
Little Big Chief

A young Isha finds himself being washed along a forsaken coast, surrounded by the mangled wreckage of what appears to be a ship. However, he soon discovers that this beach is not so forsaken. Filled with hostile creatures and beings, this world will demand excellence if he is to survive.

RightGnome · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

Isha's consciousness flared into existence.

[WARNING: You have 87 seconds of air remaining.]

He opened his eyes underwater and felt the immediate sting of the ocean.

Isha panicked for a moment and then remembered his survival training. He knew he had to orient himself to the situation, so he began looking for light. Finding it, he quickly swam toward it and broke through the surface of the water.

Letting out a huge gasp for air, he was able to look around for a few moments, but he noticed something heavy hanging off of his face...

'Is that a beard? Why do I have a huge WHITE beard?'

He was treading water and watching his hair float with the waves.

There was something else wrong. The waves seemed...bigger.

'Maybe the gravity is more prominent on this planet...wait.'

He looked around, trying to remember what had just happened.

Isha knew he was on the Continuous Survival Pod with his mom, and now, he was floating in an ocean.

Sheer panic began coursing through his veins, but he felt the drug limit his heartrate and calm him down.

He'd be fine. He just needed to get to shore and find his mom's data banks. Then it hit him, 'My Comm!' He touched his ear, expecting to feel the artificial flesh from the implant, but only felt a small piece of jewelry hanging off his lobe.

This body. It was different. It was wrong.

This wasn't HIS body.

'Who am I wearing?'

Isha's mental breakdown was interrupted by the sound of wood cracking and splintering, followed by a massive splash that managed to reach him and spray his face.

The saline water got in his mouth and tasted dreadful.

'Note to self, don't turn TOWARD the falling objects.'

He was comfortably treading water for a few moments, trying to determine a direction, when he heard someone yell, "OOOOOOOORRRRRRCCCSSSSS!!!!!"

Turning to the voice, he noticed an outcropping of rocks far off into the distance, seemingly floating upon the water.

Isha instantly realized what was happening. It was a mirage. Basically, the light was bouncing off the sand in such a way that caused it to reflect the light almost perfectly, creating a mirror-like effect that could fool anyone in the ocea-"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

The man he had heard was screaming bloody murder and was evidently unaware of the next strike that ended him.

[WARNING: Your Slave, Jeremiah Pickett [Indentured Fisherman (Level - 17)], has been slain.]

Isha felt something cold wash across his soul.

It was a pull.

A calling.

He NEEDED to help them.

The words in his mind weren't too different from his smaller AIs, but this was...it was different. This wasn't an AI at all. It was some 'old-school' system. Kinda like...

'Bring up my Status.'


[<Slave Driver> Orion Goldgleam (Level - 28)]

Race: High Gnome

Primary Class: Slave Driver [Rare] (Level - 25) {Tier Up Available!}

Secondary Class: Trader [Uncommon] (Level - 3) {Tier Up Locked.}

Tertiary Class: Locked

Health - 478/520 (92%)

Stamina - 770/1000 (77%)

Command - 1190/1190 (100%)

Strength - 10

Dexterity - 10

Vitality - 20

Constitution - 30

Intelligence - 30

Charisma - 52

Congenital Traits: 

Gnomish Intelligence - Gnomes are renowned for their innate curiosity and ridiculously sharp intellect. This racial trait reflects their natural aptitude for learning, problem-solving, and innovation.

[+10 Intelligence, +5 Charisma]

Cold-Hearted Trait - Cold-Hearted individuals possess an increased propensity for violence, and their demeanor is often described as 'ruthless and unfeeling.' This trait is marked by a diminished moral compass, leading to increased adaptability and survival rates, particularly in hostile environments.

[-10 Charisma; significantly reduced emotional range.]


Primary Class Abilities:

Inspire [Epic] - While many slave masters rely on Commands and Mental Magic, those who possess the Inspire ability rise above those primitive methods. Instead of instilling loyalty through pain and reduced autonomy, you have the exceptional ability to inspire greatness and loyalty among those under your dominion.

[Variable Cost: Variable Effect]

Benevolent Bond [Rare] - You possess the rare ability to guarantee fair treatment. A double-edged sword, as your obligation to treat your Slave well is written into the Bond. 

[200 Command Points: Increases the Willpower Threshold of Offensive Bond creation by 50%]

Skill Slot 3 - [Locked]

Skill Slot 4 - [Locked]

Skill Slot 5 - [Locked]

Passive Skills:

Overseer [Rare] - Your expertise in 'doing' allows you to command a group of people who perform better as a group than as individuals.

[Variable Effect: No Cost (Scales with applicable knowledge and experience in the task at hand.)]

Dreadful Bearing [Rare] - Your Charisma is flavored with a feeling of dread. Even those who do not fear you respect your abilities.

(Warning: This effect increases with 'knowledge' of the bearer's deeds.]

Passive Skill Slot 3 - [Locked]

Passive Skill Slot 4 - [Locked]

Passive Skill Slot 5 - [Locked]


Secondary Class Abilities:

Barter [Common] - You have the ability to swing price negotiations your way when dealing with a System Trade or any other Traders.

[Warning: This Ability is unable to force loss. Should you enter into a meaningful exchange, you will never be able to force another Trader into less than 10% profit.]

Skill Slot 2 - [Locked]

Skill Slot 3 - [Locked]

Skill Slot 4 - [Locked]

Skill Slot 5 - [Locked]

Passive Skills:

Passive Skill Slot 1 - [Locked]

Passive Skill Slot 2 - [Locked]

Passive Skill Slot 3 - [Locked]

Passive Skill Slot 4 - [Locked]

Passive Skill Slot 5 - [Locked]


Slave Levels - 179/260* (48/260)

*Jeremiah Pickett [Indentured Fisherman (Level - 17)] [Deceased]*

*Kael Ironfoot [Master Blacksmith (Level - 78)] [Deceased]*

*Darian [Indentured Craftsman (Level - 23)] [Deceased]*

*Rowan [Indentured Pikeman (Level - 11)] [Deceased]*

*Lysander Blackwater [Enslaved Noble (Level - 2)] [Deceased]*

Current Slaves:

Thaddeus Stormweaver [High Wizard (Level - 48)]


Isha felt a rush of anxiety, but he quickly grasped the information. This world resembled the Immersive Virtual Reality games people enjoyed intergalactically, with one crucial distinction–this was not a game.

Just as Isha got to the shore, he noticed he was alone, seemingly only accompanied by lumber from the wreckage.

Isha felt the urge to hide, but it was quickly culled by a force within himself. The 'call' to help his people was making itself known.

He took a deep breath.

Then he got to work.