
LOL: Einstein's Saga

In a world whereby the Cataclysmic Descent began a thousand years ago. This follows the journey of a young boy by the name Einstein. Various mysteries sermed to surround Einstein. His parents sudden dissapearance 5 years ago, or is it the mysterious trial ground left behind by them. Or the various high level artifacts inherited by him. Yet Einstein wasn't able to make use of anyone of them. Why?? Simple...simply because he's a trash. Unable to awaken his mana spark unlike other Awakeners or mana cultivators. Despite possessing immense wealth, Einstein was destined to stay at the bottom of the food chain. Yet this changed on one fateful day. The day he completed the trial left behind by his parents, everything changed. Not only did he gain the unknown potion, he also fused with the mysterious and enigmatic being of the virtual world. Upon awakening, Einstein found out that not only had he became an awakener or cultivator...but he had become a supreme cultivator. Now empowered with an unknown talent that most could only dream of having, and with the aid of the enigmatic being later reavealed to be the Bio-Nanotech system. Einstein embarks on the path to grow stronger and uncover the hidden secrets behind the sudden dissapearance of his mom and dad.

Dream_Lord14 · Aktion
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52 Chs

Einstein Vs The Crazy Guy!

The guy was sent smashing through the ground...as he created large craters along his path of retreat. Everywhere he passed by had large holes on the ground as he stumbled and stumbled before eventually coming to a stop.

He finally rolled onto his feet, immediately standing up. He had a shocked look on his face as he stared at Einstein who had a wide grin on his face.

"Hehehe... surprised. Aren't you." Einstein said with a wide grin on his face.

"Nah...not really. Ever since and before I even appeared here. I have always had the belief that I would encounter things I never imagined were possible."

The crazy guy had a crazed look on his face ad he futher added.

"Yet...that doesn't stop me from killing you!"

He immediately pierced through the air, it felt as though a giant is walking amongst the land of mortals. Everywhere he passed by got devastated.

Intense ripples spread outward continuously as he immediately appeared before Einstein. His two hands holding tightly onto the hammer . Veins wriggled across his hands continously.

His entire arms seemed to bulge in size as the dark scales oozed out a purplish energy as he stuck downwards with terrifying force.

*Ethereal Nano-Blades.*

*Astral Arcanite Enforcer Battle Suit.*

*Nano Prince Body.*

A sleek like crystalline structure immediately covered his entire body, various nano like structures joined together to create a larger intricate structure.

An ethereal blade immediately appeared within his hands, he felt his entire body growing stronger at rapid pace. His entire blood seemed to be flowing far faster. His entire body seemed to be brimming with crazy amount of energy.

He channeled intense mana into the ethereal blades as he smashed upwards with terrifying force.


A defeaning explosion rocked the entire space as both fighters felt a terrifying ripple continously assault them, before they were both sent smashing backwards.

Creating a long gorge along their path of retreat...they both had wide grin on their face. As they immediately moved again.

They both moved with terrifying speed as both fighters ounched out with terrifying force. Despite his speed being slowed down...it's still a force to reckon with.

As he is still able to keep up with Einstein. Albeit barely...the crazy guy had wild veins wriggling across his arms continously as he punched out at a terrifying speed.

Countless punches were thrown through the air, as they ripped through the air at a terrifying speed. Attempting to rip through him.

His six arms immediately struck back, tearing through the air at a terrifying speed as they smashed right against the punches of the crazy guy.



Various clashes were made within the blink of an eye, sending crazy ripples through the space as they were both sent backward with terrifying speed.

The crazy guy tore through the air at a rapid speed before smashing right against a protruding mountain.


A large hole was formed on the mountain as he coughed out a mouthful of blood before smashing against the floor as he collapsed onto his knees.

His eyes stared into the distance as he saw Einstein with blood oozing out of his scles continously. But as usual...this wounds easily closed up as Einstein had a wide grin on his face.

Before he suddenly moved...he had finally decided to take this seriously.


Making use of blink...he flashed and flashed. Reappearing and disappearing, and before the crazy guy could even realize what's going on....

A large hand suddenly zoomed right into his face...


He was sent tearing through the air at a rapid speed, easily reaching a mind blowing height.

Einstein immediately smashed against the ground...as the temporal disrupttion boots radiated immense energy...his entire body seemed to have become a beacon of flight.

As he suddenly pierced through the air at a rapid speed...although he isn't currently flying. The force from which he had smashed against the ground, before becoming a projectile thrown into the air...and then added to the temporal abilities and the aerobatic abilities of the temporal disruption boots.

All these aided this jump of his, as before the shocked eyes of the crazy guy. Einstein suddenly appeared before him. As countless hands pierced, tore and ripped through the air.

And before he could even realize what's going on...countless strikes immediately landed against his body.

As blood spluttered into the air, before the crazy guy was thrown smashing through the air at a far more terrifying speed.

His eyes seemed to have became blank as he couldn't even capture Einstein in sight.

He immediately raised both of his hands into the air as he attempted to block a punch rapidly approaching his face.

The terrifying ripples that undulated outwards caused his hair to fly through the air in a frenzy manner as Einstein suddenly had a wide grin on his face.

His heart skipped a beat as Einstein suddenly appeared above him, by making use of blink.

And then...Large claws jutted out of Einstein's crimson feet. As the claws glittered with a terrifying cold glint...and then....



The crazy guy had his skin pierced through easily, as he let out a roar of pain. Before Einstein strengthened his strikes to greater heights...As the veins on his legs wriggled crazily...veins popped uo continously as Einstein let out a loud roar!!!

Before the crazy guy suddenly got smashed through the air at a terrifying speed...as he descended from a terrifying and mind numbing height at a rapid pace....before smashing against the ground with devastating mouth...




He coughed out a mouthful of blood as he felt as though his entire bones had been broken into countless pieces

But that should be the least of his worries as Einstein, through the use of blink, the temporal zone that's still activated and through the use of the temporal disruption boots.

Seemed to have temporary escaped the laid down rules of cultivation...as it seemed as though he's currently descending through the air by making use of flight.

Yet that isn't the case...after all he's just a mere first stage practitioner.

He immediately descended through the air at a terrifying speed....and almost instatenously.

He smashed right against the crazy guy's stomach from such a crazy height.

The crazy guy had his pupils bulging widely as blood spluttered out of his mouth in large amount.

Einstein had a wide grin on his face as he wasted no time. His hands immediately pierced through the air at a terrifying speed.

Intense mana coated his arms as he attempted to deliver the final blow. Terrifying ripples spread throughout the entire space as Einstein's hands was just a second away from ripping the guy's head apart....

When to his shock...his hands suddenly got caught by a bloodied arm that had purplish energy oozing out of it continuously....the red arms suddenly devoured his entire Mana!!!

As his attack immediately lost effect...and before he could even realize what's going on.

A kick smashed right into his face...as he was sent tearing through the air at a terrifying speed.

The Crazy guy had a wide grin on his face ad he immediately pierced through the arm and before Einstein could even realize it...

Another kick smashed right against his back...he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

As he was sent smashing through the air before colliding against a mountain with devastating might!!!

Intense ripples and shockwaves undulated outward continuously as Einstein collapsed into the ground with a loud thud.

His entire bones seemed to have been crushed as he struggled onto his feet before the shocked eyes of the crazy guy.

Einstein had a wide grin on his face...and immediately afterwards.

A tyrannical pressure suddenly descended upon the crazy guy...