
Little Fiancee

"Go back to your room beauty, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone, you don't want this, then it fine go and catch your beauty sleep while I deal with the rest hmm" Vladimir said to her. She blink once then twice before climbing up the stairs leaving the crowds of people who are there for her engagement in total confusion. The reporters began taking pictures ready for a hot topic for tomorrow news. He pull open his first two button and said to James his PA. "Make sure no one leaves here with a picture of what happen"

Cassie_Berry_9014 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
41 Chs

Don't call the doctor

Britney sigh uncrossing her arms.

"I slapped Malachi at the excursion" She spilled.

"What!! Ivanie exclaimed her eyes widen. You did what? But why that was sudden" Ivanie said.

"I..... Caught him kissing someone at the female hostel " Britney said.

"That not a first, he's always doing that so why the sudden outburst, you never complained" Ivanie said knowing for sure Malachi was someone as such.

"He I was quite I promise but he had to annoy me by asking what he did so wrong and I lost it" Britney said.

"Britney" Ivanie took Britney hands into her, caressing them to ease her.

"I understand you have feelings for Malachi, but you also know how Malachi is, you told me when all this first started that you were just passing the moment and it nothing out of ordinary, but Malachi and you spend most of the time together and there's no way a little thing wouldn't morph into something big" Ivanie told her.

"But you and Jace dated once...." Britney was saying but was cut off.

"But it didn't last long" Ivanie said.

"Well you both had to end it, there was no feeling to begin with" Britney said silently to Ivanie hearing.

"No because we were infatuated, you told me your self we were dating because it felt right but it was never meant to be" Ivanie said and continue.

"You have feelings for Malachi, while he's the opposite, you know Malachi don't do relationship because...." Ivanie was saying but Britney cut in.

"He's stupid and love to lay different types of women".

"Britney" Ivanie called the pissed girl Infront of her.

"Oh sorry " Britney zip her lips, and Ivanie sigh.

" You should try sorting things out with Malachi, maybe you can understand your situation with him better, instead of Beating around the bush with unnecessary things, You know Malachi he wouldn't hurt you intentionally he's your friend."

Britney sigh.

"Fine I would talk to Malachi but I won't promise not to slap him again " Britney said and Ivanie ended up chuckling.


Jace took out the coke from the vending machine he handed Malachi a can of coke and took a sit beside him at the hospital canteen.

"Soo?" Jace asked after taking his coke to his lips to take a sip.

"So what?" Malachi asked ignoring the obvious question Jace was laying out.

"So you and Britney, I noticed the awkward tension between you too you both are giving this weird looks to each other and she didn't come in your car, so what going on?"

Malachi stare at his coke as if he had found something interesting about it.

"Nothing" Malachi said.

"Don't tell me nothing" Jace said

"Well we had a fight" Malachi told him.

"You both fight everyday it nothing new" Jace replied.

"No this time we really had a fight, she slapped me" Malachi said.

"Damn man she did?" Jace asked surprised.

Malachi nodded looking away from his can to Jace who made a face like he was going to laugh and he did.

"Am sorry ah ah ah ah.....so sorry hmmm" Jace said clearing his throat.

"Yeah ah very funny" Malachi said.

"Um I didn't mean to make jest of your situation it just.... Britney isn't that aggressive unless you did something to her, what did you do?" Jace asked.

"Nothing, I don't recall doing anything to piss her off," Malachi said.

"Maybe you did do something you are unaware of" Jace said relaxing back.

"She wouldn't talk to me, she has been acting like am a deadly pest and I don't like it at all" Malachi said

"Of course you wouldn't" Jace replied, he received a glare from Malachi.

"You should try talking to her and maybe understand what wrong, you can't just receive a slap and not understand the reason why" Jace told him.

He pat Malachi shoulder and the male push his hand off.


After Ivanie's friends left for home, she was left alone again, Vlad had gone to grab their dinner at the canteen.

Ivanie adjusted her bed spread in process the door open, expecting to see Vlad instead it was the lady present with Vlad at their school seminar who walked.

Ivanie tried recollecting her name. 'yes Xenia'

Xenia walked in with with some bags in her hands, she noticed Ivanie on the bed and walked up to her.

Ivanie smiled waving a hello, Xenia simply nod.

"Where's Vlad?" She asked dropping the bags in her hands on the couch. Ivanie wasn't so pleased with how she behaved, wasn't she so bright and chatty back at their school seminar so what changed?

"He stepped out, you can....." The door open again and Vlad walked in with a food wrapped in a brown bag.

He saw Xenia in the room.


She was quick to get up and approach him, she hugged him sniffing.

"Vlad I thought something bad had happened, are you okay does it hurt anywhere" she asked pulling away.

Ivanie shift on her butt, 'why was she holding him so tight? Is she blind obviously she's the sick one not Vlad.

Vlad pulled Xenia back taking a step away from her.

"How did you know Something happened?" Vlad asked approaching Ivanie he sat on the stool close to her bed, he brought out what he went to buy for them laying it out in front of Ivanie.

"Umm it James he told me you were admitted to the hospital." Xenia said.

"You got the information wrong am fine, you don't have to worry you can go home now" Vlad told her without looking up.

Ivanie accepted the soup Vlad offered her and began sipping from it.

"But Vlad, you didn't call me neither did you text me do you know how worried I was I..."

" Xenia am fine really you need your rest am sure you are handling things at the office well" Vlad said finally looking at her.

Xenia straightened up looking from him to Ivanie who stayed quiet the entire time, Xenia nodded before turning to leave.

After she had walk out, Ivanie raise her head dropping her plate.

"Is she your friend?" she asked.

"Coworker" Vlad replied and Ivanie nodded, she had just lost her appetite. She push the plate back and took her phone again .

Vlad noticed this, he took the phone away pocketing it.

"Give it back" Ivanie demanded suddenly getting pissed.

"Finished your food Ivanie it would get cold" Vlad told her. Ivanie shook her head.

"Am not hungry"

"You need to take your medications Ivanie so you need to eat" Vlad said.

"My phone please" She demanded.

Vlad sigh and push the tray to a side.

"Don't be stubborn" Vlad told her.

"Don't talk to me like a kid" Ivanie replied him frowning he was doing it again and it annoys her each time he does that.

"Am I?" Bb lad asked.


"Fine how about now?" Vlad lean forward and lick the side of her lips his tongue close to her lips but hanging at the edge, it was a quick lap but it send a rush of emotion down Ivanie's stomach. Her breathe hitch and she forgot to breathe.

Vlad move back and whisper close to her hear.

"Breathe Ivanie we don't want you choking" Vlad told her. She hiccuped her eyes staring forward widen.

'What just happened' she thought her mind a mess, Vlad push the plate back Infront of her and she was quick to digg in.

Vlad smirk watching her eat.

He helped her with her drugs and tuck her in for the night.

Quarter past two Ivanie toss on her bed feeling uncomfortable, she sat up feeling her stomach rumble.

Ivanie sat up in haste getting an uncomfortable feeling down below and a rush of wetness. Her stomach ache to the extent she felt like crying.

"Vlad" Ivanie called her eyes watery and her clothe soaked in sweat even with the Aircon turned on.

"Vlad" Ivanie called again since he was fast asleep.

Vlad jolted awake to see a crying Ivanie who seem to be in a state of discomfort.

He rush up to her, cupping her cheek as she stare up at him wincing feeling the world greatest pain bang in her lower abdomen.

"What wrong?" Vlad asked.

"It hurts, very badly" Ivanie said.

"Uhn where should I call for the doctor," he asked reaching out to press the emergency button.

"No wait, I think ...." Ivanie tried getting two plus two together before it finally hit her like a settling volcano.

She seems to be in her monthly circle the the most embarrassing thing was she must have gotten it all over the bed spread.

Vlad proceeded to pull her up the duvet but Ivanie was quick to clamp down on it.


Vlad blink unsure, She look to be in pain but she wouldn't let him touch her.

"Should I call a doctor then"

"No don't call them it embarrassing" Ivanie said in tears again, she wince again leaning down clutching her abdomen.

"What wrong Ivanie I have to understand in order to know how to help" Vlad requested.

"I... I..." Ivanie raised the duvet a little bit to show him the mess she made.

" Oh, What the Fu....!!" Vlad stopped he didn't want to use language Infront of her but seeing her bleed made him panic.

"You are bleeding!!" Vlad said pulling off the duvet in a hurry and the next seconds he had pressed the emergency button.

"I...." Vlad had already pressed the button.

The doctors came flying in the next seconds.

"What happened?" The doctor asked coming over, he got to the bed to see a patch of blood soaked on the bed.

Ivanie had her hands to her face closing them in embarrassment her ears was seriously red.

Vlad shifted from feet to another worried.

"Is she alright?" Vlad asked.

"Have you seen your monthly circle this month " the doctor asked and Ivanie was shaking her head.

"That why, she's completely fine, it just a normal thing women go through, she will be fine...."

"It normal for them to bleed???" Bb lad asked surprised looking back at Ivanie sickly face which was back to being pale white. She hid her face in her palm again.



The doctor look at him speechless, how could he not know women bleed every month.

"Yes they do bleed" the doctor replied.

"What!!" Vlad exclaimed not liking the sound of that.

"Actually we shed blood every month every year till menopause" the nurse present interrupted.

"What!!!" Vlad voice was almost penetrating the wall.

"What do you mean they bleed every month, how's she going to survive that, I don't want her bleeding to death please do something to stop it" Vlad said panicking, he isn't ready to lose her.

"It not healthy for her if the bleeding stops especially if it stops at such young age" the doctor told him.

"A nurse will bring some drugs, give it to her, it helps ease the pain." The doctor said, he signal the nurse to take out the dirty blanket and exchange it with a new one.

Ivanie was taken to the bathroom to have a change of hospital gown and a new set of underwear with pad to collect the flow.

Vlad pace outside the bathroom door waiting for Ivanie to come out but she refused to even after the doctor and nurse had gone away.

She was too embarrassed to, after the display of drama Vlad made.