
Looking Through the Battlefield

In the year 3000, humanity is paired up with either a Quincy or a shinigami. A war has broken out with each pairing trying to destroy the other, having enough of the verbal and sometimes physical abuse from her siblings, Karma leaves the frontline in search of her long-lost half-sibling. Problems arise causing her to put her search on a pause but she vows to find him before her time is up.

Kyra_Karma · Teenager
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47 Chs

Kami's Condition

After a month in the infirmary, Kami was moved to a nearby hospital. Her condition hadn't changed and she showed no signs of waking up. The doctors took her in and quickly started every test they had for Kami.

"It seems like 2 entities are fighting," one of the doctors said looking at Kami's brain scan. 

"Oh please who didn't know that," Kaname scoffed. 

"Enough Kaname," Father said then turned to the doctor. "what do you mean doctor?"

"According to this scan, it seems as though Kamiya and her pairing are fighting over control of her body," the doctor said pointing to the brain scan. "Her pairing is trying to take control of her body and as of now, the body has shut down until one of them retakes control. It's similar to when a robot is powered off," 

"How long is that going to take?" Father asked, seeming impatient. 

"It could take a month, a year, they could be fighting until the body dies of hunger," the doctor said looking at Kami. "there is no timeline for it, we just have to wait till one of them gives up," 

"So what would happen to Kami if the body were to die?" Kaname asked.

"Whatever you believe happens after you die is your belief,"

"Who would've thought that Kami would've been the first to die, I personally thought we'd all be wiped out together, you know something like the dinosaurs," 

"Cut it out Kaname, this is serious," 

"Who's more serious than me right now? You know as well as I do that Kami isn't winning that fight, she'll either be beaten into submission again or she'll hold out until her body dies. Looks like a lose/lose situation to me," Kaname said taking a seat in one of the chairs. 

At that moment, the doctor was paged. 

"Apologies but I'll be taking my leave now. Kamiya will stay here and if she happens to wake up we'll notify you immediately," the doctor said as he made his way out.

As soon as the doctor left, Karma teleported in.

"Hey I heard what happened is Kami alright?" Karma said rushing to Kami's side.

"She's going to die so let's hurry up and plan a funeral," Kaname said in a monotone voice.

"What?!" Karma said shocked.

"Kaname, stop it!" 

"What? Karma and I already knew this was happening and when I told you about it what did you do?" Kaname asked Father. "You didn't give a single shit as always, you didn't care when Karma was being abused, you didn't care when I was being used as a tool, and you didn't care that Kamiya was suffering day after day at the hands of her own pairing," 

"Kaname..." Father started but he was cut off by Karma.

"Oh cut the crap, nobody is buying this fake caring Father act! If you really cared about us then you wouldn't treat us as your guinea pigs for your stupid experiment. When is it going to be enough for you, huh? You lost your mother to pairings, your wife, and now you're losing your daughter. What is it going to take to get you to realize that you're the reason this is happening?" Kaname yelled at Father.

"Stop it already! What the hell is going on with Kami?!" Karma yelled, Kaname glared at Father. Father stayed silent and just left.

"All he ever does is run with his tail between his legs," Kaname scoffed. "come back when you're actually ready to be a Father!

"Um, hello?! Answer my question," 

"Oh right, you," Kaname sighed. "basically Kamiya is fighting back against Axel and they're in a stalemate so Kamiya's body has shut down. The doctor said It's like turning off a robot basically but she'll die if she doesn't back down," Kaname explained.

"We have to help her!" Karma said.

"And how would you do that? Are you going to teleport into her subconscious?" Kaname laughed.

"Why are you acting like this, Kaname?" Karma said giving Kaname a worried look. 

"Ignorance is bliss, Karma," Kaname said leaving the room.

"Kaname?!" Karma yelled as he left, she turned back to Kami lying in the hospital bed. "Kami...um no actually, Kamiya I don't know if you can hear me but I'm going to do whatever I can to get you out of this. I won't let you die," Karma said holding Kamiya's hand.

"Why don't I give you a helping hand, huh? I've got quite the idea," 


"I wish I could be as stupid as her sometimes," Kaname sighed as he stood outside the Kami's room.

"I wouldn't say she's stupid but definitely clueless," Sinn said standing next to him with his arms folded.

Kaname glanced at Karma's jacket pocket. "Do you recognize it?" he pointed to her pocket.

"The box sticking out of her pocket? I've certainly never seen it, but if you want to know then you know who to ask," Sinn said with an evil grin.

"I won't ask her, at least not yet, I don't think that's something Gem would conjure up out of nowhere," Kaname said closing his eyes and thinking. 

"Then what're you going to do then?" 

"Do what I do best, wait and see," Kaname said smirking as he walked away from the room.