
Living with Arrogant CEO

Matilda Huston is young girl with painful past, she moved to Canada few months back, she got job in world famous multinational company. She met Easton Fanaggaen who is arrogant rich CEO of Fanaggaen industries whose chains are spread through out the world, unknown to her Easton knows more than she know, he asks her to be his fake fiancée in order to run away from marriage his parents has framed for him. Later she come to knows about his secret that shakes her.

Michelle_Zeah_0764 · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter No 10 Greatest lost

Life was too easy back then, I, Easton, Julieta, Pato-duck and Tian. We used to be best friends. Easton and Julieta were twins, they had the same IQ, in the whole school that could beat Easton was his sister Julieta.

"This time I won with one number" she said excitedly on the other side Easton does not care at all. We were standing in the hall. A girl passed by them and Easton smiled at her. She winked at him and he left after her. Pato-duck and Tian were not in the school today, so only I and Julieta left.

"Look Alejandro I won over Easton and instead of giving treat he left" she said sadly, I felt really bad over her sadness.

"Don't worry Leeta, I will take you to the café and it's my treat" I said smiling. She smiled in return.

We went to a café and spent the time together. She was a bit nervous, like she wanted to say something.

"What is Leeta?" I asked her. "Nothing Alejandro" she said while looking away.

"You know I can track when you lie" I said while looking inside her eyes.

"It's nothing" she said again, but I knew she was hiding something.

Then her phone rang and she went outside, through the glass wall I was watching her, she looked so happy I never have seen her this much happy.

After a while she came back. "You seemed so happy, what is it?" I asked her.

"Well you will find it in a minute but promise me you would not tell this to Easton" she said in a whisper.

"What is it?" I asked suspiciously. After five minutes a boy of our age came, I have never seen him before, but I could tell he had charms. He walked towards our direction, he sat on the chair.

"Lucus this is Alejandro, Alejandro this is Lucus my boyfriend" she said smiling. The whole world around me shattered into pieces, I looked at Julieta and what she was saying I could only see her lips moving, her words were not my focus.

"Alejandro? Alejandro?" she called my name and I came back to my senses.

"Yeah I am listening" I said with a fake smile. "Hy Lucus, it's nice to meet you" I said half heartedly. I was happy for her, but deep down my heart was broken. I had plans to tell her what I feel for her.

"Please don't tell this to Easton, I will tell him personally" she said.

"I won't" I said shortly. She smiled in return. Her smile was a ray of light. I got up.

"Where are you going?" she asked. "I am going home, mom has asked me to come earlier" I said. She smiled and said "Take care".

I was leaving when she called me again I turned "Thanks" she said.

That day I saw her for the last time. If I knew I would not let her go alone. I would have told Easton if I knew little about it.


I was lying on the bed thinking about the ring box in my hand. I bought it so that one day I would propose to her. I smiled bitterly looking at the ring. My phone rang, if I knew the news I would have never answer up.

"Hello!" I said.

"Hello Alejandro, Julieta is at your place?" he asked worriedly, I looked at the clock and it was showing 11 O'clock in the night.

"No she is not here, she never left home until 9 O clock" I said worried.

"Julieta is not home, we all are worried," he said furiously. Then I remember I left her with that guy.

"I am coming," I said and got out of bed.


Aunt Christina was crying while Uncle Lorenzo was furious. I looked at Easton. He was expressionless.

"Where is she? What happened?" I asked them. Our two group mates also reached there.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Our daughter, she is kidnapped" said Aunt Christina, crying. "No this can't be me, I met her at the café" I said furious.

"Where? What have you seen?" asked Uncle Lorenzo while holding my shoulders. He loved her daughter so much, he was very furious.

"At the café and I….." I was about to say something when stopped in the middle,

"You what?" asked Easton, he knew my tone.

"She was with someone" I said.

"Who?" asked Uncle Lorenzo.

"I don't know him personally but I know his name, she said Lucus" as I said their expressions turned darker. Uncle Lorenzo looked at his wife who had the same expressions.

"Since when did you know about this?" asked Easton. There were dark shadows on his face.

"Today" I said.

"Dad she is in brief danger" he said.

"I am on it" said Tian and he left.

"What happened?" I asked furious.

"Is this is the lucus" Easton showed me his photo.

"Yeah it's him" I said.

"He kidnapped her" he said, furious. I felt like the earth was no longer around me.

"No, she…she was there with me, I left her with him" I said furious.

"I have contacted Michael and Tian also went there; they will find her as they are one of the strongest Mafia families in the world" said Lorenzo.


Days turned into weeks and we were unable to find her, until one day when I received a call from Tian. He called me to some shady Area, I went there with Easton. By Tian tone I knew something bad had happened and when we reached there the encounter between two gangs was continuing.

Tian was cross firing. He was heir to a big Mafia family in the whole region. He was trained for such situations. I was looking around for Julieta but she was not there. The encounter was over and the scene was completely silent.

A man came out and whispered something in Tian's ear. Tian ran inside the building, and we followed him. There was a basement and what I saw was enough to kill me on the spot. Julieta had fallen on the floor almost lifeless. She was very injured. We three ran towards her.

"Julieta Julieta open your eyes I, I would not let anything happen to you I won't let him hurt you please don't leave me" for the first time we saw Easton crying, he was crying holding her.

We took her to the doctor and what she told us was enough to make an explosion. He said she did not make it. She has been tortured. In a fit of anger I ran towards Easton and held his shoulder.

"Tell me why that bastard did this to her? Why did he hurt the girl I love most? Tell me" I was so furious and angry.

"I kill that bastard, I will not leave him" I said angrily.

"He did this to our daughter because he wanted his son to marry my daughter but due to Michael and Tian we knows his shady business about human trafficking, we refused and we don't want to throw marriage on our daughter so he kidnapped her in order to destroy what he did not got" said Lorenzo angrily.

"Tio Lorenzo, I will get that bastard, he killed my girl" I was out of control due to rage.

We caught the man who was behind this.

"Well, Well old friend Lorenzo, did not make your daughter dirty enough so you are here with your wife?" he was so shameless despite us having gunned down him.

"I am here because I wanted to see my daughter's criminal rot in hell" said Aunt Christina.

"What have you done to my daughter will make you suffer till the eternity" she said angrily.

"I did not have any option, the plan was to trap her and marry her so that we could become the part of Fanaggaen family but the bitch daughter of yours, she saw my son killing a human trafficked girl, so she knows a lot about us and we saw our plan was destroying so if we sent her back, she would tell a lot instead we decided to kill her no before having fun with her" he said shamelessly.

I went ahead and punched him over his face. "It would be me who would kill you" I said and put the triggered gun over his head and I shot him six times until I felt every piece of his body shattered.

I bent down crying over my knees, Easton was looking at his body expressionlessly. We realized that his son is still out there, we made it international news that the daughter of the Fanaggaen family is dead. Since then Easton has been so much cold and he does not believe in love.


He finished his story and then she remembered why Easton always calls Julieta in her dreams.

"The man who attacked us is Lucus, who wants revenge over his father" he said sadly.

"And why don't you believe?" he asked.

"Well I have my own reasons to not believe in something known as care" she snapped. He looked at her and then smiled.


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