
Longevity Martial Arts: Begin With Taichi

Yang Chan travelled to a martial arts world that was about to begin in troubled times. His qualifications were mediocre and he could only rely on the Tai Chi health-preserving Kung Fu and the cheat panel. I'll be uploading 2 chapters per day if I fail to do so I'll try my best to upload 4 the next day. There will also be some extra chapters.

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Chapter 2 Qingyuan Sect

Yang Chan's talent is only four points even after he has been promoted to the first level of Tai Chi health care. He has not realized his strength after two and a half years in the Qingyuan Sect, which shows that his talent is relatively poor.  

During the two and a half years he had been in the Qingyuan Sect, he had seen the person who understood the power the fastest. It took him one year. That person became an official disciple of the Qingyuan Sect. It is said that that person's talent was only average to below average.  

Comparing Yang Chan's cultivation progress with that person, that is to say, that person's talent should be calculated numerically, which should be around ten points.  

The most powerful person among the handymen spent half a year to realize the strength. His talent is excellent, and based on numerical estimation, it should be around 20 points.  

Yang Chan also used his practice time to estimate this, and could only get an approximate value.  

According to this calculation, his original qualification was 3, which was a lower qualification, and still relatively poor. Now it has been raised to 4, which is considered average among the lower qualifications.  

After his energy and blood recovered, Yang Chan began to practice the Bull Demon Powerful Fist. He first used the Bull Demon's horns and then performed thirty-six changes according to the memory in his mind. Each time he used it, the boxing technique would change slightly. At the same time, Tempering his physical body and helping him realize his strength.  

The strength comprehended in the Bull Demon Powerful Fist is called Nether Bull Strength. When tempering the physical body, it is possible to realize this strength. This strength is the key to becoming a true warrior.  

After Yang Chan completed the transformation of the top horns of the Bull Demon, he began to perform seventy-two variations of the Bull Demon's stamping hoofs and one hundred and eight variations of the Bull Demon's tail wagging.  

After all the performances were completed, Yang Chan felt his body steaming with heat, and more than half of the energy and blood in his body had been consumed again. He looked at the panel.  

[Name: Yang Chan]  

[Lifespan: 16/53]  

[Talent: 4]  

[Potential Points: 0]  

[Profession: Pharmacist (25% Entry Level)]  

[Kung Fu: Tai Chi Health Kung Fu (First-Level Preview) 10%), Bull Demon Powerful Fist (41% for beginners)]  

After completing a complete practice, the proficiency of Bull Demon Powerful Fist increases by one per cent.  

"It turns out that you can also force an increase of one, which is probably related to the improvement of talent."  

Yang Chan was very happy to see this change because based on the training time of his predecessor and the number of times he practised the Bull Demon Powerful Fist if he could gain a little more proficiency every time he would have perfected the practice of Bull Demon Powerful Fist.  

It is very difficult to comprehend the reckless bull power because it depends on timing and luck, but if you practice the Bull Demon Powerful Fist to perfection, you will definitely be able to comprehend the reckless bull power, and at the same time, your physical body will be tempered more perfectly.  

This will be very helpful for the subsequent external practice and can save a lot of time.  

Yang Chan has also heard of this statement, but he is not clear about the specifics, because this is not something that the handyman disciples pay attention to.  

All the handyman disciples have only one goal, to realize the power and become the official disciples of the Qingyuan Sect.  

After Yang Chan completed the practice of Niu Mo Dali Fist, he began to do Tai Chi health-preserving exercises to wake up the spirit and body, relax his joints and muscles, and then began to gather Qi, grasp Qi, and sit cross-legged to practice Tai Chi health-preserving exercises.  

This is the process of practising Tai Chi to maintain health, and it is also one of the methods of practice. When Yang Chan performed it, he felt a warm current flowing through his body. His body was warm, and the qi and blood in his body were slowly recovering.  

After a set was completed, the Tai Chi health skills on the panel were not improved, and there was no forced increase of one. This also gave Yang Chan a clearer understanding of this panel.  

After practicing Tai Chi health-preserving skills to the first level, the improvement requirements are higher than when you first started. It is estimated that it will take several more times to improve.   

After the sky turned completely dark, Yang Chan ended his practice for the day.  

He did not choose to stay up late to practice. His previous experience made him know more clearly that his body still needed to be taken care of. Moreover, he still had tasks in the medicine hall the next day.  

He has low energy and is prone to making mistakes. He doesn't want to be kicked out of the Qingyuan Sect not long after he came to this world. 

When Yang Chan fell asleep, he had already started practising Niu Mo Dengquan 43, and his Tai Chi health-preserving skills had not improved, and he needed to practice a few more times. 

the next day. 

At dawn, Yang Chan had already woken up. After a simple wash, he went directly to the medicine hall. As a handyman disciple of the Qingyuan Sect, he had chores to do every day.  

Just like in the medicine hall, there are things like collecting medicine, drying medicine, washing medicine, cleaning the hall, sorting medicine, etc. There are many miscellaneous tasks, and there are stewards to distribute them every day. 

When Yang Chan came to the medicine hall, there were already many handyman disciples gathered. These people were only a small part of the handyman disciples in the Qingyuan Sect, and they all belonged to the handyman disciples of the medicine hall.  

After Manager Zhao divided the handyman tasks, Yang Chan also got today's handyman task of drying medicine. 

The task is simple, but very hard and time-consuming because it needs to be done under the scorching sun.  

Among the Qingyuan Sect, the things that the handyman disciples do are the hardest and most time-consuming. At the same time, the food is just enough for food and clothing. Although it is good compared to the outside, it is not as good as the formal disciples in the Qingyuan Sect.

Formal disciples of the Qingyuan Sect, their daily food is big fish and meat, and they also get nourishing medicine every month, so they can concentrate on their practice, and they also get monthly money. 

You can choose all the tasks you do, and the monthly task volume is not high. 

Especially for the newly promoted official disciples, in the first year, they can not do any tasks and concentrate on practice, and there will be no shortage of food, monthly money, etc.  

This kind of good thing is what Yang Chan dreams of, which naturally makes him want to become an official disciple of the Qingyuan Sect.  

"I must become an official disciple of the Qingyuan Sect before the three years, and then continue to practice hard, improve my strength, and have the power to protect myself."  

Yang Chan said silently in his heart.  

According to the current progress, it is no problem to become an official disciple of the Qingyuan Sect before the three years.  

After Yang Chan received the mission, he followed the handyman disciple who was drying medicine together and went to the backyard of the medicine hall to retrieve fresh medicinal materials.  

The medicinal power of some fresh medicinal materials is weak, and it is necessary to use the scorching sun to shrink and gather the medicinal power, and at the same time, use the scorching sun to remove some of the toxins contained in the fresh medicinal materials.  

In front of Yang Chan, there were green lotus leaves, Andrographis paniculata, gentian and other medicines. Most of them were picked by the formal disciples of the Qingyuan Sect and the handyman disciples in the medicinal fields on the mountain. Some of them were collected by the formal disciples from the foot of the mountain. Come here, and some of them are medicines sent by the forces under the protection of the Qingyuan Sect.  

These medicines will be consumed by the disciples, elders, etc. of the Qingyuan Sect to enhance their strength.  

The Qingyuan Sect is the most powerful in Qingzhou. The sect leader Liu Xuan is a famous master-level expert in the Zhou Dynasty and is also related to the royal family.  

With its strong strength and background, the Qingyuan Sect naturally becomes the strongest force in Qingzhou.

Powerful people and aristocratic families from all over the world can only take shelter under the Qingyuan Sect and make offerings every year.