

"Anyway, we'll see who's stronger..." And with that, he took a boxing stance.


End of the Chapter.

Let me know in the comments if you like this novel.

Authorrrr Out!