
Edward's anger/"where is hardy's father

Saying this she started going inside. Edward stared at her and said "Are you really the same Jennifer who used to be my friend because she could not tolerate even a wrong word against herself. She was very self-respectful but you are just the opposite of her. These people have scolded you so much but still you want to stay here like a shameless person".

Jennifer said without turning back "Circumstances teach people a lot but due to my self-respect I will not stay here. I will go far away from here".

Edward stared at her and said "You don't want to go away from here, you want to go far away from me. You only want to go far away from me because you have come to know that I have come to know your address. That is why you will go far away from here. But understand little heart, I will not let you go far away from me. You have to come with me. Come, do the packing".

Edward had reached very close to her while talking to her. He presses a vein on Jennifer's neck due to which Jennifer falls down in his arms.

Staring at him, Loy said, "You bastard, what have you done? Why did you make her unconscious?"

Edward took Jennifer in his lap and said, "If this was not done, she would have never agreed to come with you. Now I will have to kidnap her or else she will keep troubling me."

Loy said, "And that kid?" Arjun shook his head and said, "Let's leave him. Anyway, I don't like him at all."

Staring at him, Loy said, "Hey, he is Jennifer's son, how can you say this?"

Edward took a deep breath and said, "Take him along as well and take all of Jennifer's stuff. Nothing should be left behind."

Rogers Palace,

A big and luxurious room in which a girl was lying on the bed and someone was standing in front of her with his hands in his pockets staring at her. Edward looks at Jennifer without any expression. He said looking at Jennifer's innocent face, "I don't even feel like getting angry at you looking at your innocent face, but what to do, your actions are such that I feel like hating you, but I will not leave you Jennifer".

Just then his phone rings, he receives the call staring at Jennifer's face. Loy's shouting voice was coming from downstairs. He said, "Come down quickly brother, this little devil has kept us troubled, he keeps hitting whatever comes in his hand. He hit Shekhar with a big mirror, friend, now he is after me with a hockey stick, why do you keep all these things outside".

Edward closes his eyes tightly and taking a deep breath said, "I did not keep all those things, maybe Vicky or some other guard must have kept them, I am coming. " Arjun angrily said to Sadhvi " Once you come to your senses, you will have to answer all my questions and the biggest question is who is the father of this devil, you will have to answer this to me Jennifer, no matter what you think about me".

He goes down from there and as soon as Edward reaches the living area, a glass showpiece hits his face but he caught that showpiece with his hand in time, otherwise Edward's face could have been badly injured. Loy and Shekhar's eyes were about to pop out of fear.

Edward removes that showpiece from his face and angrily throws it on the ground and staring at Hardy said " You small child, don't you have enough manners that when we go to someone's house, we don't vandalize like this and live with good manners".

Hardy staring at Edward said " You old uncle, don't you have enough manners that you don't kidnap a child's mother and those children like this? So I don't have any manners and the elders have come to teach me where my Mom is kept. If I want to go to her, none of you can stop me, understand."

Saying this, he starts moving upwards through the CDO, but he had just taken one step when he was already in the air. He moves his legs but he was unable to move forward.

Hardy looks down and finds that he has risen about three feet above the ground. He turns his head and looks at Edward. Hardy and Edward's heads were at the same height, the only difference was that Edward was standing on his feet and Edward had lifted Hardy in the air with one hand. Hardy stared at Edward and said, "Blue-eyed uncle, please let me down, I have to go to my mom."

Edward looked at him without any expression and said, "No way, child, you cannot go to my little heart right now. She is resting. I don't know how much you and your father have troubled my friend that she is in this condition right now."

Hardy stared at him and said "She is not your little heart but my mom. Jennifer, understand. Don't call her little heart".

Hardy was very angry and was about to say something again when Edward glared at him and said "She became your mom later but she is already my little heart and now keep quiet or else I will throw her down from the top floor".

Edward was staring at Hardy badly but it seemed as if Hardy was not scared of him. He started staring at Edward even more badly. Shekhar and Loy were both looking at each other. Loy said to Shekhar "Doesn't this seem strange to you? How can Hardy be so similar to Edward?"

Shekhar also said looking at both of them "I am also thinking the same".

Loy thought for a while and said "Maybe it could be that Jennifer and Edward were such good friends from before so Jennifer must have wanted that Jennifer's son should be like Edward and Hardy's personality should also be like Edward".

Shekhar does not reply to his words, he still I was looking at Edward and Hardy who were trying to scare each other by staring into each other's blue eyes.

Then they hear some sounds from Jennifer's room. Edward quickly throws Hardy towards Loy and runs upstairs. Loy caught Hardy in time, otherwise Hardy would have fallen from a height of 6 feet. The expressions of both Loy and Hardy were like thank God we were saved. Loy hugged Hardy and said, "Hardy baby, you are fine, you are not hurt."

Hardy stared at Loy and said, "If your friend is kind, I will definitely fall one day. Does anyone throw from such a height and that too from such a distance, idiot."

Shekhar and Loy both look at each other, then at Hardy, Loy said laughing, "You are just like Edward, he also scolds me like this."

Hardy was looking at him as if he was looking at a mad person and he had no interest in his words.

Upstairs in Jennifer's room, Jennifer had completely destroyed the room just like Hardy. Edward who was standing in front of Jennifer was not standing, he was actually saving himself. Jennifer picked up a glass show piece and threw it straight towards Edward. Edward caught it and kept it on the table beside him where he had already kept three-four show pieces. Jennifer stared at him and said "How dare you kidnap me and bring me to Kolkata and what did you do to me that I fainted, tell me Edward, I told you that I don't want to stay here".

Edward slowly went near Sadhvi and said "Look Sadhvi, getting so angry is not a good thing, listen to me".

Jennifer who was getting influenced by his words stood up very quietly. Edward caught her hand in a jerk and pushed her against the wall and holding both her hands in one of his hands above her head said "Jenny, the things you are doing are making me very angry but I am not saying anything right now, but that does not mean that you should irritate me further. Understand, you will stay here from now on and will not go anywhere from here. As far as your job is concerned, you will work with me in my company as my personal assistant. Anyway that post is vacant and if you want any other post, you will get it, but you will have to stay here. You do not need to complicate your life unnecessarily. When your husband comes, you can call him here. You can stay here, I have no problem.

Jennifer, who was looking into his eyes, said lostly, "How can I stay with you in your house?"

Edward caressed her cheek with one hand and said, "You can stay in this house, anyway I live alone."

Jennifer came to her senses with his touch and lowered her eyes and said, "Why alone, where did uncle go?"

Edward said in a cold voice "He left after you left me, he also left. After you left, I was completely alone for 3 years. No one was with me, only me and my loneliness. I missed you a lot at that time."

Jennifer looked into his eyes and said "I had to leave from here Edward, I could not stay here."

Edward caressed her cheek with his thumb and said "I agree I had to leave, but you could have told me before leaving, why didn't you break all the relationships and leave."

Jennifer could not give any answer after that. Both of them were just looking into each other's eyes. They were standing very close at that time. Jennifer tried to free her hand from him and while avoiding his gaze said "Leave me Edward, leave my hand."

"Whose son is Hardy? Who is the father of little heart Hardy?" Edward said to Jennifer trying to find the truth in her eyes.

Jennifer suddenly looks up at Edward and Edward repeats the same question again, "Tell me, who is the father of Jennifer Hardy?" Jennifer freed her hand and averted her eyes and said, "He doesn't live with us anymore. He has left me and Hardy."

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