
Memory of the King n°1

"Asuma-sensei are you sure that Haruki is still coming?" Ino asked from her position upside down on a branch of one of the taller trees at the edge of the clearing.

Team 10 had met up at the flower shop like they usually did before the start of every day. When the time came to leave for the training ground though and the red head still hadn't arrived, they began to get concerned. Asuma assured them that Haruki had likely just gotten held up at the Hokage tower and would be along shortly. When they arrived at their training ground he got each of them started on their warm up, but now he was running out of ways to stall.

"Yes, Ino." the bearded jonin replied, "I spoke with him last night remember. He had every intention of being here, and he's not a man to break his word lightly. He was likely caught in his other duties or called away on a mission."

"Still sensei. He's never been late. And from what Naruto tells me he hates being late. He really gives Kakashi sensei a hard time about it." The Nara hanging beside Ino pointed out.

"In any case people are not perfect and if he can't make it this time we will make the most of our training time regardless and go ask him about it later," Asuma replied after taking a long drag of his cigarette before flicking it on the ground and stepping on it.

Privately in his own mind Asuma could not help but echo the same concern his students had. Not that he knew the full extent of Haruki's character, but from what he did know the man was not one to let Kakashi's tardiness rub off on him. And it seemed, for whatever reason, that the training of his students and their friends was something of a priority to him. So then why wasn't he there at the meeting time. He looked up at the sky. 'It must be approaching 11 now,' He thought. 'Not too long ago these three would be moaning as they drug themselves to the flower shop around this time. If Haruki hadn't gotten some motivation in them….'

Just then a cold shiver went down his spine as the smoker realized what the actual problem was. "Shit!" he explained as the implications started to sink in. He had forgotten to tell Haruki about the time change.

In the next moment he heard a voice right behind him chuckle darkly, "Oh you have no idea."

An instinctual shunshin kept Asuma from being cleaved in two. Reappearing on the other side of the clearing in a cold sweat, blades out, Asuma tried to placate the clearly enraged red head that stepped into the clearing and started striding across the grass toward him. "Now Haruki wait just a minute, I can explain." He started before he was cut off by a sudden onslaught from the red head who appeared mid swing, blade coated in chakra. It took all of his concentration to parry the blows and keep his footing. Asuma, headless to the fact that his students hadn't stopped training, too shocked to react, was driven back to where Haruki had started. Weaving between the blurred blade that whirled almost silently through the air Asuma ducked and dodged while the red head seemingly effortlessly slashed and stabbed at the Jonin.

Back flipping away from an upward slash Asuma didn't see the smirk on the red head's face until it was too late. Suddenly feeling a presence behind him. Asuma turned to see a familiar large fist inches from impact. He braced himself as the impact launch him all the way across the clearing into the base of the tree that Shikamaru and Ino were using to train. The impact was enough of a shake to break Ino's connection since her concentration was already divided. With a shout of surprise she began to fall even as Shikamaru tried to catch her. Luckily she fell right into the waiting arms of their sensei's attacker.

"Are you alright Ino?" Haruki asked with concern.

Realizing that he had caught her bridal style and that she was much closer and more vulnerable to the powerful Jonin then she ever had been before she began to blush. " Y-y-yes-s Ha-haruki-sensei." Quickly she squirmed out of his arms even as he set her down gently. His face appearing neutrally kind with perhaps a bit of discomfort.

Hearing a grown over to the side, they turn to see Asuma still laying on the back, while Shikamaru hopped down to join the group.

"I don't want to hear it, Asuma. You had every opportunity to tell me the meeting time had changed yesterday and you didn't. Shikamaru-kun you are now in charge of making sure I'm informed." The red head said callously as his turned to the spiky haired genin. Shikamaru just nodded feeling a mixture of annoyance and nervousness. The last thing he wanted was the red head to turn his temper toward him.

Turning to Choji after stowing his blade Haruki smiled broadly and gave the genin a thumbs up. "Good job, Choji. That was a solid hit. You're significantly better at suppressing your chakra. Excellent team work too."

The genin beamed at the praise as his actual sensei began to sit up while internally noted how quickly the redhead's mood shifted. "You were pretty good yourself sensei. It didn't seem like you were trying all that much."

"Not really but your sensei was caught by surprise which gave me the advantage, and I didn't have to beat him. I just had to provide you the opportunity to score a hit. A far easier task. This just shows you that proper planning can take down any opponent no matter the strength. A kunai will kill a Kage same as it would a civilian." Haruki answered as he scratched the back of his hand. Truth be told if he wanted to he could probably take Asuma down but not nearly as easily as he had just bested the man. Maybe the genin were not the only ones needing some extra training. He shook himself inwardly as he reminded himself they were not yet at war.

"But when did you have time to plan, anyway?" Ino questioned trying to figure out how the ambush had been set up in the first place.

It was Shikamaru that answered though, "While Choji was on his run, Haruki-sensei probably met up with him and planned the whole thing." Haruki smirked at the Nara.

"Let this be a lesson to you that pranks will not go without a bit of revenge. And you won't know what hit you when it happens. Right, Asuma." The red head side eyed the the bearded jonin, gaining a sadistic grin.

The man gave and irritated huff as he rubbed his head but otherwise stayed quiet.

"So what are we doing today sensei? You're not going to give us another insane mission are you?" the blond asked with not so subtly hesitation. While ultimately the mission had been worth it, none of the genin were eager to repeat it.

"Ma, ma. You all handled the last one I gave you fairly well. But don't worry we aren't doing anything like that right now." The red head finished with a small smirk.

There was a pronounced shift in posture at that news and the three relax more than a bit relieved.

"No, in fact I brought presents for you guys. Rewards for taking your training seriously and training aids to keep you from falling behind the other teams." Haruki then produced three scrolls from his jacket and tossed one to each genin. Each was sealed with their respective clan insignia.

"It appears that we arrived just in time," a voice called from the edge of the clearing.

Turning the group glance at three figures coming out of the brush. "That is if you don't mind us watching, Haruki," said Choza Akimichi as he strode out with Inochi and Shikaku to his left just a step behind.

Haruki's eyes darted over to Asuma who was still sitting on the ground. Asuma quickly put his hands up as if to placate the coming anger of the redhead. He was just as surprise as Haruki was to see them here.

Haruki's eyes scanned the faces of the three genin as they greeted their approaching parents though he kept his face neutral. They didn't seem to be expecting them either.

Raising and eyebrow at Shikaku as they finally arrived with the group, Haruki turned his unspoken question to the Nara even as he replied, "That's fine Choza. I don't mind."

"We were just curious to see their growth for ourselves. Inochi was very impressed with your methods the other day, and after what you told me yesterday, we thought it might be helpful to have a grasp of their training with you in order to better support them. We were going to come by during the meat of the training but due to your delay now we get to see the whole thing," Shikaku explained with a knowing smirk.

At the mention of the former interrogator Haruki frowned but did not comment instead deciding to dutifully ignore the man's presence while trying not to be obvious about it.

Nodding the redhead replied unfazed, "Well like I said I don't mind, but this first part may be boring." He shrugged and turned to the three genin watching the exchange. "After all I do owe Shikamaru-kun a shogi game."

Shikamaru perked up at the mention of shogi and a smile threatened to part on his face.

Turning back fully to the genin, Haruki acted as if their parents weren't standing ten feet away looking on.

"Open them," he said to them smiling.

Each genin unrolled their scroll only to realize they were sealing scrolls. Quickly unsealing the contents, each one trying to guess what was inside. Their fathers didn't hold back their curiosity as they looked on.

In front of Shikamaru there appeared a receipt, a Seal Department application, a shogi board, four scrolls and a thin paper square.

In Choji's scroll appeared a set of weights, a metal Warhammer, a small book, a thin piece of paper and 4 other scrolls.

In Ino's scroll appeared a large set of books, a thin piece of paper, a green Konoichi combat dress and 6 other scrolls.

"Now Shikamaru-kun, I would like you to set up the board please while I go over the others gifts." The red head said as he sat down in the grass and crossed his legs. The other two quickly gravitated to their own gifts. Ino naturally picked up the garment and was examining it closely. She let out a breath as the dress began to change color where she touched it to red. She was so surprised she nearly dropped it. Her gasp was enough to grab the attention of a very confused Choji who had been flipping through what appeared to be a blank notebook.

The collection of fathers off to the side were trying to keep from rushing the process wanting to understand what the enigmatic Jonin had just placed in front of their children. Thanks to Shikaku they had had some idea as to what each of their children would be receiving for their training. Perusing the present materials proved that their thoughts were not far off. The unique gifts however where still perplexing and in Inochi's case slightly discomforting.

'Why did Haruki give my daughter a dress?' he thought with slight apprehension.

Asuma also was surprised by what appeared. He knew the other teams had started elemental training and if he was honest, he was uncertain his students were ready. For now though, he would follow the red heads lead.

As if reading the man's mind Haruki addressed the flabbergasted girl first, "Ino while I show Choji how his works, why don't you go into the woods and change and try that dress on. I'll explain when you come back."

The blond nodded still looking at the dress before rushing off into the woods to be away from prying eyes.

Focusing back on the Akimichi, Haruki almost laughed at the expression of concentration on Choji's face as he examined the book.

"Choji, flip to the last page." He paused and waited as the genin complied. "Now place a finger on each of the squares on that page and channel chakra into it like you were climbing a tree."

Immediately after he started channeling chakra into the page, letters started appearing on the page.

"Your book is now unlocked. To lock it back just do the same thing you just did." The read head said with a small smile as Shikamaru finished setting up one side of the board.

"Inside the book are all the recipes and properties of different ingredients I could think of with room for you to add more. As you learn more you can add to the contents. Now, flip to the back again." Haruki clarified as he pulled out ink and a brush from his pack.

Choji did so tearing his eyes away from all the information inside. Haruki then handed him the brush and ink.

"Write 'fever reducer' then channel chakra into those square just like you did the first time only keep it constant."

After doing so the ink faded into the page, then ink faded into view on the back side of the previous page. On this page there was an index of names and page numbers that all related to the words that Choji had written.

"Haruki-sensei this looks like it will be very helpful, thank you." Choji said politely but Haruki just smiled. It was clear the Choji didn't understand the full value of the resource he had just been given. How could he? He hadn't even been out of the village yet. His father on the other hand was gaping as he looked at the book with wonder. A resource like that would be invaluable to a ninja. The Jonin present had never seen anything of its kind. Choza new he would need to stress its importance to Choji.

"Oh I wasn't quite done Choji. Clear the page by just stopping your flow of chakra."

Choji obeyed and they waited while the words quickly faded. Shikamaru had stopped setting up the board and had been looking on while his sensei and their parents look on over Choji's shoulder stunned.

"Now write Barba-que" Choiji's face splint into a grin as he did what he was told. Without being prompted he channeled chakra into the seal again and waited with anticipation as the words faded. On the other page words once again faded into view and it was a list of terms and page numbers associated with barba-que.

Choji teared up a bit as he looked up at his redheaded sensei who just laughed. "See it's for fun too, so make the most out of it." The red head said giving him a thumbs up and a wink. He missed entirely the look Choza gave him. Whatever uncertainties he had about the man Choza set them aside as he looked at his son and Haruki. 'There is no doubt this man cares for my son. I don't know why but maybe it doesn't matter right now. I see why the others have had such a taking to him.'

Choji shook his head but didn't respond not trusting his voice. Haruki continued "This book was crafted with complex fuinjutsu that were not easy to apply. Take good care of it. I will not be making you another. This is a precious resource for you to use and cherish. Make the most of it. When the time comes and you run out of room. Come to me a show me what you have learned and how you have grown then I will give you the key to make your own. Will you do that, Choji?"

"Hai Sensei!" Choji answered with such ferocious determination. Haruki pitied the person who so much as thought of touching that book. It honestly wasn't that hard to make, but it was very time consuming and he wasn't in the mood to even have a clone do that in the near future. The Choji he knew would always be hungry both for food and knowledge. It was his desire to learn all that he could that kept many shinobi alive during long stretches in the field. Haruki was confident this Choji would be no different.

An informed Choji would become very effective at information gathering and resource management. He was instrumental to the medical core. Especial after Sakura was taken and Ino was forced to head both the Medical Force and what was left of their Interrogation department.

Shaking away such thoughts mentally before he got lost in the memories. Haruki turned to the Nara that was sitting across from him. Shikamaru had stopped setting up the board and was looking over Choji's shoulder eyes roving the pages with a far off look already coming up with uses for the gift his friend had been given. For a brief moment Haruki thought he caught a hint of jealousy as well. Haruki decided to it was time to move on. Or at least he was until a certain blond emerged from the woods.

"H-hey every one? What do you think?" Ino said as she approached the group. The dress that was once solid green now was a light pink.

"Wow Ino, you look great!" Choji said grinning at his teammate.

"Yeah, but wasn't the dress gre-" Shikamaru started before in front of his eyes the dress started to change colors to a bright happy yellow as Ino smiled at Choji and strode forward more confidently than before.

"Haha I'm glad you like it." Haruki said looking at her and tilting his head slightly sideways and giving her a soft smile.

Ino once she reached them did a spin to show off her new look while she was still grinning ear to ear. Ironically though everyone's eyes were looking at the red head clearly wanting to know how such an item came to be and why.

"Well Ino as I'm sure you've noticed your dress changes color." He began ignoring the others as he did for Choji.

"Yeah, at first it kind of freaked me out, but it's actually kind of cool. How did you get it to change with how I'm feeling?" she said even as the dress transformed to a pale purple.

"Well that's not really how it works. The dress is made of special thread that is chakra conductive and highly sensitive to chakra. I then put a sealing matrix on the dress that activates when I comes into contact with enough chakra. This causes the color changing effect." He paused gesturing in her general direction. "Ino you naturally have difficulty keeping your chakra frequency stable that's why it appears to change with your emotions. This dress will help you train to recognize this and learn the refined control you need. Not to mention you'll be able to change your look as you wish without needing a henge. When you've mastered it there is a surprise for you. When you can use a jutsu and the dress doesn't change colors I'll show it to you."

Ino looked at the dress with a mixture of emotions ranging from excitement to curiosity to nervousness and this was reflected in a rapid shifting of colors. Immediately Ino took a breath and tried to center herself. The dress settled on yellow again.

Haruki relaxed looking back at the whole group. "Each of your gifts will help you build on the control you gained last time we trained. Ino yours help you with chakra regulation. You can practice matching different frequencies with different colors and holding it for different lengths of time. Choji the more you use yours the more you will learn and the larger your chakra reserves will grow. The more you empty your reserves the more they will refill and push the boundaries of your network. And Shikamaru…" He finished with a smirk turning to the last member of team 10 to address specifically. "You are about to figure yours out."

Sighing as the all eyes turned to him, the young Nara gestured at the incomplete board "I'm guessing this is why there aren't enough pieces to finish up the board. How troublesome."

In front of them the metal bored had each of the pieces necessary to complete one side of the bored but left behind was only a King, three pawns, a knight, a bishop, a rook, and a gold general for the other side.

"Exactly. You see the pieces on the bored represent resources that you have at your disposal. The amount of resources you have compared to me are vastly different so you start with less. As your skills improve, I will give you more pieces of the set. Until then when we play this will be what we have."

"That's so troublesome and hardly a fair game." The Nara grumbled glaring at the board as if it would spontaneously generate the remaining pieces he needed. His teammates giggled a bit at his misfortune.

"I promised you a game I never said anything about how or when and I wasn't quite done." He countered with a shrug before sitting down and putting his hand on the board. "The board is chakra conductive so we can only move pieces using our chakra. For me I use lightning chakra through the metal to magnetically move the pieces. For you I would recommend using your shadow. Still want to play?"

To the surprise of the adults looking on, especially his father, Shikamaru didn't say no immediately. Starting with most of your own board gone was a disadvantage that was almost impossible to recover from especially if your opponent actually knew what they were doing, which Haruki clearly did. Instead the Nara just asked a question. "So wait if these pieces represent resources I have, what is each piece?"

"I had hoped you would figure some of them out but giving you a bit of help is probably fair." Haruki said neutrally with a small smile.

"You are the knight that can out maneuver other pieces with your flexible thinking. Ino is your bishop who comes in from the wings with a fresh perspective and dynamic abilities, while Choji is your rook and your solid support. Asuma is your gold general, your limited baseline of support. The pawns each represent a vital skill of a shinobi. Currently you only are good enough to have earned three: teamwork, chakra control, and strategic thinking. But hopeful with some training we can change that soon."

Even as Haruki explained the purpose of each piece to them, the other Jonin were all regarding him with blatant curiosity though for different reasons. Shikaku was more subdued than the others because he knew who the Haruki really was, but it was because he knew who Haruki was that he was incredibly curious what had happened to turn the Naruto he knew into this man. He knew he had only scratched the surface but the man clearly knew each of these genin well to have pick such perfect motivators for them. Shikamaru already held great respect for the man but his desire to prove his own metal ability would drive him to actually follow the man. Shikaku smiled to himself. 'The greatest part of all is how he fosters their will of fire. This time we will not fail!'

Inoichi was analyzing the jonin's every move. None of this made any sense to him. Haruki had obviously gone to great lengths to prepare these gifts and training materials. It was a testament to the man's skill that they were made at all but they already had proof of the extent of his skills in the art. The question that kept surfacing in the Yamanaka clan head's mind was 'Why?' The man had definite baggage including potential struggles with trauma. Inoichi hadn't witnessed any incidents but all the factors were there. Whatever this an knew was sensitive enough to have the Hokage forbids any attempts at a mind healer gaining access and Haruki himself reacted very poorly to the idea. And despite coping with whatever burdened his condition, as well as his mount responsibilities, the man was dedicating time and resources to personally develop his daughter and her friends. Even after examining all he knew or could conclude about the mysterious man, Inoichi still couldn't answer that nagging question.

Choza, however, was watching Shikaku out of the corner of his eye. It had been the Nara's suggestion rather suddenly this morning to witness their kids training session. They had readily again since they knew it was Haruki's day with them and Choza was curious to see the man's methods for himself. He had suspected then but his reaction proved in Choza's mind that the Jonin Commander ha figured out was going on. The fact though that he wouldn't just tell them conveyed all he needed to know about the situation. Choza hoped that he would be able to figure out What Shikaku wanted him to see. It seemed Inoichi was to busy scrutinizing the enigma Haruki was to notice Shikaku's moves. 'Perhaps that is for the best at the moment though,' the Akimichi thought.

The father's were each roused from their musing when Shikamaru asked Haruki about the last piece on the board.

"But Haruki-sensei what about the King." Immediately Shikaku felt Asuma tense a bit as he looked at the red head. It was true that Haruki had left that piece unspecified but Shikaku thought that had been intentional. Knowing Asuma's recent history the whole subject probably brought bad memories to the surface. There is little doubt the man was probably wanting to hear the red heads answer. He was likely already uncomfortable at the gold general comment.

Haruki, fully aware that the eyes of the other's, particularly Asuma's, were boring into him calmly tilted his head in thought as he leaned back on his hands "The king huh. Who do you think the king is?"

"That's easy it's the Daimyo." Choji answered without a second thought.

"No baka, the King is the Hokage." Ino immediately responded before anyone had a chance to speak, though from the look of things Haruki made no effort to reply.

"That's just the leader of the village, the Daimyo is the leader of the country." Choji countered in an annoyed huff. Ino's brash attitude really annoyed him sometimes.

"Actually if this were a mission the 'King' would be the client after all the point of shogi is to protect the king and what Hokage needs protecting. We protect clients on missions." Shikamaru cut in before things could escalate while he tried to reason out the 'right' answer. Last thing he wanted was Ino screeching in his ear about HIS present.

"That's why I'm saying it's the Daimyo!" Choji answered slightly frustrated still with Ino's attitude.

"Are you even listening-" Ino shouted back but was interrupted by Shikamaru.

"Haruki-sensei which of us is right?" He asked silently pleading that he would settle the matter before Ino shrieked any further.

"Yeah Haruki-sensei tell us." Ino added while Choji nodded as well.

"Hmmmm that's a good question. And each of you raised good points. I suppose it is difficult to say. This reminds me of a part in my favorite book. Here I'll read it to you. It's based on an old legend that I believe is true." With that the red head pulled out from his pack a book. Maybe Kakashi was rubbing off on him after all if he was starting to actually carry a book around with him. As he flipped the book open to find the pages he wanted to read, the others sat down and got comfortable, though the genin appeared to be trying very hard not to seem incredibly bored at the prospect of being read too like young children.

"There were once three kings who argue about this very question a long time ago. Powerful individuals with abilities and strength far exceed any ninja; they were in a war against each other for the prize of any wish they wanted granted. No one knows how, but the three agreed that the wish should go to the most worthy. They thought that if they could decide on who, that there would be no more need to fight each other." Haruki summarized as he finally found the page.

"And so they held a banquet where each that claimed the title of king tried to justify why they were the worthiest and why they were the true king. The first king, King Gilgamesh, was a very wealthy and powerful man whose horde of riches had long surpassed his knowledge. He believed that a true king is one with complete dominion over all within his realm. All property is his, all of his subjects only live to serve him and are unequivocally beneath him (although that doesn't mean he believes in abusing them). The absolute rule of his law guides all his actions. He places himself before his nation and the people, and he has neither the curiosity nor desire to conquer, possibly because he had too much in the beginning. He takes the time to enjoy himself, mastering every treasure and every pleasure. With conviction to treat good and evil equally, he has no need for other ideologies and ways of life when the absolute basis is "himself." He was once quoted saying 'To a King, his country is nothing more than his property. If a King cannot control his property, then his people no longer need someone as powerful as a King and it is because of this, King Arturia, that you woke up to find that your country had turned on you.'"

Here Haruki paused and explained that King Arturia was one of the three kings at the summit. He noticed that the students at least had begun to be pulled into the story even as he summarized parts to get to what he really wanted to share. Haruki smiled to himself; flaws aside, his sensei really was a good writer.

"He had no wish of his own but to deny others access to the treasure that could grant the wish. He saw it as a theft of what is 'rightfully' his. Because to King Gilgamesh, all treasures were his.

The second king, King Iskandar, realizing that there was no compromising the declaration of the first, toasted in his honor and declared he would take pleasure in the coming fight where he intended to claim the artifact for himself in any way by right of conquest.

The third king, King Arturia, then having heard the answer of the first and the conclusion of the second asks a question of Iskandar.

After acknowledging that the rightful ownership of the artifact belonged to another and admitting that he was therefore, logically, not as worthy, why would he still seek it? What was so important to him that he would continue to strive for the artifact? Iskandar replied, after drinking from his cup, that he wished for the power he needed to continue his conquest of other nations, for his body was failing him despite the battle prowess he still possessed. He wouldn't dare leave the conquering to some mere object.

Arturia was very displeased with his answer and stated as much. She claimed that was not how a king should behave.

Intrigued and slightly amused, Iskandar asked what she would ask of the artifact if she should win it.

With confidence she replied that she would use the overwhelming power of the wish granting device to avert the destruction of a portion of her kingdom that had fallen to a fruitless civil war, leaving it vulnerable to its neighbors.

Iskandar confused by this, asks her to clarify that she would change fate and that it was during her reign that this nation, her homeland, was conquered and failed.

Arturia affirms this desire and says that she is the only one to blame for this outcome and thus why she regrets it.

Her response causes Gilgamesh to lose himself in laughter, which she does not understand. He replies to her questioning, saying he is surprised she can claim the title of king and feel regret at all.

In anger she rises to defend herself. Her beloved country for which she dedicated her whole life to was destroyed. 'Why is my sadness about that strange?' she says."

Haruki starts quoting from the book instead of summarizing. By this point even the adults are absorbed into the story. Moving on Haruki reads the book aloud.

Laughing even harder the first king says to the second, "Do you hear that? Her beloved country for which she dedicated her whole life haha?' Gilgamesh snickers mockingly to the Iskander. "Do you hear that drivel. Do you hear what that little girl that calls herself a king had to say?"

She replies in confusion and rage, "Why is that humorous to you? For their country's prosperity a true king should be willing to make any sacrifice!"

But before she could continue, Iskandar, who had been looking on silently for the time being, interrupted her. "You are wrong. The king does not devote himself, it is the nation and the people that must devote themselves to the king. You have reversed the concept."

"Those are words of a brutal tyrant!" She answers accusingly.

"Just so," Iskandar continues to answer calmly. "We are heroes because we are tyrants. But if a king regrets his rule or regret how his rule came to an end, he is nothing but a fool worse than the tyrant you distain."

"Your empire is falling apart due to the deaths of your sons and the failing of your own body, and you claim to have no regrets?" Arturia deflects accusingly.

"None at all." He replies calmly. "Not if the end has come by my own decisions and the considerable sacrifices of my many retainers. It's destruction was inevitable. I shall mourn it and shed tears for it, but I will not regret it. Let alone undo it all! Such an act would be an insult to all those who fought and bled and died alongside me!"

"It is only a warrior who can find glory in destruction, worthless as a king who fails to protect the weak. A just rule guided by just laws. Those are the true duties of a king." Arturia rebuttals.

"So you, the king of your realm, are a slave to what is right?" Iskandar answered in shock.

"I am." She answered solemnly "Kings are martyrs to their ideals."

"That is not the way a person should live." He mutters.

"If I am to rule as a king I should not expect to live as a person. You seek the artifact merely for your own benefit and as such you could never understand that. You who became a ruler only to satisfy your endless greed." She finished with a scoff of disgust then quickly takes a step back as the second king yells in response.

"A king without greed is worse than a figurehead!" Seeing her apprehension, he sighs and relaxes again though his previous jovial attitude is long gone. "You must be regarded by your people as something akin to the purest of saints. A proud and noble figure at the very least, but who can truly admire the rough and thorny path a martyr must follow in life? Who actually wishes for such an ending?"

Stunned into silence Arturia just stands as Iskandar continues. "A king must be greedier than any other. He must laugh more loudly and rage for much longer and embody the very extreme of all things good and evil. That's why his followers envy his very existence and adore him and why the flames of aspiration, to be just as the king is, burn in his people. Proud king of chivalry the righteousness and ideals you embraced may have saved your people… once. However, surely you know what became of those saved by you, who were left to fend for themselves." He finished with a grim face.

"What are you saying?" she replied in almost a whisper.

Haruki looked around as he spoke and took in the wide eyed and thoughtful looks on each person's face. Without a doubt each was wrestling with what he was reading. Some trying to understand and make sense of it; others understood but were trying to filter what they had heard through their own thoughts. He was sure that the older members present understood the symbolism in the work. Time would tell how they would react, but in the end the story wasn't really for them.

"You may indeed have saved them but you never lead them. You never showed them all what a king should really be. You abandoned your men when they lost their way. Then alone and untroubled by that fact you went off to chase your own pretty little ideals to the end! Thus you are no true king. You spent your life enraptured in a false idol of the humble king that always serves others. You're just a little girl…"

Their dinner continued in silence until the three kings prepared to leave where they had met. The first king sat smug the entire time amused at the anguish on Arturia's face as she wrestled with the second's accusations. As Iskandar stood to take his leave, he presented them one final question. "Does the king always stand alone?"

Arturia answered him subdued but with certainty saying, "The king must indeed be alone. Always."

Iskandar chuckled lightly to himself as he stood to leave. "No, no. You obviously don't understand. Little girl you must wake from your sad dream and see the truth. If you don't, you'll someday lose that modicum of pride that you retain. The dream of a king that you spoke of earlier is a curse and a burden that blinds and cripples you."

And with that he left.

Standing to follow him out Gilgamesh turns to the third and says, "Pay that bias mongrel no heed. You are correct to follow the path you believe in. Your agonizing pain and terrible sorrow as you bear a burden of kingship that is too heavy a weight for any, is quite a splendid and marvelous thing to look upon." And so he left with a laugh over his shoulder leaving the bitter King of Knights to her own reflection on what the others had said.

Suddenly Haruki snapped the book closed, breaking the spell over the clearing.

"What happened next? Who one the contest? How did they decide? Did they get their wish? Don't stop their Haruki-sensei!" All three genin immediately bombarded the red head with questions, Ino even stood up in exasperation her dress turning a red orange color.

"Haha I can tell you more of the story another day. For now, I want you to think on what each king said and then when you feel you have an answer tell me who is the real king?" he laughed as he put the book away while all who heard him stared off in thought.

Ignoring this, Haruki instructs each genin to pick up the thin piece of paper.

"Now on to actual training."