
Lizzie and her classmates

Daisy_1187 · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Getting to the school

Hello this is chapter one have a nice time reading

She wakes up* "Ugh the first day of school..." " I cant wait to see my friends though!!" *gets out of bed* *gets ready* "Okay let's head off to school I guess."she walks off and forgets to say bye to her mother. Walks down the sidewalk. Sees her friend "Hey over here I missed you so very much bestie"Lizzie says with joy." Hey what's up how are you I can't wait to go to school"Alexa says with joy as well. Runs down with her bag*."hey do u think we will have enough time to get some coffee?says Alexa."of course!"Lizzie says with joy.As they where walking she bumps into someone."Oh I'm so sorry plz sir don't be mad"Lizzie says with concerned. "Oh heh- it's okay thanks for check you have a nice day bye*says the stranger."oh my goddess that was the new boy!!"says Alexa.

Guys this is taking so long u-u

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