
Little Daisy

It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him. Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love. Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!! Will they end up happily or not? Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..

Peach_blossom_Rii · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Trust (1)

"Hey!! Nina, what's wrong?" Keke asked her.

"Umm nothing let's go", Xi Nina smiled.

They left from there.


Mu Yinran's desk..

24th floor..

He was thinking something..

On the other side Ah Ting was pilling an apple.

A man arrived.

"Master.." he bowed.

"Hmm, how about yours trip?" Mu Yinran asked.


"Something new?"

"Yeah, but we need to dig more information.."

"Umm Wen Li, I want to investigate the incident properly.

I don't believe that it's merely an accident but I think it's more complicated.."

"Master, we will do our best..

Trust me." Wen Li said firmly.

"Wen Li.." Mu Yinran smiled faintly, "Since when did you stay beside me?"

"From 6 years.."

"Then, do you think if I haven't trust you I let you stay beside me?", he raised his brows.

"Thank you.." Wen Li smiled.

"Hey Li Ge*, come here.." Ah Ting called out.

He turned around.

"Look at you two..

Keep your formality aside when we three are here.." Ah Ting laughed.

"Ehh, that's.." Wen Li tried to say something.

"Ah Li, Ah Ting is right.

Even though, you are my assistant but the truth is we are friends from childhood..

So now no formalities.." Mu Yinran put his hand on his shoulder.

"Well, bro then tell me, have you found our sister-in-law?" Wen Li asked excitedly.

"Ahem ahem.." Ah Ting chuckled, "Wanna see? then come with me.."

He stretched his hand.

"Shut up.." Mu Yinran pushed his hand away, "I'll introduce you right time."

"After all it's so many years..I'm afraid she might be forget me..

I want chase after her again and make her fall in love with me, Mu Yinran.." he sighed while smiling.

"Bro.." Wen Li suddenly found Mu Yinran quite pathetic.

"Hey! don't worry.." Mu Yinran gave him a cigarette..

When Wen Li wanted to lit it..

"Hey..go there." Mu Yinran pushed him lightly, "Don't smoke here."

"Hmph! who wants your cigarette?" Wen Li pouted.

"Haha.." both brother laughed after seeing his reaction..

"Hey bros, let's go to the bar after work.." Ah Ting overjoyed, "We will celebrate your welcome party.."

"Also call Gu Mo and Xia Qi then.." Mu Yinran said.

"Yesss!" Wen Li laughed.


Few hours later..

Xi Nina came to Chairman's office..

It's in the top floor..

Knock knock!!

"Come in" she heard Mu Yinran's cold yet charming voice...

[*Ge- Brother in Chinese..]