
Living with the scarab in the natsu verse

A fan of the Natsuverse gets sent to the natsuverse, yeah you may think that I am living a dream nope I have to deal things like death apocalypse, mages that want me and my hero work as hero identity, and on top of that I have the scarab from DC the red but a Scarab non the less oh god help me

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Future plans

After everything that happened Thomas didn't know what to do. After the last villain attack which happened in June which meant that know was July which meant that something hasn't even happened. As then Thomas gut up wondering what will happened after all the Israeli and Palestine war has not started yet and was not going to start for another 2 months and Thomas didn't know if he will be there to stop the war. As then Thomas gut and gut on his lapto he was seeing the news about Hermes saving people and stopping crimes.

Super speed is one hell of a power. Thomas said looking at the laptop.

As then his foot opens as he saw Hermes. Hermes seem to have a new custom after some legal problems with DC. As Hermes was wearing a black jacket with that if a white t shirt with that of his god simble as he was wearing black gloves and black pants he was wearing a red mask that covers his whole face.

Hey Hermes how the hero work. Thomas said with a smirk.

It was good but still I can't stop everything. Hermes said

Yeah you may be a good hero but you can't be every where all the time know can't you. Thomas said.

Yes I know that you can't just save everyone. Hermes said.

As then the police knews went out talking about a house fire. As then Thomas and Hermes left. As they arrived as they bought moved at high speed as then he started to save as many people as possible as he kept moving and moving and not stopping as they gut every last person was save. As then the fire department came to let the fire out

That you scarlet for being here once again and your too inferno. The fire man said.

Yeah no problem. Thomas said.

Yeah what he said. Hermes said.

Yes you guys being here makes this city safe thank you for that. The frie man said.

Yes but don't forget we are not only in Fuyuki we are going all around Japan and trying to save everyone. Thomas said.

Yes thank you for that. The fire man said.

As then bought go away after a while they bought arrived in the top of one the building. As they bought were eating a pizza.

This tastes so good. Hermes said.

Yeah I told you pizza is a food that even the gods will love. Thomas said.

So what with the other voice. As Hermes looked at the Extra pizza box's.

One of them is for Xue and the other is for Eresikigal she loves beef pizza so I gut her one. Thomas said.

So you going to the underworld hermes said.

Yeah right know. Thomas said.

As then he gut up as he pulls out his key to the underworlds. As then he opened the gate to the underworld as the opensed as Thomas goes in. After a few minutes Thomas came back out.

So any future plans. Hermes said.

Other then trying to get into college getting the masteries of martial arts and yeah that is it. Thomas said.

Yeah that is a good reason. Hermes said

Meanwhile Thomas was thinking of someitng else. ( Does are just my surface though i will try to stop anything that end this world but not only that but he wanted to stop the war of Israel and Palestine hopefully I can ). Thomas though to him self as he was eating the pizza. As the bought of them go back to the house as then Thomas went to Xue house. As he nocked the door. As then Arcuied came out as Thomas gave her the pizza box.

Aww what a sweet boyfriend you are. Arcuied said.

As then Thomas blushed. As then Thoams Started to run as fast as possible as his face was red as a tomato. As then unknown to Thomas red added something to Thomas list.

And ask out Xue on a date. Red said.

Red suit up. Thomas yalled.

As after running for a long time he was out of breath as he was catching his breath he was seating down as he was a can of soda was put in his face. As Thomas graved it as he then looked up as he did he was shocked he can't believe who he saw. It was shiro Emiya.

Hey are you ok do you need any help. Shiro said.

No I am fine and thanks for the drink. Thomas said.

So what is the problem you seem to be running for sometimes. Shiro said

No it was noting just running from a awkward situation. Thomas said.

Thomas can't believe what he was seeing. After all he just meet another protagonist from fate. Not just that but the one he knew alot of about but he wondered which version of shiro is this. After all in the original visual novel there was 3 version of Shiro for each if the routes. As he just looked at Shiro as he looked at shro he seem to be fine with no damage he knows that illya is dead that to void shiki telling him about why the age of god's are coming back. So was he in the heavens field univers or something else.

So what were you running for. Shiro said.

Just that I went to deliver some pizza I bought for my friend and her mom came out and the

Aww what a sweet boyfriend you are. Thomas said in his best Arcuied voice.

I see but you really like that girl why don't you ask her out. Shiro said

Easy for you say harem protagonist. Thomas said.

As he relies his mistake. Meanwhile shiro almost spit out his drink rember the girls. As he just looked at Thomas and Thomas looked back as an air of silent went around. As then they bought lapped.

Wow so it is not only Rin that called me that I gess my face does look like one doesn't it. Shiro said trying to stop his lapping.

Yeah I guess so. Thomas Also says.

Hey kid do you know this game called Fate extra the last gates. Shiro said

As then Thomas just looked at him. That was the name of his Popular game that he made. He wonder if shiro plays it.

Um yeah why is that. Thomas asked.

Will I play this game and it is pretty good and I think you will like playing it. Shiro said.

Um yeah thanks for that.

As then Thomas then left for his house. As then Shiro also left to his house after arriving he saw Rin just playing the game over and over again. As shiro sigh he saw Sakura making food as he then saw saber putting down the plates. Shiro was happy for illya for the wish not just to give him a better body but also allowing saber to stay in this world. As Thomas came back to his house and tells Hermes about what happened.

To be continued.

So yeah hope you guys like this new ch anyway happy new years everyone