


- Well, most people wouldn't think you're not straight so… - Jane spoke sheepishly, feeling a bit dejected as she did so.

- Who says I'm straight? - Charlie deadpanned with her eyebrow raised a little, face serious.

- I mean, I just guessed, You wouldn't really, I think, like somebody, like me… - the blonde stumbled over her words as she practically admitted her feelings for the taller girl.

And just then Charlie kissed her, cutting her off mid sentence, parting her lips lightly with her tongue. It actually wasn't a deep kiss but it was full of emotion, not sexual, just very romantic. And Jane kissed her back, oh she kissed her back. It was as if the world around her was spinning like a satellite, running around at the speed of light, Charlie being the Sun shining from a million miles away, brighter than everything else, but right in front of her now, lips connected, ecstatic.


It was one of the three plain, old PE classes of the week. The sun was out, leaving the air scorchingly hot, swaying like a mirage above the heated asphalt making up the meanders of streets mid town. Jane's school was situated practically in the center of the city, so it was very realistically the warmest place in the damn vicinity. The trees and grass were going wild with the beginning of summer and Jane's nose was stuffy beyond salvation. She sneezed loudly, cursing her allergy profusely in her mind. She hated drawing everyone's attention like this, on top of which she already was getting a headache from all the congestion. At least today it was swimming class, Jane did really like swimming. And well, there was also something else she kind of really liked, that had to do with the swimming, someone to be more precise, but Jane just wouldn't admit it. Charlie. She was really cool. So cool it sent shivers up Jane's spine, in a good way. But gods why did it have to be that she was falling for a girl, her mother in no world could take this well. That's exactly why she won't know, for now, preferably ever. Aghhh. Maybe I'll tell her someday, for now no worries, since I haven't even held a proper long conversation with my crush, Jesus, just take the wheel, I'm so screwed. - the girl wailed internally. Jane was pretty normal if she'd say so herself. By normal, she just meant average, so not barbie pretty but not conventionally ugly either, she could see where some parts of herself could be considered nice, generally speaking. She kind of even liked how she looked in her dark blue, dotted pink swimsuit. Then again she just hated how her head looked in a swimming cap, she felt like a complete egg in it, and this time, not in a good way at all. But she guessed it must at least look funny, and everyone looked like shit in swimming caps and googles anyway, well some more than less, like herself, and some well, Charlie looked fantastic. Screw me. - the girl thought exasperated, then realized what "screw me" in this particular context could sound like and she just went red all over in a matter of seconds, which was easy for her blonde pale skinned ass to do. Well anyway, practice. The blonde had to hurry through her clothes changing since class was starting in under 3 minutes. Brilliant - she rolled her eyes mentally as she hopped out of her pants, her swimsuit already underneath, since she put it on when she headed out from the house, PE was first period. The blonde noticed Charlie quickly as ever, curse her crush for that, already heading out of the showers, and Jane ran after her from behind.

- Hey Charlie. - she greeting the girl, wishing to hold at least a brief conversation, while they walked to the teacher's stand at the other end of the pool side.

- Oh, hey Jane, I thought you were running late, nice timing. - the brunette flashed her a smile and gave her a half hearted bump on the shoulder.

- Thanks. - the girl flushed a little, scratching the back of her head shyly with her other hand.

- I heard it's endurance training today. - Charlie scrunched her nose as she stated, clearly not too happy at the prospect.

- Oh shit, really, aghh, nooooo. - Jane groaned and Charlie joined her.

- Yeah, to heck with this, it's so annoying, right? But guess there ain't to helping it, wanna share the lane?

- Sure, yes, of course! - the blonde agreed eagerly, beaming softly.

- Then let's get this party started. - Charlier smirked at her as she cracked her knuckles, and Jane followed with a smile of her own. Maybe this endurance training wouldn't be so bad after all…

I hope this story is going to be any good. Thank you so much for giving it a try so far, and have a lovely day/night!

Losane_Kelvincreators' thoughts