
Living In Different World With Internet System

What happened if you are able to access internet and buy things from it in a different world medieval era?? Would your life will be easier?? This is the story of Nine, former special force that reincarnated to a different world with Internet System. --------------------------------- Disclaimer: My very first work in my life. "Very Amateur" English is my 3rd languages, so this work of mine will have many bad grammars. Like in this page, my English was broken. And I write this work in Indonesian and translated it to English, if u found many errors please be understand. About updates, it will depend on my brain. I need to do research first about how my story will advances. its hard for me to write because this is the first time in my life to write a novel.

StinkyBeans · Fantasie
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57 Chs

An Offer

Chapter 22 An Offer

As usual I teach children in orphanages and train them swordplay and martial arts. One of the boys approached me when we started training.

"Bro Nine, when can we train with real swords?"

"I want to teach you with real swords, but we cant do it here. I'm still looking for a suitable place for you to practice without endangering other kids. " I explained to them.

"Will it take a long time? I can't wait to use real sword. "

"I will look for it as soon as possible, I plan to buy property nearby and turn it into a dojo for you to practice. But I haven't found a suitable place yet. "

I also planned to buy land outside the city area and build a training ground there, but because there were no adults who could look after and train them, I put off that plan for now.

'Looks like I have to start looking for a suitable place to build a dojo.'

After the training was over, I decided to go around the area near orphanage to see situation of the people here.

While walking around I saw a bar with the words "for sale" in front of it. Previously I had plans to open a bar in this area. I plan to gather information from people around here, and the easiest place to gather information is the bar.

'This is a perfect opportunity.'

I went inside to ask few questions and saw a man crying.

'It's not easy for a man to cry, it seems this pandemic is worse than I thought.'

Hearing the sound of my steps approaching him, he wiped his eyes and smiled at me.

"Welcome, what do you want to drink?"

"Hello, I saw the words "For sale" on the front, do you want to sell this bar?"

"Oh that's right, do you want to buy it?" he asked with a sad look.

"I plan to open a bar around here. This place is very good, why do you want to sell it? "

"I need money to see a doctor or buy some medicines, my son and wife are sick, like everyone else around here. With the money I had before I brought them to see the doctor and bought some medicines, but now everything is very expensive and their situation hasn't improved. Even if I sell this place I still don't have enough money to pay the money I borrowed before. " He told me with a painful look.

"I will buy this place and I have an offer for you. I have some medicine that can cure this disease, I want you to manage this place and I will give you 10% of the profits, I will also give you the medicine. Are you interested?"

"I will accept your offer if this drug really can cure my wife and children." He answered hopefully.

"Take me there." I said with a smile and he guided me to his house.

When I got there I saw that they had the same symptoms as the children at the orphanage before. I gave them antibiotics and immune boosters like before.

About 30 minutes, their situation began to improve. 'Even though it's not the first time, I still can't believe how the medicine I bought from the internet has an amazing effect here.'

Seeing the condition of his son and his wife who began to improve, the bar owner continued to thank me.

"Thank you, thank you, I will keep my promise, I will give the bar to you, you don't have to pay."

"No, I'll pay for it. You and your family need that money. How about we discuss it further, let them rest. "

"Thank you very much, sir."

We came out of the room and continued our conversation.

"My name is Nine, may I know your name?" I ask.

"Ooh, I'm sorry, I haven't had the chance to introduce myself yet. My name is Argus. Thank you very much, Mr. Nine. "

"Alright Mr. Argus, how much do you want for this bar?"

"Because of its location in common people's settlement area, the price of this bar is only around 1 to 2 white gold coins Mr. Nine, because you have helped my wife and children, you can pay half of that price. I actually want to give this bar to you. "

"No, no, I will pay you 2 white gold coins. I just want you to manage this bar well. Tomorrow morning bring the necessary papers and come to Le Réseau, I will pay you there. Now you should rest and take this medicine. I will wait for you. " I gave him the same medicine as a precaution because there was a possibility he was already infected.

"Oh, one more thing, I want you to keep this medicine a secret. Because I don't have much, I don't want people looking for me to buy medicines. " I reminded him.

"Of course Mr. Nine, thank you very much again. I will go to Le Réseau tomorrow morning with the papers. "

After that I returned to the store with a few ideas in my head.

Arriving at the store I went straight to my room and bought more antibiotics and immune boosters. I plan to do a few experiment to find out how much dosage is needed to cure at least three to five days. I did this to avoid suspicion because I decided to sell this drug at a low price.

'The situation in this city will be very chaotic if this pandemic continues. This is not beneficial for me, besides that I can also give this medicine to Count llyne and other nobles to establish connections. That way I will have a strong position in this area.'

I grind all antibiotics and immune boosters to make it easier to weight. The antibiotic and immune booster pill I bought was 500 mg and it can cure patients in three to five hours. I divided it into 10mg, 15mg and 20mg of antibiotics and mixed it with the same amount of immune booster, I gave the signs of drugs A, B and C.

"Then I just need to give it to some people to see the effect, but I better hide my identity to avoid people looking for me before getting the right dose. I hope this meds will cure people in 3 to 5 days."

Next I searched for a mask or the like on the internet. 'Alright, to make it more natural I should buy this mask.'

I bought the mask and clothes used by the Plague Doctor during a medieval pandemic and waited at night to give this medicine to several people.