
Little Touch

Night always brings peace and happiness to every human being. However, what if your night turns to horror and restlessness. When death begins to lurk from behind the dark night, draws blood and makes you a bloodthirsty vampire. Alan is a vampire who is trying to find the main culprit named Hector who turns him into a vampire. He must fight and destroy his own colony, he hates himself as a bloodthirsty demon. Everything becomes chaotic, when a human Nayla enters his life. Alan fell in love with her. His life journey to kill his enemy, Hector is full of twists and turns until he is trapped in the Guild of Three Races, namely, vampires, humans/weirds, and werewolves. Interspersed with various romance dramas and blind jealousy, until finally they together eliminate the differences between the three races to kill their enemy Hecror. Can Alan stick to his mission of destroying the vampire colony? Or it was Alan himself who turned Nayla into a vampire like him. Check out the full story on Webnovel!

syafrida_wati06 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

chapter of 11. Destroy basecamp

"Meyer, I'm not lying to you. A vampire who has the power of fire destroyed the house and killed my daughter,

Please tell Hector!"  said Francisco, who knelt before Hector's trusted Meyer.

 Meyer the young man who was thousands of years old just snorted on his throne.  He prefers to live in an old castle belonging to his family in the Rocky Mountains.

 Meyer just looked at Francisco, "Hasn't Mr. Hector been giving you more rights all this time? So you're a senator in the Toronto section?! You're having too much fun and so is your daughter Serry." Meyer looked at Francisco with disgust, "you always feel sorry when you are in trouble," continued Meyer,

"you should clean up all the mess you made. Not just run here!"  Meyer snapped.

 Francisco was silent, he realized his mistake.  However, behind all that he did so because of the orders of their Vampire Chief Hector.

 Hector wants to create an army of vampires to rule Toronto.  He supported Francisco to become a senator to make it easier for them.

 To snag humans to go to a party they always throw once every 3 or 6 months.

 So far, Francisco's efforts have been successful, he has developed many young vampires and brought them to Rome.

 Making Hector even more praise and love for him, made Meyer hate in his heart.  He was Hector's right hand, man, all along.

 Meyer was more powerful than Francisco, but he was not given more authority than Francisco received.

 Meyer was eager to get away from Hector's side. He had accompanied Hector for thousands of years but had never been allowed to enjoy the outside world.

 He just waited and watched Hector's coffin while he was hibernating.  Meyer grew sick and resented that he had always been an errand boy, for thousands of years.

 "Tell Mr. Hector. I want to meet you. Besides that all the soldiers in Signpost Forest are ready.

 "I don't want that vampire to destroy that basecamp either. Please, tell me! I don't want to get into trouble.

 "But if you want trouble go ahead," Fransisco threatened.

 He understands if he asks for help on his behalf.  Meyer was always going to make things difficult.

 However, if he used the name, Mr. Hector.  Meyer would never be able to resist it.

 Meyer snorted angrily, he could no longer say anything else.  Francisco was in charge of the soldiers they were training in Signpost Forest.

 "Fine. Come on, I'll accompany you. Instead, you said it yourself."  Meyer descended from his throne.

 Running fast towards Francisco.  The two of them sped away like bats through the pitch-black night.


 Andre and Alan darted to his cellar, behind them Gwendolyn followed them.

Gwendolyn was curious as to what the two had been doing in their basement.

She never wanted to know what their son and daughter would do. She knows the two children he loves are good and responsible children.

 Likewise with her husband, Andre.  This time, he was curious about what the two vampires were doing in their dungeon.

 Gwendolyn was shocked to see all the contents of their warehouse.  Full of various types of weapons made of real silver.

 "Oh my God... You're going to war, honey?"  Gwendolyn said.

 Andre just smiled in response to Gwendolyn's surprise.  Andre never told his wife what he was doing in their cellar.

 All this time, Gwendolyn only thought that her husband's hobby was carpentry and workshops.  Gwendolyn let her husband spend all his time there.

 "Papa is extraordinary, Mam! At first, I was also surprised by all the war tools that Papa used," said Alan.

 She embraced Gwendolyn who was still shocked by what she saw.  She could only look at her husband and son.

 "You want to exterminate the vampires?"  Gwendolyn asked in disbelief.

 "Honey I just want to kill a cruel and brutal vampire. Not a good and calm vampire!"  Andre replied with a smile.

 "Then what are you guys going to do first?"  Gwendolyn asked cluelessly.

 She didn't understand if they had to go to war.

 "We're well prepared. Plus, Francisco has run away. Trust me, he's going to see Hector and report all of this.

 "We are quite waiting for them. Trust me, they will come," said Andre.

 Alan just smiled, "We better destroy their basecamp, at Signpost Forest. Before Hector lets them go," said Andre.

 "I agree, Papa!"  Alan replied excitedly.

 Gwendolyn just shook her head, she understood the two men in front of her when she wanted something hard to break.

 Besides that, she also supports it, she is also not willing if the earth is ruled by a cruel vampire.  They will lose everything about the beautiful life.

 In the evening, the trio sped off to Signpost Forest.  All three are complete with their weapons.  Gwendolyn with a bow on her back and a gun.

 They wanted to destroy Hector's vampire basecamp.  Where they develop a young vampire that they snag at a party hosted by Francisco Serri's daughter.

 The three landed in a large building fenced with iron and tall wires.  They dashed in.

 Inside the building, they saw many young vampires screaming hysterically.

 Banging on the bars and rolling over because of the thirst they suffered.

 Francisco feeds them by including humans as bait and makes them the next vampire.

 Andre immediately fired his silver bullet at them.  While Alan slashed his sword.  The horde of vampires groaned as they tried to lunge at the three.

 The young vampire who was still unable to control his power with bloodshot eyes tried to rush over to them.

 Andre shoots with his gun as well as his gun, Gwendolyn shoots with her bow.  She ran out of a bow so she had to use her claws and sword.

 Alan burned some of the injured vampires, the burning vampires were running around trying to put out their fire.

 However, the fire spread throughout the building, burning everything.  The three of them darted out of the building watching for any vampires to escape.

 They killed every young vampire who wanted to run away.  The three of them wanted to burn down the development basecamp managed by Francisco.

 That night, a fire at Francisco's basecamp killed all the young vampires he was developing.

 They didn't leave any evidence of the existence of the vampire, and who had killed him.

 The trio sped home as fast as they could, they didn't want any of the vampires to recognize them and report everything to Hector.

 Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes were watching the three as they entered the basecamp and burned them.

 However, he didn't dare to approach because he didn't want to be the next target.  He waited for the three of them to fly away, then he came out of hiding.