
New world...

In a small apartment a young man was sitting at his desk, " what am I going to do with my life, I've been out of school for 7 years, I have no friends, i barely make ends meet and i have no girlfriend" *woe is me*

The young man still sitting at his desk and drank and drank until he passed out. The next day the young man woke up with a splitting headache, slowly made his way to the bathroom to throw up, after laying on the toilet for 20 mins he finally had enough strength to make it to the cabinet to take some aspirin. Looking at his own reflection with blood shot eyes " man i really need to sort myself out look at the state of me" he was a wreck his hair was down to his shoulders all messy like a birds nest, his beard had traces of puke on it, his skin was pale from not getting enough sun, his stomach was hanging out past his jeans from eating nothing but junk food and home delivery. The young man finally looked somewhat presentable and made his way out of his apartment locking the door behind him, " good morning Johnny boy how are you today" he heard a voice calling out to him

Putting on a fake smile " pretty good Mrs. Johnston, same old same old you know me " he replied back

"that i do Johnny boy, that i do, just letting you know that this months rent is due today i hope you can pay on time not like lasts months, i had trouble holding Mr Johnston from kicking down your door and throwing you out on the street"

"i know Mrs. Johnson thanks for that, I'm heading into work now, i should have the money to you by the end of the day" as he mumbled under his breath "you old bat"

"what was that Johnny boy"

"nothing Mrs. Johnson see you tonight"

John made his way to the bus stop looking at his watch lost in his thoughts *bang* he bumped into something knocking him to the ground

"watch where you're going fatty how many times do i have to tell you to pay attention where you're walking "

"sorry Mr clay I was lost in my thoughts"

"tell me something I don't know just get up an get out of here times a wasting"

"yes sir Mr clay" " you old coot"

He finally made it on the bus sitting next to a pretty girl who had headphones on bobbing her head side to side, as the bus made its journey he was working up the courage to talk to her, every time she would look at him he would try to say something but nothing would come out, she would look at him smile and go back to listening to her music. He was screaming inside his head to talk to her but nothing happened, by the time he finally was going to say something his stop came up an he had to get off

" next time" he said to himself

as he got off, he looked at the pretty girl as the bus drove off she gave him a smile.

John signed in to his work, his boss was there barking orders at the other staff members

"throw the goods that are about expire out into the bin at the back, put the new goods in and if you see homeless people out the back beat them away with a stick no ones to touch the off goods"

John looked at his boss, shook his head went to the shelves and started to take the goods away, his co-worker was beside him making fun of the boss as they worked, it took a couple hours but they finally switched the goods out.

John was sitting out the back having a smoke when he seen a homeless guy walking up to the bins

"hey you know you can't touch the expired food we leave in there"

"why can't I I'm in need of food"

"Don't ask me I don't make the rules here"

"he he I know what's going on, you just want to keep it to yourself aye fatty"

"what did you call me you bum"

"you heard me fatty"

"say that to my face"

"I would but i can't see it to much fat" hehe

"damn bum calling me a fatty, wait till I get my hands on you"

John looked around him to find something to throw at him, he saw a 2x4 leaning against the wall, he went to pick it up and charged at the bum, flailing his arms like a crazy person

"hahaha look at the fatty run, run fatty run, come at me hehehe"

"I'm not a fatty I'm a bull arggghhh" he screamed back

"more like a chicken a big fat chicken flailing your arms around bock bock bock"

John kept swinging the 2x4 like he was a pro baseballer despite not playing any sports but he kept missing the bum. The bum was mocking john poking out his tongue and smacking his arse.

"woah almost got me fatty, almost but not quite haha, maybe you should go back to your day job and get me my food"

"shut up he screamed back" he got so angry he threw the 2x4 at the bums head hitting him across the face knocking him out.

"oh no what have I done" he made his way to the bum, when he got there he saw blood coming out a large gash across his forehead and he was bleeding out of his ears.

John panicked ready to crawl into the fetal position, after a couple minutes he finally calmed down, he got up looked at all the blood on the floor threw up and decided to call for help. He went inside to grab his co-worker when they came out he went to where he killed the bum, when he got there, their was no body or no blood.

"what's going on I know I killed someone, i can see where I threw up and the 2x4 on the floor when I threw it at him, where is he?"

His co-worker looked at him like a crazy person and went back inside. John looked everywhere for him not finding anything, he picked up the 2x4 looking for blood but not seeing anything, *if he looked a little closer, he would see a dent in the 2x4 where he struck the bum but he didn't*

John was happy that he didn't kill anyone so he went back to work throwing what just happened to the back of his mind. If he paid closer attention he would be able to hear someone mumble under their breath

"damn fatty"

John and his co-worker went off to the bar, sat in a booth ordered and started throwing down beers like its water

"come on Johnny cheer up you thought you killed someone today but It was a figment of your imagination, you're killing the mood"

"what, nah I'm not thinking about that I've completely forgotten about this afternoon, I'm thinking about this real beauty on the bus I saw this morning but I didn't have the guts to talk to her" he sighed

"so she was a looker aye Johnny"

"She sure was she had the body of a hour glass and the smile of an angel, just my type"

"what do you mean your type, how can you have a type when you are a virgin"

"sssshhhhhh, not so loud I told you that in strict confidence" he threw his hands over his co-workers mouth.

They keep going back in forth arguing with each other, laughing at each other arguing some more till they could barely stand. Looking at the time both the men got up and stumbled out of the bar, they said goodbye to each other and went there separate ways. John was walking down the street when he needed to pee really bad, not being able to hold it in anymore he went to the side of a building relieving himself, after what felt like hours he finally finished zipped his pants up looked up then nothing.

John was surrounded by complete darkness, he couldn't see his body or his arms in front of his face

"hellllppppp me, sooommmeeone please help me, I'm scared, where am I" he was a complete mess. He tried to remember the last thing that happened but his memory was blank

"why can't I remember anything since this afternoon, I remember being on the bus an seeing a real beauty this morning but what happened after that I can't remember"

John finally calmed down after what felt like minutes but who knows he couldn't tell. He was going over his life and the choices he made, he thought about his co-workers and how they would feel if they knew he was gone or did they even like him to begin with, he thought about his landlords and not having to pay his rent anymore, would they be happy that he wasn't wasting their time anymore, he thought about Mr clay the shop owner who he would see every morning, and finally the girl on the bus the one he didn't talk to.

"maybe I died, I mean it's dark, I can't feel my body, it feels like I'm floating in space maybe I'm a soul now doomed to roam the darkness for all eternity with nothing but thoughts"

He was floating singing some songs he like to listen to at the top of his lungs if he had any.

"shut up you damn fatty, you're making my ears bleed" a voice sounded beside him

Startled he looked around and saw an old man looking at him

"who are you calling a fatty you old coot" he screamed back

"do you see anyone else here besides you fatty" he said back

"wait till I get my hands on you" he said flailing what he thinks are his arms towards the old man

"damn look at this fatty flailing around like a chicken, a big fat chicken"

Then it struck him "wait why does that sound so familiar, where have I heard that before" he thought struggling to remember.

"don't think to hard Mr Barry bonds"


He looked at the old man like he'd seen a ghost

"but how, no you can't be real when I went back there was no blood, no body so no crime, it was all a figment of my imagination I'm seeing things"

"unfortunately my fat friend it was all real" the old man said as a matter of fact

Both of them went back and forth telling each other that it's not real and that it was. The old man was turning red, in all the years he's been around and all the souls he's seen this fatty was not like the rest of them, this fatty would be the death of him *cough cough* after john finally calmed down he eyed the old man up an down with a little smirk on his face seeing his face turning red

"so what am I doing here, you bum, it can't be that you have a crush on me can it, I know I'm handsome and all but you know I don't swing that way"

The old man looked at John shaking with anger then passed out. He came to a couple minutes later with john hovering over him. They looked at each other, the old man got up and walked somewhere

"follow me"

John followed the old man, he knew he wouldn't get lost in the darkness because the old man was lit up like a Christmas tree. They came to what appeared to be a door then walked through. They were standing in a small room with a desk in it, some papers were on it and a couple orbs. John's eyes adjusted, he saw the old man sit down behind the desk, he got curious and started exploring the room. The room had an ancient feel to it, it was small but cosy, it was lit up by some kind of light that john couldn't find, the desk was a normal sized desk but looked old it was covered in knots and lines that looked like rivers, he looked at the orbs that were there on the desk they looked like the orbs on *Orion's belt* the old man watched him not saying anything. John looked at the old man sat down on a chair

"so what am I doing here" he looked into the old man's eyes

"what are you doing here he looked cross let me show you"

He pointed his finger at his forehead and images started playing. It was that day they meet in the alley with the 2x4. John got bored reliving that day yawned and started to close his eyes.

"damn fatty am I boring you, you want to know what your doing here look again you killed me"

John looked at the old man like a crazy person

"how could I of killed you when you're right in front of me now"

"not me now fatty, the vessel I was in that day when I was in the alley, I've been in that vessel for many years and not once, and I mean not once have I been killed by a piece of wood, I've been stabbed, shot, hung, drowned burned but never have I been killed by a damn stick" he huffed

"must of been your lucky day there's a first time for every thing they say"

The old man had enough he slammed the desk, got up and stormed out. John chuckled a little and continued to look around the room. He looked through the drawers he saw a couple orbs one had system written on, one had dungeon on it, one had different anime, one had movie world on it, and a couple other orbs but he was to lazy to look through them all. He looked at the one that said system,

"nah I don't like that one, to many plot wholes, I have to do missions to unlock certain buffs and perks, I have a computerized voice inside me telling me to buy this and that and I never have any privacy no thanks."

"hmm dungeon, I become a ruler of a dungeon, I tell my minions what to do, I sit around all day waiting for people to come to me and I get to watch from my throne like it's a movie, I like it"

As he was licking his lips he heard the door behind him open, he quickly closed the drawer and sat back down, the old man walked in having calmed down

"now back to what I was saying you have died, you have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting"


"this damn fatty, basically you're unfit to be amongst the living, you killed an old defenceless man looking for food, you stole constantly from work, you're not a very nice person"

John thought back to his Life and agrees with the old man

"if I'm not a good person, why are we even here, shouldn't I be somewhere where the sun don't shine"

The old man looked at him thought for a second then pointed his finger at his forehead again. Images started rushing through his head again, this time of the night he died. The old man was angry that his favourite vessel was killed by a fatty and a stick he wanted to get his revenge, he followed john after he stumbled out of the bar, he saw him go into an alley, the old man was standing over him on a fire escape he saw a 2x4 next to him an smirked, he kicked the stick off causing it to fall on john as he looked up.

"you you you damn old man you killed me" he went to attack the old me but he just keep going through him

"hehehe how did you like that sweet revenge, you killed me with a stick I killed you back we're even" he cackled

"that still doesn't explain what I'm doing here" he said through clenched teeth

"well according to the books you were suppose to die on your couch by a heart attack on your 28 birthday"

"so not only did you kill me, you killed me earlier than expected, you took the right for me to die with some dignity on a couch then in an alley surrounded by pee" john was really angry

*he's right he did die surrounded by pee, his own but still pee, in a dark alley* *cough*

"that's why we are here today, I'm here to make it up to you, you'll be given a second chance at a new life on a different plane, I can't send you back to earth because they would know what I did and I can't lose my job i like it to much"

They both looked at each other

"so what do i get" john huffed

"glad you've come around, you get 3 perks"

1- You get sent to another world of your choosing

2- You get to have a special ability like a system, dungeon builder or unique cultivating abilities

3- A mystical item forged by the ancient ones to help you on your journey

"I'm going to have to think about this I need some time" John replied

"take all the time you need we have eternity" he got up and walked back out

"just you wait old man I'm going to make you pay"

John looked back at his choices he already knows that he wants the dungeon ability, he walked back to the drawers , and looked again, he flipped through the papers that were on the desk, they had and ancient feel to them he stopped and read a few not understanding the language, he picked up a couple blank sheets and put them in his mouth. He called the old man and told him his decision

" 1. I want the dungeon ability with everything unlocked, 2. I want to be sent to an ancient world like in the Chinese movies with cultivators and beasts 3. I want a mystical pen that was forged by the ancients that when I write It will come true"

The old man thought about his choices

"the dungeon ability can be given but all the abilities are locked, I cant unlock them myself the user has to discover how on his own, being sent to that kind of world is easy and as for the pen I have no idea why you would want a marker but that is easy"

John sat there waiting for the old man to finish, then old man wrote something on his book and a couple minute later there was a knock on the door. When he walked back he had a Small box in his hand, john opened it up and an exquisite pen was inside, he could not help but be impressed, he closed it back up and it was absorbed into him. The old man passed john an orb that said dungeon on it, it went straight to his forehead an it was absorbed, he looked at john one last time flicking his forehead

"seeya fatty" he grinned

John glared at the old man one last time as he was flying away plotting his revenge. John was flung to an ancient world where the trees were huge and overgrown and beasts and mythical creatures roamed the earth, the land was huge and everything was old and new at the same time. When he came to he was in a forest surrounded by trees that looked like towers, he could hear all types of noises he's never heard before he was excited for his new adventure. He brushed the dirt off his clothes looked around and tried to find something to sit on. He and took out his mystical pen and the couple of papers that he stole. He wrote all dungeon abilities unlocked on a sheet, the words floated on the ancient paper for a couple seconds sunk back onto the sheet then the paper turned to dust and was absorbed. He closed his eyes as he saw everything was unlocked

I. Stats

II. Creatures

III. Inventory

IV. Store

V. World map

"hahaha old man you messed with the wrong person hahaha"

He was happy that his plan worked, next he wrote on another sheet, cannot be harmed or touched while looking at dungeon abilities stationary or sleeping, the words floated up for a couple of seconds sunk into the paper again and turned to ash being absorbed. He thought about writing on a few more sheets but he knew he had to save some for the future. John pulled up his world map and saw there was a little village not to far from him.

His new life in another world has begun.