
Little ELf

She was the little Elf girl. She was the Moon Crystals She was their light. A girl who possessed so much power at a young age when she was born into the Kendra family. Everytime Elf lays to sleep, she always has a dream immediately after waking up. Of course her life shattered right in the moment she started experiencing some power which pulls the public attention and she has to be taken by the government who believe they have a solution to her problem. But little did she know that they're nothing but the people who had been looking for her. They were the Black witches who had been sending some unknown creatures to the world all in the name of searching for. And what could be worse than knowing that they were the one who killed her parents

Ofotokun_Bridget · Fantasie
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5 Chs



Chapter 4

Mr. Smith and Leah did move out of the village the next day to the city. It was a horrific day for the witches. They were very sad and angry on finding out the key to be missing..they didn't see the necklace key. It was impossible for them to find out where the key was because they couldn't even detected the scent which means that it was nowhere to be found in the whole village. They did everything they could do to draw the scent of the necklace but non of that happened. Now they're left with one one solution. It's either to go look for the necklace.


little Brandon who had took the necklace actually lost it when his parents had stopped the car so he could urinates outside and through out that process, the necklace fell down from his neck. His mother Carried him back to the car as they continue their driving. Brandon soon realised that the necklace wasn't with him as he tried telling his mother to stop but as a one year old child his speech Wasn't that clear and his parents couldn't understand the facial expressions which the child was trying to display.

He was really angry and had Began to cry after missing the necklace. But what can he do? He just hope that he will come Across the necklace surely one day.

"Ohhh darling what is it?" It's everything okay? His parents who doesn't understand what was happening to him ask as he cried more making a puppy Face.

"Ohhh darling please stop crying!" Are you hungry? Did you need something to eat? His mother ask giving him a Biscuit as he flig it away with one of his hands and he cried more louder.

"Ohhh now this boy is freaking me out!" What's even wrong with him? Her mother ask getting frustrated already as they leave him to cry there until he was tired.


"Vera" Vera heard her mother in-law calling her name as she turned to glared at her with the most cheerful smiles she could ever display. "What is it mother?" She ask stopping whatever she was doing in the kitchen to listen to what she has to say. "When will you bear a child for my son?" Her cheerful smile drop off on hearing the unpleasant words coming from her mouth. Her heart did skip a bit as her thoughts went wide.

"I actually don't know ma'am but very soon! She uttered so assured. "And how are you so sure of that?" You've been with my son for almost a year now but still they isn't any child from you. Just look at my other Sons who got married three months ago, his wife is already pregnant while you're still a barren till now Vera. Have it in mind that I'm giving you two months to become pregnant if not, I'm going to throw you away from my son's house after all I own you and my son.

Shiver run down her spine on hearing such words coming from her mouth. Could this woman ever be nice to her? Why's she just treating her this way? Tears threaten to fall down from her eyes as she held it in. She can't let it out now! She can't show her, her weaknesses. "Mother please just be patient", I believe that everything have their own time"


Vera have no intentions on coming here but she has no choice other than to come here and represent herself on behalf of her husband who was still at work. Today was her mother in-law birthday and she had invited her and her husband so if she has fail to come now they will be a problem because her mother in-law will be nagging her with words as always.

Her mood has already been shattered by her words so she's just going to sit down in one place and then wait patiently till the party is over so she could go home. The times was already 6PM and the party just get started. The party finally come to end around 8pm as she gave her the gifts which she has brought and then say a Good bye to her before walking away.

Vera hopped in her car, started the ignition and then reverse backward as she drove away. She turn on a sad music from her phone as she connect it to the car Bluetooth. While the song was playing, tears was streaming out of her eye uncontrollably. now this is the perfect time for her to cry out her eyes without people asking her what the Problem is because they will never understand. They will never understand how it feels. Not until they're in her position.

Her eyes suddenly caught some quite interesting while she was driving. It was this yellow glowing something around the corner of the road and she was really so curious to find out what that thing might be. Without hesitation, she halted the car in the middle of the road not minding the fact that it was dark and arm Robber could just come out any moment. But she can't continue driving without seeing that thing that was shining like the moon. What if it was something very important?she thought as she finally walk towards it and behold it was this Gold necklace in form of a key.

Her mouth gasped open in total amusement as she glared at the necklace finding it to be beautiful. But who the hell could have lost something as precious here? She thought and glare back to see if someone was looking at it but nobody was. Thank God she was only alone at that moment. But what is a beautiful necklace Like this doing in such a place? Could it be that someone accidentally midplace it? She thought and glare around again before picking the necklace. Immediately she pick the necklace the light which was booming around it goes off immediately as she held it in her hands. Now let see what we got here!


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