
Little ELf

She was the little Elf girl. She was the Moon Crystals She was their light. A girl who possessed so much power at a young age when she was born into the Kendra family. Everytime Elf lays to sleep, she always has a dream immediately after waking up. Of course her life shattered right in the moment she started experiencing some power which pulls the public attention and she has to be taken by the government who believe they have a solution to her problem. But little did she know that they're nothing but the people who had been looking for her. They were the Black witches who had been sending some unknown creatures to the world all in the name of searching for. And what could be worse than knowing that they were the one who killed her parents

Ofotokun_Bridget · Fantasie
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5 Chs


Chapter two

Queen aurora explained, hoping that she will understand but she didn't just get it all. Her expression shows that she wasn't ready to let go of the innocent girl.

"I'm sorry but I can't! I just can't give her to you okay? She's special to me and now she's my daughter.. you just can't walk into my house and be threatening me that you want to take away my daughter. Everly uttered with sad countenance wishing that the woman could understand how she feels right now.

"I don't get you but let me remind you again that I was the one who gave you that girl?. She's one of us and if you don't know; she's a hybrid of human and Witch. So since you can't try to cooperate with me, then I'm sorry to say that I have to take her away from you forcely if that's the means I could get her.

Aurora utter! And there's no way I could let you have my daughter after all those years of suffering? After all those years I have been training her and now you just came all of a sudden and how am I supposed to believe you.

"Give me the child now if not you wouldn't like what will happen! Aurora threaten as she laughed and walk inside the room. " Elf where are you?" Everly called her daughter immediately they got inside.

" I'm inside my room mother!" The innocent Elf who doesn't know what was happening at the moment uttered as she walk to his room and gripped her by the hands as they come outside through the backdoor without the attention of her husband.

"Shhhh you've to keep quiet and follow me okay! Don't say a words. Elf wasn't listening to her mother at the moment but the woman who she have seen earlier.

"Mother look at your back!" Elf uttered as the petrified and terrified Everly turn back only to see her worst nightmare. She had almost had a heart attack on seeing her. She's Indeed a witch just like as she had said.

"Ohhh my gosh! She breath helplessly and turn to look at Elf. She held her hand and immediately they started running. "Momma what's going on? Why are we running? The innocent Elf who didn't know what was happening at the moment asked his mother who was silent at the moment.

"Please let hide here for now until that woman is gone because she's very evil. Everly had said as they hid under a wall but that was all in Vail as Aurora still manage to find them. She can decent the scent of the innocent girl and after all she's part of them. They've the same blood type.

"I can see you and her Everly! Listen; if actually you don't want to test my patients just give up already and hand her over to me. I promise to bring her back after two years of my experiment didn't I? So you just gotta give up on her and after all, she isn't even your real child.

Aurora uttered and that pull Elf's attention. Is that true mother? Is she really right that you're notmy mother? Elf ask but Everly immediately covered her mouth. "Please be quiet and don't believe whatever that woman is saying because she's lying! I'm your biological mother and you know that right?

Everly ask as she nodded her Head. "Don't listen to her little girl! She's lying to you. She's just brainwashing you to believe her lies. Everly isn't your biological mother. I am your mother! You are part of us! You are a Witch and you gotta follow me now before the hunter who are hunting us get holds of you.

Aurora uttered as Elf raise her head up from her hiding place. "Is she telling the truth? Is that really true Mother? Elf was speechless and didn't know who to trust.

" That's not true my daughter so come back to me! Don't go go her because she's evil. Everly uttered crying in the moment on finding out that she's about to loose her daughter.

Aurora draw near to her and pull her into her arms as she glare at Everly one more time before planning to vanished with her. "I told you didn't i? I told you that you can't win this and which was the reason why you could have surrounder Sooner.

But anyway have a little faith and hope about her not being the person we needed if not. She decided to leave her last words as a parable to her before disappearing with her.

Everly cried out her eyes when Aurora went away with her daughter. Know who's she going to call her daughter? Who will she send an errand now that her daughter have been taken away from her. Not only that but how's she going to explain this to her husband?

How will he feel when he heard about this? She thought as tears stream out of her eyes profusely. She can't just help it.


Elf wasn't scared of following the strange woman who she just meet. But she just wanted answer to her mysteries dreams which she always had and know the meaning to it and it seems like a woman taking her to some places was Also part of the dream which she had.

Elf gasped at the sight of the magnifying building in front of her. The place was more like an estate and where they are right now was a Castle. Some people were flying up while some other was practicing magic. Now this was also part of the dream which she had saw.

"Seems like you're very excited to be here! But why are you so engrossed at everything? Do you actually know about this or have you seen them in real life?

Aurora ask the innocent girl who was just staring at everything with amazement. "No I haven't seen them in reality. but I always have a dream of it where I was here which was the reason why I followed you!

A smile crept through her lips when she realizes that Elf was the girl which they've been looking for all those whiles.


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