
Little chick is now The Tyrant Queen

Babu1001 · Fantasie
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3 Chs


As the skies darkened and the sun set , a van sped on the dim lit road . The man driving was anxious , as though the van contained a pile of bombs about to explode .

Though in reality , it was just one bomb . A really tiny bomb .

The 2 men in the back tried their best to hold down the little girl who was struggling ferociously .

" What the heck ! I told you needed to give her more powder . "

" But Boss , you said too much of that powder could cause problems which might be risky ? "

" Shut your fart hole Dougg , don't act all smartassy " growled the man angrily .

2 hours back ...

Marie was outside the garden looking at the blue and green vehicles passing by . Life as a rich little kid sure was easy , but unfortunately that meant that you would be too busy as an adult to give your kids company . Her parents were out again , and her older brothers were busy playing video games . The mansion had a lot of servants , but they were usually too busy to chat . The nanny had also taken leave today and that made Marie go crazy with boredom .

She had played with her dolls for an hour , she then tried reading some books and then she even tried doing a handstand only to end up getting a sore hand and a sprained leg .

So here she was , sitting and counting the blue and green vehicles on the road to pass the time . Seeing that she was seated quite far away from the gate , the watchman decided to go relieve himself .

Unfortunately no sooner had he left than Marie decided that she could not see the road clear enough , and so she tiptoed to the gate . Standing at the gate , she felt the pleasant breeze on her cheeks and merrily hummed a tune .

At that moment , someone suddenly brought a knife to her throat and pressed it mildly . She was about to yell , when the man shushed her and gave a fierce glare at the knife , as if to convey that if she dared to yell , he would kill her then and there . Noticing her becoming silent , he grabbed a handkerchief and pressed it to her mouth , until she became unconscious . Then he used her finger to unlock the gate and grabbed her .

Another masked man brought a rope and tied her up and stuffed a gag .

" I was almost ready to use the special toy to lure her over ... who would have thought that stupid kid would come out on her own ? Heh Heh ! "

" Stop gloating and get in , we have to be quick ... the front camera should have already noticed us . "

As if on cue , a few guards could be faintly seen running towards the gate . Immediately , the man and his companion rushed into their van and sped off . The security guards tried to pursue them , but they could not match up to the modified van which also had a prop to spray tear gas .

All seemed to be going well for the kidnappers who planned to contact the family for a large ransom the next day when ... the girl woke up .

The effect of the powder had worn off and Marie slowly woke up only to find herself tied up and gagged . Slowly recollecting what had happened to her , she felt that she had to escape . She tried moving her hands and legs . When they could not move , she twisted and turned violently hoping to make a tear in the binds and break free .

Back to now ...

The mean tried to hold her still , but she was surprisingly energetic for a kid . Even after an hour , she would not be quiet and accept her fate .

Her violent rolling even smashed one guy's nose and the other's thumb . Although all they needed was to hold her still , after doing it for an hour , both the men were getting tired . If not for the fact that they would get no money if she was dead , they would not mind killing her right there and then .

" I say boss , why not atleast threaten her with the knife ? If she keeps up , my nose might get permanently deformed !!! "

" With how she is resisting , do you think she will be still ? At best , the knife might stab her and kill her ... at worst , the knife might hurt one of us instead !! So keep shut and leave the thinking to me , got it ? "

" Ughh what you say boss "

Saying that he turned and gave the resisting girl a hard kick which made her bang hard into the door . The slam was not heavy enough to kill her but it did knock her out cold . Even as she lost consciousness , she could hear the men yammering at how to make the wound dissappear when they would take a video of her asking her parents to pay money and save her .



