
living a carefree life in hell

A girl was expecting her first day in school be all roses and sunshine but instead she was in hell "what the hell" ah but i made a deal with a demon whoever falls in love loses first and no not a kaguya sama story

ade_cracra · Fantasie
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1 Chs

chapter 1

I remember it as it it was yesterday the day I began my school in hell, it was a beautiful day as i was walking to school but i saw a boy with black wings and horns in the sky whisk me away to some unknown place in hell, I was first freaked out but i can still go home on holidays but i too it easy

The name of the boy was Izumi Nagisa, the boy always hanged out alone which intruiged me, people always stayed away from him because they think he is strange but i think its normal

It was a holiday but i decided to stay in hell so as i was walking to a store i was lost in my thought as i bumped into him

"im sorry i wasn't watching where i was going" i waved casually

he didn't even reply and walked away but i followed him anyways because i was technically jobless

as i followed behind him he stopped walking and stared at him coldly

"why are you following me" he said in a cold tone

"I...I...I was in love with you at fist sight so I decided to follow you anywhere you went because know that i am very loyal and will not leave you" i said dramatically as i swung my arms

he then looked at me suspiciously and started to walk again as we walked somewhere underground as i saw a man tied up

"Please let me go I'll give you anything you want just let me go" the man pleaded

'oh my seems i got myself into some drama' 

the boy the pointed his fingers at the mans head and blasted a laser into his head 

"too gory?" he asked aloofly

"i've seen worse" i brushed off

i did watch movies with intestines and stuff so i don't mind

"what you said before did you mean it" the boy asked nervously

"wait this scene is moving too fast for the viewers, why did you kill that man" 

"viewers?, lets just say im a hitman" he smiled

aww cute oh my God this is bound the get the viewers bored do lets spice it up! 

"lets make a deal, lets date for one year the person who falls in love loses" i said confidently

"like something out of a movie" he chuckled

"Exactly! now are you in and oh of course the loser serves the winner forever" i grinned

"alright then seems easy enough"

"oh and what do you mean by viewers" he asked confused

"The viewers don't you get it" i yelled out loud

'nut job" Izumi thought to himself

"wait didn't you say you were in love with me" he asked with a blank look

"a lie" i looked away

A green ball of energy was then about to hit me in the face but he quickly stood in front and defended me

a man with a green robe was in the building with us grinning crazily

oh man I cant be useless here come on I worked out all my life

I then punched the ground making this whole building collapse underground but Izumi led us out

"wow you're strong....for a human" he looked away as he said the last part

"and for a demon you're weak" I smiled as I skipped back

I guess I'm a bit crazy