
Little chick is now The Tyrant Queen

Babu1001 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Jurasssssic Jungle

All around her were lush green trees and bushes . Huge coniferous trees and Cycads dotted the landscape . There were also various strange shrubs and creepers which looked quite comical to look at . Just as she continued marveling the landscape , a huge shadow covered the sky .

When she looked up , she saw a giant foot descending from the sky , almost ready to crush her . Frightened , she tried to run , only to see that she could only drift about slowly and could not run in air .

What was more surprising was that the foot passed through her without any problems and she was absolutely fine . She then remembered that she was not in her body and maybe she was in a dream or something like that .

Looking up , she saw that the foot which was as big as a small room was walking away . She moved further back and strained her neck to lookeven higher and she finally saw that the giant foot was connected to a huge pillar like leg which was slowly rising and falling helping the huge creature to walk .

Slowly she floated higher and higher , until she finally saw the part of the body above the leg . It was quite different from what she saw on Television . Though the body was covered in scales , there were large areas which seemed to be scars left from battle and there was a huge hole in its tail which appeared to look like s rabbit hole in a mountain .

The huge creature was a dinosaur !

Right in the flesh ! And much much BIGGER AND SCARIER than it's cartoon counterpart .

The huge creature had a neck as long as it's tail and a head which could only said to be small when compared to its mountain like body .

The creature was a Turiasaurus , the largest Titan in the Jurassic Era .

[ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/turiasaurus-riodevensis-life-restoration-by-sal-velasco-martel--326862885451946392/ ]

But Marie's initial amazement wore off when she saw that all that the dinosaur did was eat , eat , drink and eat .

Finally bored of it , she flew around until she saw a T Rex .

Wait , was that even a T rex ? She remembered seeing it on TV and it seemed to be only a little bigger than a bus ... but the one on front of her was humongous . It was almost half the size of the Long necked Dino that she had seen earlier . It was totally different from the TV version , not only in terms of size but also features .

It's head was reddish and brown but it's back and spinal area was slightly bluish and seemed to have lesser scales and more of some dark shaded feathers . It's teeth fit in its jaw perfectly and did not protrude outside its jaws .

Though it's mouth was covered with dried blood and several parts of its bluish scales were also covered in grime and blood , it did not look disgusting . Rather they seemed to be like scars on a proud general's face , showcasing it's power and strength .

For some reason , she did not grow scared on seeing this dinosaur . In fact she even felt some kind of familiarity from it , compelling her to get closer to it .

Unable to resist the call , she drifted forward until she was right in front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex .

Just as she was about to try communicating with it , a beep flashed and the contract appeared again , only this time it's contents were different .




And then all she felt was a rush of information into her head and memories which were not there now popped up in her mind .

It took her quite some time before she could digest all of it and accept those memories as a part of herself .

Though it seemed to have taken several hours , outside it had barely been 15 minutes since she got kicked .

The men got to their secret hideout and then threw her into an empty room while they went to eat some food .