
Little ELf

She was the little Elf girl. She was the Moon Crystals She was their light. A girl who possessed so much power at a young age when she was born into the Kendra family. Everytime Elf lays to sleep, she always has a dream immediately after waking up. Of course her life shattered right in the moment she started experiencing some power which pulls the public attention and she has to be taken by the government who believe they have a solution to her problem. But little did she know that they're nothing but the people who had been looking for her. They were the Black witches who had been sending some unknown creatures to the world all in the name of searching for. And what could be worse than knowing that they were the one who killed her parents

Ofotokun_Bridget · Fantasie
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5 Chs



Chapter 5

Vera Went home with the necklace and found her husband already at home. "Good evening honey!" She greeted him with the most feign cheerful smile she had always display for everyone. "Ohhh you've finally back! How was the party? "Good, splendid! It was perfect! She uttered her voice a bit high as she fell on the bed. Her husband who have already know that something wasn't right leaned towards her on the bed and then held her hand.

"What is it this time around?" What's the problem my love! Vera couldn't hide the fact that she was still angry and neither can she hide her sadness from her husband. Her husband was the only one who understand her and the only person who loves her dearly dispase the fact that she has provide for him a child to make their family complete again.

"It's..... act.....!" She Sutter unable to uttered a words as tears flowed down from her cheeks. "It's okay please stop crying! My mother bullied you again didn't she? "Yeah!" She uttered sniffing her nostrils as her husband pulled her to a hug. "It's okay my love!" Please don't mind whatever my mother says to you okay, because there's no way I'm leaving you no matter what happened. You Will always be my wife and nothing can depart us apart so clean your tears and met me for dinner. Vera glared at the necklace as she wish her day would be bright as the necklace was but nothing like that can ever happen in her life. She doesn't think that she will find happiness again except she produce a child.

She stood, went to the bathroom and took her bath while she went to the dinner to see what her husband had prepared. It was nothing but her favourite spaghetti dishes.

"Did you prepared this by yourself or the maid did? She ask in curiousity as he nodded his head. "What is it? Seriously you seem to be doubting the type of husband you have don't you? Joe shrugged at her as she laughed. "Not at all honey! I'm just so surprised how you were able to cook it this delicious. It's exactly like my taste. I love it!


After dinner, the two of them went to bed. Vera was still distracted with so many thoughts running through her mind. She was also scared at the moment. She doesn't want to feel this way but she can't just help herself.

But what if eventually she doesn't get pregnant? What if she remain motherless like this? Ohhh no it can't happen. She whimpered immediately and remove the blanket from her body as she glared at her husband who was sleeping peacefully.

He isn't even bother if it take all Years for her to conceive because he loves her dearly. But as for her, she's bothered because of the pressure Everyone is putting on her. If only she knew her stressful marriage was she couldn't have agreed to marry him.

Vera opened the door and exist the room as she enter the guest room. She wanted to be alone. Away from her husband so she could cried out her feelings. she sat at the edge of the bed and then brought out the necklace which she had found and talk to it like a friend.

"But whys my own case just different?" Why can't I have a child like everybody else? I really wish to have a child. A child who will make my family again. I don't care of the gender the child might be thouh it might be a boy or girl, I will accept you whelmed heartedly into my heart and treasure you like a gold. She shrugged at the necklace and just then she heard the sound of the door opening.

It was her husband. She clean off her tears immediately and stood up. "What are you doing here? Come on let's go and sleep. Joe uttered as he placed a kiss on her lips while she reciprocate back the kiss.

"Seems like this was what you wanted by looking for me Huh?" She shrugged at her as he stopped for a while to catch his breath. "Don't you want to conceive?" I assure you that after this night you're gonna conceived because I believe so due to the way I will handle you! "Ummmm you really think don't you? Okay let's see what you got.


Last night they had a splendid night together making her to forget all her worries. Vera had gone to the hospital to check what was wrong with her after being sick for like two weeks.

She was always tired and could barely do anything. Joe her husband took her to the hospital and it came as a news that she was pregnant. Joe was very overjoyed on hearing such news she so was her after she had wake up.

"Honey please what is it? Why I'm I here? She had ask her husband who was smiling continuously after she had woke up. "The doctor said you are pregnant" her Joy known no bound when her husband broke such news to her.

Everybody were very happy to find out she was pregnant including her mother in-law who used to insult her and treat her like a trash before but now she respect her and was nice to her. Vera received a very nice treatment from everybody during her pregnancy which leave her dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that everybody who treated her like a trash and nothing suddenly became nice to her all because of her pregnancy then she do wonder what will happen if she has been put to birth.

Vera wake up one midnight to urinate herself when suddenly her water pot broke out. Her scream was deafening enough that nobody in the house could sleep. Her mother in-law who was sleeping in the guest room heard her screaming and knew that it was time for her to be put to birth.

They took her to a nearby hospital that night but it was difficult for her to give birth. The whether changes it colours that everyone inside the hospital could feel what was happening outside. As she scream in pain, the weather become more light in blue colour.

They found it so strange but the midwife never fails to try their best in removing the child which was stuck in her stomach. The whether was in one position for about three hours before it's finally went back to the normal dark one it was. Immediately the whether changes Back, the child come out of the womb immediately leaving the midwife dumbfounded.

"It's a baby girl!" They chorus in happiness as they do all the necessary thing with the child and wrapped her Body. They handed her over the child as tears prick out of her eyes on seeing her baby.

"You've finally make me proud!" Thank you so much for fulfilling my dream. She shrugged at the child as she cooed she smiled at her.


If only she knew the monster she had given birth to. It only she knew how the child came into existence she wouldn't be so much happy because the child was the trap child of the Necklace which they've been searching for and it seems like she was just reborn again.


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