

  “I am now and all of you still look like shit!” he teases, but he still holds a displeased look on his face. “Whatever the doctor says doesn’t matter right now, because I’m so happy to see every one of you here.” He tells them even if they weren’t all, Taylor and Reign would need to be here for a complete house for him. “Are mom and Jennifer here?” he asks, raising a brow when he sees they are nowhere in the room.

  “Your mom left a while ago. She would be here any minute,” answers Henry with an edgy tone.

  Rory senses the heat in the room and he knows well that something must have gone down. “You two fought, didn’t you?”

  For the past four years, they’ve barely spent an hour together without falling out with each other.

  Henry nods and sighs. “Your mom was furious, and she blamed Taylor for what happened to you. I think she still does.”