
Lone Team

I was thrown into a world that i didn't know nor understand. But what i understood was one thing....to survive.

R4M · realistisch
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2 Chs

Day One

My name is [Shiko Nanna]. This is a story about a loser who never had friends. [Shiko] never socialized easily and any time he tried thing's always went wrong. Whether it's if they understand what he's saying, making fun of him all the time, or just flat out using him for there own gain.


[Shiko] never got a chance to be considered "normal" and was never accepted as a person by any individual other than family. Even his own mom makes fun of him. It's just a life full of being alone in his room and never leaving it until he has to. It's a life of external but mostly internal conflict.

[Shiko's mom]: Aye get your butt down here and eat. If you don't then you just won't eat tonight.

[Shiko]: *sighs*

*yells* Okay mom!!

[Narrator]: As [Shiko] gets up to open his door, he falls on his butt because of just how clumsy he is. After being hurt from falling on his butt he opens his bedroom door. But once he did, he saw nothing but pitch black on the otherside.

He begins to freak out and panic. Mostly hyperventilate, but he still manages to freak out. Even while leaving the door open. He cries in the corner of his room thinking he's dead. But then he hears his mom yelling at him to come eat. So he closes the door out of hope that he's just hallucinating.

After closing it, his mom bangs on the door yelling at him saying "If you doesn't come eat then he won't eat tomorrow either." [Shiko] swings the door open to see that his mom is there. He then goes to eat dinner while getting yelled at.

{Later that night}

[Shiko] is asleep while sad music is playing on his phone, in his room. Everyone else is asleep as well. But just as soon as it hits 3 AM; his door flies open and that darkness from earlier is there again sucking up everything in his room.

[Shiko] wakes up feeling like he's getting pulled by air. But after opening his eyes he sees the darkness again. Struggling to hold onto his blanket. He loses his grip and slips away from his bed. [Shiko] being unwilling to get thrown into the darkness and possibly dieing from it or in it. He grabs onto the sides of the door frame. Barely holding on he notices that almost everything in his room was sucked into the darkness.

[Shiko] being who he is, starts crying. He realizes that he hasn't done anything special in life. As he loses more of his grip, he starts to cry more and more. Just until the door sucks him up and closes itself.

*Everything goes silent*

[Shiko] wakes up startled because he immediately hears something that he can't see. He tries to see what it is while a little panicked but he doesn't see it. He starts crying again and passes out.

I wanted to make a realistic character who goes through problem's like us. A guy who just sucks at everything until he's pushed against a wall.

R4Mcreators' thoughts