
start Smith/Adward and his little heart ❤️

Now next,,,,,,


The boy gets up from his chair and stands in front of the window and puts his hands in his pockets and without any expression says "Get the jet ready Jack, we are going back to India tonight itself. I can't wait any longer to meet my Jennifer".

Jake who was Stark's assistant bowed his head and said "Ok boss".

After saying this they leave from there. Now Stark was alone in that cabin. Stark closes his eyes and Jennifer's face of 5 years back appears in front of his eyes. Flashback,,,,,,,

Sunshine Cafe,,,,,,,,

A girl with a cup of coffee in her hand was walking forward while talking to someone on the phone, when she collides with a handsome boy coming from the front. The boy looks at the girl standing in front of him, whose hair had come on her face. The coffee that the girl had in her hand fell directly on the white shirt of the boy standing in front of her and his clothes were completely ruined. His friend was behind that boy.

His eyes widen with fear. Seeing his expressions, it seemed as if something wrong had happened. The boy standing in front of him was very attractive to look at. He was about six feet three inches tall, with a well-built muscular body and silky hair with a normal hairstyle. His simplicity was making him more beautiful.

It was none other than Stark. Stark's eyes fell on Jennifer standing in front of him who was looking at Stark with scared eyes. Jennifer, while cleaning his shirt with her hand, said "I am sorry, I am very sorry, it happened by mistake, I was not paying attention, otherwise I would never do this, I don't know how it happened, normally if I drop anything, it never falls on anyone, but it is your mistake, you should have been careful while walking".

Stark removed his hand from Jennifer's lips and said "I am removing my hand but keep quiet".

Jennifer blinks her eyes and says yes to him. Stark removed his hand from Jennifer's face and said "It's okay, it's okay. Anyway the coffee was cold. If it was hot I could have burned you. And even if you had burned me, I wouldn't have said anything to you. It's okay".

Stark was talking to Jennifer looking into her eyes when suddenly someone suddenly holds Jennifer's hand and pulls her towards him. Stark's eyes had become deep as soon as Jennifer moved away from him.

Stark looks ahead and sees where Edward had held Jennifer's hand and brought it close to him. Jennifer said looking at Edward "How much time does it take Edward? Look what happened because of you".

Stark's eyes were on Edward's hand with which he was holding Jennifer.

Looking at Stark's eyes, Edward understood that Stark did not like Edward coming between him and Jennifer. Edward stared at Stark and said, "Listen, from now on, if you even touch Jennifer, no one will be worse off than me."

Stark raised one of his eyebrows and said, "You are threatening me, you should threaten me, every brother should be protective of his sister."

Edward pushed Jennifer behind him and held Stark's collar and said, "She must be your sister, but she is not my sister, she is my little heart, she is my friend. Do you understand? Never show me your face, otherwise no one will be worse off than me."

Stark was also very angry and he punched Edward directly on his face. Seeing this, Jennifer's eyes widened in surprise. Edward also punched Stark. Now almost a fight had started between them. Jennifer suddenly came in front of Stark and said to Edward, "Stop it Edward, stop it, why are you fighting over such a small thing?"

The punch that Edward had raised to hit Stark stops when he sees Jennifer. Edward lowers his hand and walks away from there with Jennifer, glaring at Stark. Stark's eyes were still on Jennifer, who was going with Edward with full rights.

Jennifer was speaking and Stark was trying to silence her. Stark suddenly holds Jennifer's hand and brings her closer to himself and stops Jennifer from speaking by placing his hand on her lips. Both Jennifer and Stark were looking into each other's eyes at this time. The emotions in Jennifer's eyes were quite normal, but some deep feelings were visible in Stark's eyes.

Stark cleaned the blood from his split lip with his hand and pointing towards Jennifer said to his friend "Who is this girl? I want complete information about her and tell my father that I have found his daughter-in-law." There was a crooked smile on Stark's face.

Flashback end,,,,,

Stark opens his eyes, his deep black eyes had become slightly red. Stark ran his hand through his hair and said " little heart Edward's little heart, Edward Rogers you yourself are confused about your life, you don't know whether Angelica is your love or your little heart, but I don't care, even if you love Jennifer, it doesn't make any difference to me because Jennifer will always be mine only." usa ,,,,,,,

Rogers Empire,,,,,,,

Edward came behind Jennifer and saw that Jennifer was in the kids' playing room and was talking to Hardy. There was a smile on her face. Seeing Jennifer, Edward felt a little relaxed. He didn't know why but he didn't like seeing Hardy. But what was that thing, Edward himself couldn't understand. Just then Angelica comes there. She sees that Edward was standing at the door and was just looking at Jennifer without any expression.

Angelica doesn't like this at all but she bows her head and goes inside and Jennifer stands behind and says "Jennifer".

Jennifer looks back and seeing Angelica, a smile comes on her face. Jennifer stands up and hugs Angelica and says "How are you, Angelica".

Angelica also hugs her tightly and says "I am fine and I am very happy to see you back here".

Angelica moved away from Jennifer and holding her hand said "It's good that you came back here Jennifer, you don't know we were not feeling well without you, Edward was the most affected, right Edward?"

Jennifer became a little uncomfortable after listening to Angelica and Edward started staring at Angelica. Hardy holding Jennifer's hand said "Who is this, Mama?"

Angelica said in surprise "Why is he calling you mom, Jennifer?"

Jennifer took Hardy in her lap and said "Because Hardy is my son, introduce him to him, this Hardy is my baby".

Angelica does not know why the smile on her face vanishes completely on seeing Hardy. She looks at Hardy once and then at Edward standing between her and Jennifer. Hardy looked exactly like Edward. Angelica said "Strange, your son looks exactly like Edward. What's the matter? By the way, Hardy's father is not visible. Why did he not come with you?"

Jennifer does not answer Angelica's words. Edward held Angelica's hand and said "We will know all those things later. You go from here and Jennifer works here, so she will stay here and this is not Jennifer's house that she will bring her family to the office, common sense".

Hearing Edward's words, Angelica starts staring at him. With a fake smile, Angelica said, "Okay then I am leaving, Jennifer, why don't we go for dinner, you, Edward and your husband. I hope you won't have any problem."

Edward held Angelica's hand and said, "She won't have any problem, come, I will drop you outside because you will have problem in going alone."

Angelica was staring angrily at Edward because Edward was interrupting her conversation. Edward held Angelica's hand and went out of there.

Hardy played with Jennifer's ear and said, "Who was she, Mumma?"

Jennifer made her sit on the same table and said, "She was Mumma's friend. We studied together and always stayed together."

Hardy said without any emotion, "But I didn't like her at all, I don't know why, but I was getting negative vibes from her." Jennifer widened her eyes and bit Hardy's cheek lightly and said, "Hardy baby, I agree that your name is very big, Hardison, but that does not mean that you need to talk beyond your age, okay?"

Hardy's face turns sour after listening to Jennifer's words. Jennifer laughs and looks at the other children who were all playing with one thing or the other and then looks at Hardy who was sitting with a book and writing something with his left hand. Hardy behaved exactly like an adult. His age was quite young but his maturity level was very high.

Jennifer took the pen from Hardy's hand and said "What is this Hardy, you behave like an adult. Don't you think you are still young so you should play like a child?"

Hardy took the pen from Jennifer's hand and shook his head completely and said "No mom, I don't think so because all these people are stupid. When they grow up and get used to all these things, then they will realize that it would have been better if they had studied since childhood." Jennifer starts laughing after listening to Hardy and starts playing with Hardy's hair. Hardy removed Jennifer's hand from his hair and said, "Mamma please don't do this, you keep moving your hair round and round, this gives curls and I want straight hair."

On hearing Hardy's words, Jennifer starts laughing out loud. Hardy glared at Jennifer and said, "Are you making fun of me?".

Jennifer shook her head in no and kissed Hardy on his cheek and said, "It's okay, you concentrate on your studies, big boy, Mamma is going to work."

Hardy kissed Jennifer on her forehead and said, "Okay."