
Live Streaming system: Ascending the ranks to godhood

Takashi Hiroshi. within the first month of defeating cancer the youth decided to marry his noona's. #Tags: #Older Fml #WeaktoStrong #Good mc - He has sense

1_Eternal_ · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Future plans

The next day~


As I slowly opened my eyes the warm feeling of the two individuals that laid to my side was the very thing that comforted me .

As the man of the day before I was granted the opportunity to lay in the middle of the bed and it would probably stay that way for a long time .

Turning my head to the left I stared at Mei Ling in silence, there was no other time comapred to now to appreciate the tense moments we had a few hours ago.

Even now the evident signs of our nightly activity was as tense as it could've possibly been due to many reasons.

1) being the sheets That bore witness to two small pool of blood.

The second being the funny smell that the place reeked of .

Turning to my left there was Qing Yi. The Queen of elgance was a mess. Her hair had rolled out of the bun she had made last night, staring at her face the evident traces of exhaustion and relief was all that one could feel.

After staring for a while I then lowered my gaze a bit which made me quite flabbergasted....

Due to the one of many love/ bite marks that traced all the way down to her chest.

Turning to face Mei Ling who's body was atop mine in a non proportioned way I then stared at her for awhile after realizing that the same thing was done to her as well.


As I sighed in relief I then delivered a small kiss to the girl's forehead before I then pulled my unerected shaft from Mei Ling's tight grasp.


There were many things that needed to be done today, and moving was the biggest of them all.


Living Room~

Arriving inside the living room, I stared around the area for a while before nodding my head firmly.

With the money I received from the government, the very first thing I did was pay off my noona's scandalous work contract that required them to work a full 12-hour shift a day. The second thing was moving, and all this was done with the help of both the girls since I had no knowledge of moving whatsoever. The third thing was buying a house, which took a whole week due to the village's rules. After a week, the problem was finally settled thanks to Mei Ling's intervention.

The fourth task was organizing the wedding, which took a few weeks to plan.

**[Balance: 900,000 CNY]**

With such an amount, I could probably live a moderate life for a few years at best. But why would I do that?

Although I moved to a more secluded area, I didn't do all this entirely on my own. If it weren't for Mei Ling and Qing Yi, this whole thing would've been quite impossible since the villagers didn't necessarily welcome outsiders. When I said outsider, I meant people who were of a different race, and I was one of them. Hence, I had to acquire the help of both Mei Ling and Qing Yi. Under a few conditions, the house was bought under the name of Qing Yi.

Not like I'm complaining since things turned out even better than I had expected.

The house that cost a whopping 500,000 CNY came with a few rooms: 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 1 dining hall, 1 master bedroom, 3 extra bedrooms, and a small office room which I later designed into a moderate setup. The setup consisted of:

- 1 mini PC

- 1 moderate mouse and keyboard

- Monitor and speakers

- RGB lights

The monitor was a budget monitor that was top of its class. It came with 144hz, which I had no idea what that meant. Next was the mini PC that had an i9 12900k. I also had no idea about that, but it was the CPU that was top of its class as well. Such a mini PC came with 120hz. The mouse and keyboard were RGB-infused, and once again, I had no idea what that meant since my main goal was to live stream. Next were the speakers that cost a bit over the initial budget.

Shaking away my thoughts, I then decided to open the system for a quick brief on what to do from here on out.


**{Live Streaming System}**

**[Takashi Hiroshi] [Age: 18]**

**[Status: Unemployed]**

**[Condition: Stable (Take a break, will ya)]**

**[Charisma: 4]**

**[Strength: 6]**

**[Stamina: 5]**

**[Intelligence: 8]**

**Titles: Husband of the Dual Ice Queens**


**Talent: Silver Grade - Attraction**

**Partners: 2 (also unemployed due to the host's pursuit of marriage)**




**Goal: Earn 2 viewers**

**Reward: 1 Silver Redemption Card**


The goal was to earn 2 viewers, but the system didn't specify which app, so it was clearly giving me the option to choose freely.

Now that I thought about it, these days, aside from sorting out the necessary things, a majority of my attention had been focused on VTuber tutorials. Anyways, it wasn't really a problem since I had a few apps in mind.

Rising to my feet, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous breakfast for three.

An hour passed, and the breakfast was later delivered to the dining room. Sitting at the table, I awaited the presence of Mei Ling and Qing Yi. About 15 minutes later, the girls arrived at the dining room in a matching pajama set. Rising to my feet, I decided to assist them with drying their hair since it was still wet due to them being in a hurry to have breakfast.

We chatted amongst ourselves for a while before the girls went back to bed due to how weak their legs felt at the moment. Feeling a bit of sympathy towards the two, I decided to indulge them a bit.

However, that didn't last long as the two later went back to bed due to how tired they were.

' I'll make sure to make it up to them later '