
Contribution: Nicholas II Speech (by taovkool)

Nicholas II Speech:

"There were times, when ancient Russian struggled to survive in this harsh winter lands of our homes, that we were dismissed as an Asian mongrel by the European powers. For we are, they said, a people of poverty that lives in backwater hovels and wintry caves in the mountains."

"There were times, when ancient Russian sought greener pastures in the eastern lands, that we were scoffed at and turned away as a European barbarian by the Kings of Asia. For we are, they said, nothing but a pack of bandits, living a lowly lives of mindlessly roaming the mountains and knowing nothing of art and culture."

"Now, even as we have stepped ever closer to our ascension as one of the most powerful nation in this world, they mocked us even further out of hatred and fear."

"London and their German puppet called us socialist fools and my father's kindness - The Emperor Alexander's generosity - as something that will doom the Romanov the same fate as the Bourbons during the French terror."

"On the other side, Marx's descendants from Paris and Rome called us an imperialist monstrosity parading around the mutilated carcass of the Great Thinker's ideas. A sneering attempt at placating the proletariats and a sign of our blatant fear of the rising power of the people."

"I, Nicholas, say this into you, my people."

"We are Russia."

"We are not Asians! We are not Europeans! We are better than both! We are Russians!"

"Listen not to the claims of the socialist that we are imperials exploiting the downtrodden! Everywhere the Russian goes - be it in Africa or Asia or Europe itself! - we always give it our all to uplift the people around us and ensured mutual prosperity! Irreverent to the cost of gold or prestige!"

"Listen not to the claims of the imperials that we are socialist idiots pandering to the masses! Those that rules Russia have not forgotten the value of noblesse oblige! With great power comes great responsibility! The Romanov rules by the mandate of the people, thus it was only natural that we give the Russian people the rights, the freedom, and the security that they rightfully deserves!"

"Europeans? Asians? Imperials? Socialists? We are Russians! We are above such petty labels!"

"Respect to love! Respect to life! To humanity! To the future! That is our ideals! That is our Russia! That is our Third Rome!"