
little wandering soul

Once upon a time there was a little innocent soul wandering in the unforgiving world filled with beasts it was once filled with passion and love perhaps it would have stayed like that but it was betrayed scarred and thrown away by the ones it trusted for it to lose it's humanity like the ones around it may try to collect the little light's floating around to try and create a world that heals it's scarred soul but will it be able to do it.

user24_7637 · Aktion
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A scary World 3

Alex's POV:

after i heard that gut wrenching voice message i got super scared the house felt lifeless no lights were on i closed all the doors and hid my self in the bathroom i curled up in the corner of the bathroom i felt like all this was a nightmare i would wake up any minute what felt like forever which could not have been more than 5mins i heard a car parking outside i was too scared to move i just waited in the bathroomi could hear footsteps get closer and i could hear mommy say Alex it's me open the door kiddo she said with a weak voice i opened it hesitantly and as soon as i did i saw mom standing there bloodied her face was pale unlike her normal pale skin this was closer to dead white than just white as soon as she saw me she embraced me in a hug [ thank god your okay alex ] as soon as she said that she collapsed unable to keep moving from how much she strained her body [ listen to me alex go to the kitchen get me my first aid kit ] mhm i said even though i was scared mom needed my help so I'll help i don't know what's happening but i walked to the unlit kitchen it was still the middle of the day so the light from outside the house luminated it through the window but also through the window i saw a man walking spasms bleeding as soon as i looked at the man he turned and looked me straight in the eye and screamed the most gut wrenching bloody scream AGuhhhhhhh and then 2 seconds later i could hear something slam on the door i got scared and ran back to the bathroom with the medkit and closed the door panting all that was going through my mind was utter horror [pass it here alex] .

Maria's POV:

pass it here alex and what was that i felt my body weakening as time passed on millions of thoughts going through my mind as alex told me about the bloodied man all i could think about ( WHAT THE F##K IS GOING ON) alex close your eyes and put your hands over your ears dont open them till i nudge you [ are you gonna be fine] dont worry alex I'm gonna be fine just do what i say (okay now I'm gonna have to remove this f##king bullet outta my stomach and stitch it oh god this is gonna hurt like a son of a bitch) i pulled out twizzlers sanitized them and tried to feel for the bullet all i felt was unimaginable pain i was barely able to focus but that soon ended as i pulled out the bullet okay (now to the sweet part the stitching sighhh) aghaaaa huffing (Finnally im done that felt like forever holy shxt ) i wore my clothes back on top of the wound after i dried the sweat around it i nudged alex he hesitated to open his eyes but eventually did alex lets wait abit before we go out and we waited for about what felt like hours but unsurprisingly as soon as we went out of the bathroom barley 2 hours have passed it was about 4pm now i walked around the house i started pulling heavy stuff covering the door i closed all the curtains i went to get a cup of water and get something to eat i put enough food and water in the bathroom to last us 2 days since it was the safest place in the house with no windows and a single door i turned on the radio just to hear normal jazz music playing and news the normal ones like nothing has happened over at the news station like they didn't just cover that people were attacking each other like crazed maniacs over the past few days (ah double fuck i guess well just try wait it out for the government to fix this shxt) and we waited.

2 days have passed i went out of the bathroom i turned on the news all the local news stations didnt work i tried the radio nothing i tried to change the signal i could hear something head to #&*@ at downt#&@^ I repeat any survivors please head down to malaric airport at downtown i could hear a message keep repeating itself as the signal got clearer all i could think about is (well fuck we got nothing to eat or live off here ) Alex i called out pack some of your clothes we have to get out of here or the bad guy's will come get us [mhm] said alex in a n innocent voice.

i packed stuff as quick as i could and headed to the car as soon as i got to the car i just drove i knew the drive would be about a day or 2 long so i was gonna drive to a super market to stock up on some food as soon as we reached the super market it felt like people were going crazy traffic filled the roads people were screaming fighting each other all that went through my mind was ( DISORDER) that was the only word that could describe what's going infront of me it's like all order in the world was just thrown out the window i told alex to stay in the car as i went in the shop i saw mass panic people running around stocking on food medicine and anything they could get thier hands on i heard screaming from my right a large man was screaming at a teenager [give me it or]

Or what fuxker said the teenage kid BANG a gunshot went off all i could hear was a thud and a massive fight broke out litreally didn't know what just happened it happened so fast i just took everything i could get my hands on and ran out of the store running as fast as an injured women can as soon as i got in the car i just slammed the gas and drove never looked back my heart thumped so loud it felt like it was the only sound in the world at that moment