
Chapter 26

Sacha's POV

I was glad to have Remy in my corner like a time like this. I needed my best friend back and I had her.

After hours at the hospital, after down pour of tears and after I threw my hormonal tantrums, I was at home resting on my favorite couch.

I mind instantly went back to Christian. He had me on this couch just some hours ago, kissing me and holding me in his strong arms.

I exhaled heavily. No matter how much I tried to calm myself, my mind would visit memories of him or my little sister and I would get angry all over again.

I reached for a vase and smashed it and screamed with rage and pure anger.

"Sacha." Remy said.

"I needed to let that out, Remy."

"How about we try to take your mind off what happened?"

"How? Huh? How are you going to do that when my life is practically built around Christian and my sister. They both make up the most memories of my life and my happiness."